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shropshire lad

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  1. Well just watched the ISS pass between the Moon and Jupiter, very special moment.
  2. Just watched the ISS pass between the Moon and Jupiter, anyone else spotted this tonight.
  3. Can't get it to install on my Windows 10 Laptop .. I think it's due to missing .dll files according to an error pop up on screen.
  4. I have a budget of around £500 so think that might not be enough for all the bits, Also need to decide if the upgrade will give me much better images (I have included a few of my images). I would like to get a decent image of Saturn and Jupiter.
  5. No, been stargazing for around 3 years now, but never had a telescope only been using my Sigma 150-600mm C lens but want to upgrade to a decent scope..
  6. Hi... Does anybody use the above equipment as I'm thinking of getting the 72ed to use with my Canon 70D camera.
  7. Thanks Alan ... I'll give that a look. Paul
  8. I have taken some video of the moon, whats the best way to extract a stacked single image from it and with what software please. Thanks Paul
  9. Is it possible to get a good image of Jupiter and Saturn with a 500mm lens and Dslr camera using the Az-Gti in Alt-Az mode.?
  10. Hi.... Alt-Az mode question ..... I have leveled my mount and pointed north, chose a star from 1 star (e.g Mizar) now is it best to use sidereal tracking or point and track. Thanks Paul.
  11. Thank you Elp, what software do you use for this? Paul
  12. Ak ok... I see now ... thanks for your replies and help on this.
  13. Sorry excuse my ignorance .... a lever on what and how.
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