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Everything posted by matthasboldlygone

  1. Down the rabbit hole I go, it's deep and dark So a standard Refractor has a single lens which results in Chromatic Aberration, the RGB light doesn't focus at the same point so you get a coloured haze around objects / stars. A reasonable scope for around £300 - £500 A doublet has two lenses and will focus the red and blue better, but the green will still be out a bit resulting in less Chromatic Aberration. But it still has CA - standard one £500 - £1000 A triplet has 3 lenses to focus all 3 together nicely, but these are rather sensitive and have to be handled with care. standard one £1500 - £2000 or upwards. Is this correct? A reflector doesn't have this problem because it uses mirrors not lenses (except eye pieces)? And appear considerably cheaper than a triplet. What's the benefit of a triplet over a reflector? Thanks for your advice 👍
  2. Thanks, I've now realised its achromat, that's kind of scuppered my plans. More reading and searching
  3. I'm trying to plan a multi purpose setup that will take me through the next stage of this hobby. I have a Bresser HD camera which should do what I need on the imaging side. I know this is all very subjective and not sure how to fully explain what I want to achieve. I'm not after top notch images, but something sharp and clean. So many options and things to think about.. Budget - £2000 max Moon - detailed and sharp images through eye piece or captured on camera without much if any processing, say 1/4 of moon filling screen or eye piece Saturn and Jupiter - Through eye piece, show bands and red dot, clear view of Saturn rings. Video / pics suitable for processing to get some sharper images Stars - sharp views in eye piece, on camera for some nice pics (not wide field) Deep sky - Video cap and processing to a stage where you could make out what it is, galaxy shape, nebulaish image, star clusters Ease of use, quick setup, somewhat portable by car Sky Watcher Startravel 150 OTA (f5) Sky Watcher HEQ5 Pro with Rowan Upgrade Sky Watcher / Celestron PowerTank 7ah Celestron StarSense for Sky Watcher Mounts Do you think the above list would get close to what I want? I know, it's like saying I want a car that goes kind of fast but not to fast, has some seats but not too many, is fuelled by something and in a nice colour
  4. It's an improvement on my first attempts, had a good time chasing them between the trees and clouds, disappointed with the moon thought I had some better shots. No processing Bresser Refractor AR-102/600, Bresser HD camera, Svbony Barlow 5X
  5. I read about this in my 2020 Stargazing guide and been eagerly waiting. Clouds cleared just in time. Looks like we all have the same garden Challenging views through my telescope, small window before they go behind another tree..
  6. Thanks for the advice, decided to take the plunge and ordering a HEQ5 Pro from FLO. It seems popular, hold its value and will be a good base to work up from. Big step, but hey sometimes you just need to do it. Very excited
  7. I'd say buy the 6se, only because it will make me feel better about spending lots on a new mount Have you found any good places around Norwich to do your viewing from, away from the glow of the city? I'll keep an eye out for a big orange tube in the countryside.
  8. Ah, that makes it much easier to find, hard to miss when it's up the right way 🙃
  9. As I understand they are all named, but really struggle to orientate my self with moon maps and find it. We've been calling the Tit crater because it has a nipple 😂
  10. I'm a beginner as well with a different setup. This is an interesting video showing the difference of the live image and what can be achieved with stacking. (Skip to 1:11) I'm struggling my self and was a little disappointed with my attempts to get sharp images straight from a camera vs what I see through the eyepiece. Hope it gives you the encouragement to carry on. ps.. Stacking images seems to take a lot of work and reading, I haven't achieved anything worthwhile yet but will keep going...
  11. Nothing else in shot, playing the waiting game now to try again, fingers crossed for tonight ☁️
  12. Thanks Tom, gain is set to 0, focus with the big sticky focus wheel on the scope ISO, completely forgot to check that. I'll give it another go tonight hopefully, I'll check all that info and post back if I still have issues.
  13. Looking at Arcturus with the camera attached, at about 50ms exposure it's a bright little dot. Appears to be in focus. I thought if I increased the exposure to 10 seconds I would see a thin line as the star moved. But I seem to get a big blurred line, the length looks as I expected but it's wide and blurred (the image didn't save so can't share it) Confusing me, is this normal? Am I misunderstanding exposure time? Sorry if this doesn't make sense, I'll try and get an image next time.
  14. So much to think about, some reading time would be good. Decided to hold off on any purchases for now except a second hand motor if I can find one. Going to try and get the best I can from what I have and work from there. I'll probably have a better idea of what I'm trying to do by then. Every time I use it I get better results. Trying out the software 👍 I see that book on Amazon for £1286.46 - LOL https://www.amazon.co.uk/gp/offer-listing/B00J5PL6JK/ref=tmm_other_meta_binding_new_olp_0?ie=UTF8&condition=new
  15. It looks more like the Skywatcher EQ2, has a silver cog on the RA bit. Apparently the camera will do long exposure (if I get rid of my Mac and use the toupsky software on Winblows). I'll hassle Bresser to see if the motor is due back in stock or discontinued now.
  16. Interesting, do you halve it to take the strain off the motors, so my max payload would be 4.5kg for good imaging. I'll give it all a weigh in and see what it is. 👍
  17. Thanks, that does seem like the sensible thing to do. Bresser have a motor (https://www.bresseruk.com/bresser-ra-motor-w-c-eq3.html) but out of stock and can't seem to find a second hand one. I wasn't sure if other motor drives would work or I need one that matches the mount. If I see a HEQ5 Pro for sale I would be tempted with it, had been looking at it but a little pricey new.
  18. Hi, I'm Matt, a 48 year old new star gazer. I managed a large drinks related forum for a number of years and I'm looking forward to being the noob that doesn't read the FAQs and fills the forum with my out of focus tiny pics of everything I see. I got very excited seeing Saturn for the first time and getting a video. My friends commented "So it does actually exist then" First time I've looked forward to the summer ending and the long nights that will be coming. Saturn, just incase you've never seen it before 🤓
  19. Hi all, Got bored during lockdown and purchased a telescope. It's a Bresser Refractor Telescope AR-102/600 EQ-3 with mount and tripod from Amazon for about £280. I've been enjoying it and added a Bresser Full HD Deep-Sky Camera to it so I could share some images. Not really sure what I wanted to look at and feel I may have bought the wrong things, but hey I'm having fun. I've been looking to get the mount motorised (RA) and spent much time looking at all the options. As a beginner I'm now thinking why not just jump in and get a computerised mount with all the features built in by experts. I found the Explore Scientific EXOS-2 PMC-Eight GOTO Mount on BresserUK for about £600, twice what I paid for my entire setup so far. But thinking the mount is very important, no matter how good the scope is a bad mount is going to make things hard. Working from the ground up so to speak. I'd like to get into stacking some images of the planets, moon, maybe some general stary shots and even something nebula like. Would you say this is a good purchase considering the scope and camera I have? A good starting point for building a better setup over time? And if I changed my mind later on, it would have a good resale value? Cheers 👍
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