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Everything posted by Coriorda

  1. Hi AlexK, your advice is exactly what I took. I sought out LiFePO4 technology and purchased through a reputable merchant with good returns policy - Amazon. This took me to the Beaudens model, which “fake” brand or not has performed perfectly so far, and I am more than pleased with it. Looking today the 240WH model is still listed on Amazon. Cheers
  2. Thank you so much for your considered and thoughtful response, there is so much in there I’m not even aware of. So lots of research for me to do now. this was a great help thank you 😀
  3. Would Asiair or eagle core be worth the investment, expensive for PA but some future proof features?
  4. Thanks, I’ve wondered about this, but don’t they need to be plugged into a laptop also ?
  5. I recently purchased a Beaudens power bank it’s LiFePo4 technology, which I don’t think the bresser is, so can handle numerous cycles and the cold. Mine has been a dream so for, well constructed and with nice leather handle for portability. Has the usb you are looking for and dual 12v outputs, a little over the your target budget but well worth consideration. https://www.onbuy.com/gb/beaudens-240wh-portable-solar-power-generator-and-energy-storage~c3342~p30180577/?exta=gshp&stat=eyJpcCI6IjE0OS45OSIsImRwIjowLCJsaWQiOiI0MTM2MzE2NCIsInMiOiIxMCIsInQiOjE2MTEzOTQzODcsImJtYyI6IjEuMCJ9&lid=41363164&gclid=EAIaIQobChMI3aOIhrnn7gIVs4FQBh0t1wBREAYYASABEgKXTPD_BwE&gclsrc=aw.ds
  6. Hi Everyone I am falling down the rabbit hole quite rapidly and I am starting to think about automating my polar alignment and also perhaps guiding. My knees are getting beyond the point where they can cope with kneeling on hard concrete for what seems like an age while staring up at a ridiculous angle to find Polaris. I guess the simple answer is computer control but id rather not drag a laptop out to to my observing site and stare at a screen all night and handle yet more cables. Are there any credible mobile / wireless solutions that I could consider to help with PA and perhaps in the future guiding / controlling the mount. If anyone has experience of this sort of control level, without a laptop I’d be more than happy to learn from you. Thank you in advance
  7. Thanks for the advice guys, am not yet at the point of plate solving so will have to let DSS handle the alignment of the new data - hopefully not too big an issue 😁
  8. Hi Everyone, I have a question about additional data. It seems data is everything when it comes to imaging and the fabulous professional images we see often quote 10 + hours of integration time. It seems unlikely that all of this data can be captured in one “sitting” so how do you add data to an ongoing project? Do you have to ensure all the settings ( ISO, exposure etc) are all identical ? And would you have to restack the entire collection of subs again or can you stack the stacked images from each session ? many thanks
  9. Thank you, I really appreciate your feedback 😃
  10. My first attempt, well at anything really- after countless hours researching on YouTube it was time to give it a go. Orion was handily placed right outside ..
  11. When the sky finally cleared last night, I took the opportunity and indeed my first step into tracked Astrophotography, I know there are lots of issues with it, and it doesn’t look like everyone else’s image, but it marks a huge milestone for me and I love it . That said any constructive comments would be very greatly appreciated as I start the hunt for my next target.
  12. Thanks both - think you are right about the screws not sure they will handle it well, but the mount was my main concern so am heartened by your comments
  13. Hi All Am looking for some help from people with experience of HEQ5pro. I recently took delivery in December and right on queue the clouds have been pretty constant since. I am fortunate enough to live in a fairly rural location class 4 sky area, and have a good observing spot at end of my garden about 100 yards away. My question is rather than dragging all the equipment to my site whenever I see I gap in the clouds would it do the mount any harm to be left in say a garden storage box ( in a bag to keep out moisture) potentially for a period of weeks between imaging sessions ? I know they can cope with sub zero temperatures during a session, but how might they cope at ambient temperatures for weeks in the winter ? Any thoughts or experience greatly appreciated thanks
  14. Hi, did you ever get resolution on this ? I have the exact same problem with a Canon 600d and a “neewer” intervalometer from Amazon, which looks exactly like yours. thanks Chris
  15. It seems the biggest drain / power requirement is to permanently run your laptop. If you are not guiding what are you using it for ? Cheers
  16. Thank you that makes perfect sense . Appreciate your response 😃
  17. Hi, just a quick thought.. you may find the Gt71 and associated accessories too heavy for the SGP - the redcat will be fine
  18. The book is ordered thank you, I’ve seen so many recommendations for this I know I must be missing out. I agree shorter focal lengths will be my first port of call. I have been thinking of the 360mm ZS61, although you have now put the esprit 80 firmly in mind. I tend to think of Newtonian as more visual scopes, indeed this was my route into astronomy many ( many) years ago. Thank you so much for you insight and expertise it is much appreciated
  19. Yes, I guess with GOTO functionality, the targeting is far quicker post PA - that’s a good point , thank you
  20. Thank you all for taking the time to respond. To answer some of your queries, I live in a fairly rural dark site, with large garden so transportability isn’t really a concern, nor fortunately is cost. I love the images of DSOs that I see and long term aim is to get somewhere close to them. Currently I’m just targeting the large beginner targets, andromeda, Pleiades, Orion with wide field (300mm lens soon to be ZS61) etc as they are easy to target because I can see them. Once I get into more advanced targets I imagine just finding / framing them is half the battle. What I love at present is seeing a clear patch of sky and I can be out imaging in about 15 mins from scratch, but know my set up is only short term hence the question about the next step. Thank you so much for your thoughts
  21. I have far less experience than you, but have you thought about taking out all the complexity you are having issues with. PA tracking etc etc. I don’t have the equipment to do any off that stuff, so I’m forced to take 1s exposures ( no tracking) through 300 stock zoom lens , so no PA required. If I stack 4-500 ( intervalometer essential ) images in DSS I get results im pretty pleased with of Pleiades / andromeda etc. It seems almost fool proof. And without any PA set up or cables or power required I can be imaging within 5 minutes of seeing a clear patch of sky . Hope you find a way out of the mire
  22. I’m very new to AP having only dabbled in stacking numerous very short exposure images (1s) as I do not have any form of tracking mount. So the question is about what step should I take next... do I learn the craft first with a portable easy to use star tracker type ( Skyguider / star adventurer) or since I keep hearing that the mount is the single most important aspect, do I instead jump straight in with a full eq mount like the HEQ5 ? Is there value in small steps .... thank you
  23. I’m sorry but I think you’ve lost me there, are you talking about pixel size or field of view. I’m very new to this game so please excuse my naivety. I would be very interested if you could clarify. Thank you
  24. Thank you for your expertise, much appreciated. The camera is a 600d btw. Cheers
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