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Posts posted by vineyard

  1. I had a bit of an accident yesterday and my tripod with a the iOptron wedge & SkyguiderPro fell over.  The wedge broke (luckily everything else ok, camera wasn't attached yet!) - specifically one side of the saddle that bolts into the wedge, where the SkyguiderPro would sit - so now it can't be clamped in.

    Brings to mind 2 Qs.

    What is this saddle made of that it could break so easily on an impact - I didn't think metal would break like this?

    Is there a clever replacement of just this part, or is the whole thing a write-off?



  2. A wider lens - old Pentax 35mm f3.5 but taken at f8. The first shot 60s, the second 120s on Astrotracer (at 180s there was some slight trailing).  Both ISO 200 (w a Baader M&SG filter in front).  Both single shots.  The blur on the bottom left are clouds that were moving across.

    (Had a bit of a disaster - was going to use the iOptron SkyguiderPro but somehow the tripod toppled and broke wedge - luckily no other damage done (camera was not attached).  So I thought I'd do a quick astrotracer to experiment).




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  3. On 12/02/2021 at 18:19, SiriusDoggy said:

    Here's another entry in the satellite challenge for you folks to judge. This is part of a very long live virtual star party I was doing for a few people but I actually had this planned out. I had never seen the top secret U.S. Department of Defense X-37B unmanned shuttle before and noticed it was going to make a pass this evening.  I've linked to just the part of the video where I begin talking about the satellite a few minutes before the pass. If you care to jump straight to the satellite pass, there's a table of contents in the video description that will get you to about 10 seconds before the pass.


    That's v cool - a drone shuttle!

  4. I've played with the 50ED as a widefield imaging scope & its pretty good for my purposes.  You will definitely need a flattener - Skywatcher & Starizona both do one, SW is cheaper & more available, but only works w unto 17.5mm back focus (I think) - ie its fine for ZWO cameras but not for DSLRs.

    When I used it properly last, I had some walking noise, so need to dither - hence a need for guiding for the 50ED for which I'm going to use a ZWO Miniguide scope, and if that works w my main imaging refractor too, then I'll just leave the 50ED as a widefield imaging set up in its rings & no longer use it as a guidescope at all.

    For the rings & mounting, Astrokraken is great - Philippe has a special set-up for 50EDs w flattener & ZWO cameras - w a finder shoe on top.  He will also do a Bahtinov mask for the 50ED which makes focusing a doddle.



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  5. That's lovely @alacant.  Definitely nicer w/o the diffraction spikes.  I have an old Sonnar 135 MC as well that I've been playing around with, so you've set the bar I now need to aim for w my clumsy images! 👏🏾

    Is the Canon modded?  I'm waiting for a cheap soldering iron to arrive, and then intend on modding an almost two decades old Pentax istD (basically taking the IR & anti-alias filter off to make it full spectrum, and then relying on filters threaded into the front of the lens).  Let's see what happens!

    Lovely image again 👍🏾 

    • Thanks 1
  6. So a short update on connectivity for the data.  Managed to test something & I think it should work.  Basically, a Powerline into mains electricity, and then a Stellarmate RPi3 connected to the Powerline with an ethernet cable.  With cameras, mount etc connected to the Pi via USB.  The other end of the Powerline is connected to the wifi router inside the house.  Tested it, and I could use my laptop to connect to the Pi, and use the EKOS on my laptop!

    This link was very helpful.

    So with this setup, I can either VNC into the RPi ("stellarmate.local:6080" in the browser) or use the RPi as the server ("stellar mate.local:8624" or "stellar mate.local:8624/#" in the browser).  I think the 2nd option is better b/c it allows the laptop's faster processing, SSD etc to be used rather than relying on the little Pi to do it all.

    I think the EKOS on the RPi has to be switched off (in case it comes on automatically when the Pi is plugged in) but that can easily be done by VNC, and then switch to the server mode.

    If this is a stable setup, then that's brilliant.  No need to run ethernet cables from the pier into the house, nor any need to rely on wifi.

    Just need to get the pier sourced & installed now? 😂

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  7. 17 hours ago, CCD-Freak said:

    The Pixel Shift sounds like Dithering so maybe it will make for less noise and hot pixels

    Yes it could be a nice proxy for that (although its not completely random since its always 1 pixel in set directions).  I will also try it when the camera is on a tracking mount to see what happens.

    (There is also a "movement corrected" version of the PixelShift which should work, even without a tracking mount, for short-exposure objects at infinity like the moon where the object itself should not have moved by a pixel a camera sensor in say 1/80th of a sec - another thing to try!). Will report back once a chance ever materialises again w the weather!)

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  8. There are some pretty experienced people here so you should get a lot of feedback.  I've been tinkering with an OLD Carl Zeiss Sonnar 135mm f/3.5 which should be in that price range pretty comfortably.  It's been too cloudy to be able to really take it for a spin so no images to share for the time being other than these.  (I do have some ones of Orion but tbh I can't remember if those were with a 50mm or the 135mm - dodgy memory).

  9. I ordered some stuff from TS Optics & it arrived within days from Germany (they used Parcelforce I think).  I also bought & sold some stuff with SGLers & it all seems to be stuck in RM here in the UK (even though tracked, signed for, SD etc).  I don't mind - the posties are great & they've been overwhelmed at times, so as long as things don't get lost or damaged. 🤷🏾‍♂️

  10. Hello,

    Had a v quick go last night around midnight. Normal photographic tripod, Pentax K70 w old CZ Sonnar 135mm (set one click wider than f5.6) ISO 100 - put the camera into monochrome and used its pixel shift function (where it takes 4 photos in quick succession, shifting the sensor 1 pixel each time - I guess that increases resolution?).  Have put the images through a couple of High Pass iterations in GIMP.

    3 images (all converted to JPEG for size) - a close crop, a full FOV, and then just for fun, Sirius peaking through some trees.






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