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Everything posted by Starbuddypal

  1. I have a Celestron Powerseeker 70EQ with a GSO 1.25" SuperView Eyepiece - 20mm. I recently got a Celestron Omni 2X Barlow lens and a Celestron zoom 8mm-24mm. What is the best use out of these three to view celestial objects? I’m trying to view Jupiter and Saturn and Mars but still figuring out which to use to see features (if that’s possible with what I have anyway)
  2. I started at Alphetatz and worked my way up and around to M32, M31. Coolest blurry image ever.
  3. I live out in rural Florida and the skies look great. I tried looking at the Orion Nebula too and that looked cool. At least I’m pretty sure that was it.
  4. Last night I decided to try finding the Andromeda Galaxy with my Celestron Powerseeker 70EQ with a GSO 1.25" SuperView Eyepiece - 20mm. To find it I used an app called Starwalk and located the Andromeda constellation. Next I followed the Andromeda constellation slowly with my telescope and reached the end where the Andromeda Galaxy is. I think I saw it because I saw a blurry image in the area where it should be at the end of Andromeda and I can't think of any other explanation for a blurry image in the shape of a galaxy in that area of the constellation. My eyepiece doesn't give me any detail except for looking at the Moon. Of course I would love to see more detail but I'm not quite there yet with the right eyepieces.
  5. If I were to get this: https://www.amazon.com/Celestron-Omni-2X-Barlow-Lens/dp/B00008Y0TM/ref=pd_sim_421_5/145-3371215-1829265?_encoding=UTF8&pd_rd_i=B00008Y0TM&pd_rd_r=3417272a-ed41-47c7-b8ff-f1bb76eebb77&pd_rd_w=DCJHs&pd_rd_wg=m6giF&pf_rd_p=8958999c-906e-4b6b-80aa-4bc1f740ed92&pf_rd_r=R30H2P1RYQWG7A9MEYQW&psc=1&refRID=R30H2P1RYQWG7A9MEYQW and combined that with my GSO 1.25" SuperView Eyepiece - 20mm....would that be suitable? I'm also leaning toward these two: -https://www.amazon.com/Celestron-Omni-2X-Barlow-Lens/dp/B00008Y0TM/ref=asc_df_B00008Y0TM/?tag=hyprod-20&linkCode=df0&hvadid=309836137809&hvpos=&hvnetw=g&hvrand=1465836525062899768&hvpone=&hvptwo=&hvqmt=&hvdev=c&hvdvcmdl=&hvlocint=&hvlocphy=9011454&hvtargid=pla-403917110347&psc=1 -https://www.amazon.com/Celestron-93230-24mm-1-25-Eyepiece/dp/B0007UQNV8/ref=asc_df_B0007UQNV8/?tag=hyprod-20&linkCode=df0&hvadid=309822971200&hvpos=&hvnetw=g&hvrand=15649631866367199766&hvpone=&hvptwo=&hvqmt=&hvdev=c&hvdvcmdl=&hvlocint=&hvlocphy=9011454&hvtargid=pla-434892205575&psc=1&tag=&ref=&adgrpid=70157059668&hvpone=&hvptwo=&hvadid=309822971200&hvpos=&hvnetw=g&hvrand=15649631866367199766&hvqmt=&hvdev=c&hvdvcmdl=&hvlocint=&hvlocphy=9011454&hvtargid=pla-434892205575
  6. It's certainly frustrating trying to look at Mars and Jupiter and just seeing a bright dot with no discernable features. I have an app to help me find everything. Objects like Neptune and Uranus are hard to find even if I use my app. I can identify the general area where some things like Neptune are but finding those are difficult. I never got a star diagonal I have been meaning to get one. Nebulas and galaxies I haven't even tried looking at because I just figure I won't be able to see them. I forgot to mention that I got my telescope at a Goodwill and it had no eyepieces. The GSO 1.25 lens I purchased separate since I didn't have any eyepieces to begin with. From what everyone is saying I should get a lens with 6mm or something low in that range AND a 2x barlow lens?
  7. I have a Celestron Powerseeker 70EQ with a GSO 1.25" SuperView Eyepiece - 20mm. I attached photos I took with my iPhone. I can’t see details of Mars and Jupiter but I can see the moons of Jupiter. I can see Saturn easily due to the rings but no details. Do I need to upgrade my lens so I can see better details or am I just doing something wrong? I’m still somewhat new to this.
  8. I’m getting the hang of this. I couldn’t of done it without you guys. Here’s a photo of Saturn. The best I could do with my iPhone.
  9. At 1:00 AM the sky was finally clear and I could see Mars with the naked eye so I tried out the telescope and I finally saw a celestial body. Mars looked great in the eyepiece. I mean I couldn't see much detail but I could still see that it was Mars. I'm going to try Polaris and adjusting it to what you said. I think I'm getting the hang of this.
  10. That's what I was thinking. I was trying the finder scope that night but since I'm so new to this I wasn't exactly sure what I was doing. I think I have a better idea on what to do now. It's been cloudy these passed couple of nights so I haven't been able to use it at night. I live in North Florida near Jacksonville.
  11. My GSO 1.25" SuperView Eyepiece - 20mm came in the mail today. I wasn't sure if it would work yet for what I have or lack thereof. I have not purchased a star diagonal yet. In the upper right corner you can see Jupiter as a blurry pale white dot. I was trying to look at that since it was the brightest object but I couldn't find it in my eyepiece. I use an app to find the positions of the planets and stars.
  12. Okay so I am leaning toward getting the GSO 1.25" SuperView Eyepiece - 20mm along with the Celestron 1.25" 90º Prism Star Diagonal - 94115-A from agenaastro.com. The telescope I bought was priced at $25 so buying those pieces would basically bring it up to around the normal retail price of the telescope once added all together.
  13. Yes they are there. I have no idea what they do though. Still a learning process for me.
  14. This is the only thing my Celestron has. Do I need to get a new one of these for looking at stars/planets or could I just get one of those eye pieces and attach it to what I have?
  15. This is the only eye piece (diagonal?) it has. So the kit you said came with 3 eye pieces so basically I do need to find an eye piece or 2 or 3. I mostly want to use it for the Moon, Saturn and Jupiter and not for daytime use. So I will look for a STAR diagonal and go from there.
  16. Is the attached image what you mean? That’s the only rod I could find that extends out that has knobs.
  17. I purchased a Celestron Powerseeker 70EQ at a Goodwill thinking it was a great find for my first telescope. I get home and realize that it may be missing an eye piece. I'm unsure what else it is missing though. Where can I go to get the missing eye piece for this telescope? I don't know anything about telescopes so I'm not sure where to go or what else I will need or what else could be missing. I attached an image of it with what I think is missing.
  18. I'm trying to get a photo of Jupiter and Saturn with my Nikon D3000 DSLR but I can't get anything clear. I attached the kind of photos I'm getting with my camera. They end up being too bright and no distinguishable features show up. Is it even possible for my Nikon to get photos of planetary objects like Saturn and Jupiter?
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