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Posts posted by Robindonne

  1. He’s reading all of your help and advices.  Thx very much

    And just removed the two elements as one.  Cleaned the inside.  Some minor spots between the two elements.   I believe he contacted a company in Belgium to have a look at the surface inside.    


    • Like 2
  2. Ok thx Adam.   Really help-and hopeful answer.   I mentioned the baader fluid yesterday, he seems to have a same sort of fluid from a dutch shop.   So basically what he should do is:

    First try to expose the doublet to that uvc light.

    If it won’t disappear then remove the elements, including the housing, and clean the the outsides with the baader fluid.

    I gave him the link of this thread to read with us.    

    thx for the help.  

  3. 56 minutes ago, Nair al Saif said:

    I’m back, I have already seen your review it’s pretty wholesome. The 90mm gets crushed by the 8 inch every time but tracking is an issue with the dob. 300x times mag seems difficult to track with. I am not good with diy so can’t make an eq base. I’m not spending 300 pounds plus on a suitable tripod with an eq head on it. I just don’t know. Anyway I have made my decision it’s too late for me to get a telescope. 

    Try tomorrow morning

  4. If that all okay then check if:

    your camera is perfectly aligned with the mount.

    your altitude setting are correct.


    I would double check the level of the mount, turn the spiritlevel around to check if its working properly.

    Make sure the mount is in exact homeposition, the most upward facing direction possible.

    Place polaris on the right clock position.

    And then do a 3 star alignment.   

    it should know its position by now.  

    There is a way, but im not sure if your mount has that option, to check the polarignment. It should show in the menu, only after a completed 3 star-alignment! 
    All this extra option does is ask to center some stars and the software collects the data of movements you made to center that star.  After you’ve made all the adjustments, the software shows you how much the polaralignment is off.   

  5. Today i asked a colleague stargazer to have a look at an advertisement for a used 100ed and some other items.  I remembered he was looking for this scope, so kind of pushed him in the direction of buying this one.  
    He bought it at the end of the day. 
    At home after some inspection of all that he bought, he saw some dirt/dust or even fungus on the optics.   

    What could this be?   I think he wanted to start with some small cleaning himself, marked the lens, but is stuck at even removing the optics.    Perhaps probably not the most recommended way, the self-cleaning, but to start it might be an option.  What is the best he can do right now?   

    The scope is an orion 100ed

    thx for any advice.  


  6. 20 hours ago, wormix said:

    Does anyone know of any reason why PLA might not be suitable for keeping within the scope?  Is it inert or could it release anything that could damage my lens?

    Maybe it still releases some particles when its a finished product?   I dont know.  But I wouldn’t test it in your scope to be honest.  

    i think there is a market for these white adapters from your first pic.  I think.   I once wanted to use my skywatcher finderscope as a guider.  But didn’t want to pay €30,- just for the ring to go from m49? to T2.   

  7. Helical focuser?

    the previous  owner could at least find the right spot to place the mount🙂

    That flipped finderscope looks also like a vixen one i think.  
    Maybe the tube is painted in the mount color?

    Most of the retired veterans are asleep i guess.  You’ll probably have the answer on your question tomorrow morning around 9🙂

    • Thanks 1
  8. 25 minutes ago, John said:

    Good to know that the mount will handle the ED120 OK. I'm not surprised that the Porta II won't. I found that the AZ-4 was not really up to it either even when put on a sold 2 inch steel legged tripod. I use the Skytee II or Giro Ercole for my ED120 now. Very solid.

    Hope you manage to find an 8mm fitting slow mo cable soon.


    Its a really sturdy mount.  Surprised me a lot in a positive way.   With the arm mounted vertical, the slomo just sits nicely next to the focusknobs.   In an hour orso it will probably touch it again. 
    Also nice are the tension screws on this gso. That porta needed a allen tool to adjust, with this one you have thumb screws to quickly adjust the tension of the alt-az movement   


    • Like 1
  9. I would go for a 12 or 13v and 6A at least.   

    Asked for some advice here and ended up buying some meanwell ps’s.   6 and 8A.   Members here gave good reviews and for the costs you won’t have to skip these.  Like €20,- for the 6A. 

    with the 2.1 connector!!   The only reason to use a cigarette connector is the build in fuse i guess.  Other than that its a bad connection that cigarette lighter

    • Thanks 1
  10. 13 minutes ago, Alan64 said:

    Our mounts are lost in time with those 8mm shafts. :help2:

    They probably last longer than the 6 mm😬.  
    The reason i bought this mount was because it has the vixen hal 110 tripod(copy? It has a slightly wider head) included.   I was actually looking for a sturdy tripod for my porta head. The cost of this Gso mount is almost the same as the vixen tripod btw. 

    Comparing the two mounts side by side made me realise the weak link of that porta mount is not only the tripod but the whole combination.  The damping time with that 120 mm is around 1 second with that gso.

    While writing this, maybe the pillars for a vixen porta would also work.  

    • Like 1
  11. I use a 120ed on it.  It was not possible with a porta mount but this gso does a perfect job with this telescope.   Yesterday i changed the position of the arm.  Its now fully vertical.  Hope to have solved the problem till a longer cable is found.

    yes i have the knobs.   They are on the opposite side.   I changed the arm to the right and let the knobs stay at the “wrong” side.  


    • Like 1
  12. 50 minutes ago, Alan64 said:

    The slo-mo drape...


    Those that drape, and out of the way, were made in Japan.  I'd give or trade <insert here> for a pair of those.

    This alt-azimuth of my own came with at least one 8mm cable.  It also came with two 8mm knobs, without cables, and the way I prefer.  All three are shown here...


    8mm cables are difficult if not impossible to source.  However, 8mm knobs only may be found more readily, perhaps even from non-astronomy suppliers; for example, the 5/16"(7.94mm) of style-1 within this U.S. listing...


    ...albeit only up to 38.1mm in diameter.

    The cables made nowadays are stiff as an oak board, comparatively.

    Ha yes.  It is indeed for that same white Gso mount.  I luckily received an extra 8 mm cable, little longer than the ones that come with this gso mount, with a porta mount not long ago.  But that longer cable is the one that knocks.    Ok so the 8 mm is hard to find🤔.  
    I feel some mutual empathy coming up so i will also start the search for these 8 mm cables.  

  13. Last night i had it.  That unpleasant “kloink” sound.  One of the slomo cables gave a soft knock at the tube.   I think i need a shorter or longer version.   I prefer a longer version but where do i get it?   Its not the small 6 mm skywatcher/etc connection, but more like 8 mm.   And the mount doesn’t  have the option to point the cable in another direction.   Does anyone know if those long cables are custom made or stock products somewhere?    

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