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Ian McCallum

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Posts posted by Ian McCallum

  1. On 10/08/2021 at 15:52, Xilman said:

    Undoubtedly unfortunate.

    However, it might be of negligible effect when using it. It might be worth trying it out before seeing if you can ask for a refund.

    At least one professional telescope, the 2.7m at McDonald Observatory, is still in constant use despite the primary being shot seven times with a 9mm handgun at point blank range and then hit  several times with a hammer. The craters so formed produce a roughly 1% drop in light gathering and a minor amount of diffraction artifacts.



  2. These were taken with a smartphone holder attached to the eyepiece. 

    Another wee muck about with the Sky-Watcher Evostar 120 achromatic refractor and the moon, this evening. I was using a Meade Super Plossl 15mm eyepiece. 

    I actually saw Orion for the first time in ages. Betelguese looked not too bad, as was Rigel. I could even make out the Orion Nebula and 3 of the Trapezium stars too.



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  3. On 29/09/2021 at 14:14, Louis D said:

    For low power views they would probably be fine.  You could always add a Baader Contrast Booster to suppress all purple and deep blue light if the color fringing bothers you.

    At high powers, their chromatic and spherical aberrations would detract from the view.  It really depends on what you want out of a refractor.

    Whilst I was forewarned about CA with achromats, I picked up a used SW Evostar 120 recently.  I can easily detect the purple fringing and it's more obvious than I thought it was going to be.  I guess having used a 8" Dob for over 18 months has spoiled me...🙄

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  4. Firstly, Jupiter with the Sky-Watcher Evostar120 Achro - using the whole BST StarGuider range 25mm-3.2mm.  CA was apparent right through-out the who range of magnifications.  There was a bit of a breeze this evening, which didn't help seeing.  I decided to move onto Almach, which I discovered by accident recently.  I used the whole range of the BST eyepieces again, but couldn't obtain a totally clear image, as seeing wasn't great.  CA was present on the images I was viewing, having being previously spoilt by a 8" Dobsonian.

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  5. 2 minutes ago, Alien 13 said:

    The EQ5 is a good mount for visual use provided its not overloaded if an Equatorial platform is what you want, the addition of even the single axis motor will keep most objects in the FOV for many minutes providing stress free viewing.

    I mentioned visual use but it can track well enough for Lunar or Planetary imaging which is often done by short bursts of video or very wide field AP with a DSLR and say a 50mm lens but anything else starts to make things more difficult though not impossible.


    Any video or photos will just be occasionally, the vast majority of stuff will be visual.

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  6. 2 minutes ago, Stu1smartcookie said:

    Firstly , congrats on the scope and the potential mount purchase , Ian . 

    An EQ5 is a great mount that will easily cope with the 120 . Where people have cause for concern is when attempting serious  astrophotography with the mount  . Most people recommend an HEQ5 . 

    But for visual the mount is sound and is rightfully reknowned as a classic. 

    I think the payload maximum  for visual is listed around 9kgs . 

    Any Cons ?... maybe you can update the altitude bolts as they tend to want to bend , also i believe the mount comes with very short slow motion controls rather than the long cables . 


    I plan in the future to get one of the Scopetech 80mm F15 refractors from Autie @FLO, so that will be the longer OTA to go on the EQ5.  No problems regarding the bolts, as I've already been forewarned in a YouTube video. I think one set is M8 and the other is M10, so no major problems.

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  7. I'm close to pulling the trigger on buying a SW EQ5 Deluxe mount and tripod, for my recently purchased 2nd hand SW Evostar 120. 

    My thinking is that this mount should easily cope with with telescope, with no problems. I'm hoping it's somewhat futureproof for most things I'll ever use on it. 

    I really like to do my research on a potential new purchase, so that I don't end up with the proverbial 'white elephant'. 

    Those who have this or previously used it, what's the quirks, idiosyncrasies, pros and cons of this mount, please? 🤔

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