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joe aguiar

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Posts posted by joe aguiar

  1. 21 minutes ago, Mr Spock said:

    It's best not to try and answer if you are unsure of the basics yourself. It could confuse people.

    I understand the basics very well I been in hobby since 1993 have like 14 telescopes but probably owned more than 70 to 80 different telescope worked at a telescope store part time for 6 to 7yrs and have a YouTube channel on astro stuff

    As I said in north America we used different terms. Thata all

    Here we use say as an example skywatcher 6inch dob thsts it theres no other code there I see it's a skywatcher 6inch pdf or other terms.

    U guys say torch we say flashlight 

    So those code is only thing that throws us off over here.

    Norm people ask iz a 130mm a good scope so I thought that's what hes asking and just tell him

    Here its 130mm power seaker or Polaris etx like that we dont use code 130 or pdf etc


  2. If u looking for a dual scope the Coronado 70mm solarmax3 is a dual day and night refractor scope. 

    Take out the front filter just unthread it and put a regular diagonal and there u go, can be used for night time

    I think there stil very big sale on Coronado going on since Jan to end of Feb. 

    I got the Coronado 90mm solarmax 3 and saved about almost $2000.


  3. I also tried searching cant find anything m&s 80mm f5 refractor 

    Can u post a link or pic?

    Of course if it's really cheap as it sounds like then u should pass

    I did a video in the xmas time of cheaper scopes as gifts and reviewed baraka 70mm f5 refractor and it was totally garbage.

    Just get the regular name brands 80mmf5 scopes

    Meade celestron skywatcher or Orion they norm come up once awhile on used market 


  4. heres my take on the 130mm heritage scope this is my opnion and may or may not be yours so read and see if its valid or not to you

    first I kinda like it but it has 3 issues that I don't like (yes I also did a video on it so far not memtioned on the list  up above)

    the first 2 are minor but the 3rd may be more

    heres the link  https://youtu.be/ozPVjDfP_UE

    1-st the shroud no big deal buy black felt clip it on and there u go $10

    2-a good stable stool to put it on $40 maybe

    3 biggest issue for me is price its $279 b4 taxes with taxes $325 add these 2 items I just listed and now your closer $375 cdn

    The meade has a 130mm which is same ota scope f/5 parabolic BUT on a eq2 mount and tripod, so no shield or table needed. Also I think a eq mount and tripod is worth more then that mini dob base which is made from paricle chip board and vinal coating. The height is also a perfect height even at the lowest tripod setting. You get manual slow motion controls which helps a lot veres keep bumping the scope every 20 secs compared to the mini dob. later on add a clock drive so it can track.

    Now on polar align if that confuses new people you don't even have to learn that part to start just point it roughly north turn the tube around and view and use the controls to track. Later if you learn how to polar align then great you only have to use 1 control.

    these are my is thoughts I rather for cheaper price OHH sorry the meade Polaris 130mm is $299 so its cheaper and as I said get the tripod mount etc.

    if you don't agree that's ok too but these are my thoughts


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  5. 3 hours ago, Lordspace said:

    The value of the mount would be next to nothing now it doesn't work.

    I wouldn't get any where near enough to fund a new mount 😕 I have no idea how to even calculate the dimensions for a new gear and I doubt I could just get one from eBay.

    Looks like I may just have to sell everything as faulty and cut my losses...

    no its not that bad at all

    just the hand controller autostar alone  last time I looked almost $150 with tax u can get $90 to $99

    then someone like u that had another part break can or will buy your to use the part he needs maybe $40 to $50 if that part wasn't broken you would get a lot more.

    If I sell my etx 125 base fork arms and hand controller I would list it for $199  yes your is broken so it get a lot less

    A eq2 can handle the 90mm mak, its not a write off the ota is an excellent little scope.

    a eq2 used can be $60 in uk maybe that's $35 not expensive at all


  6. That's the same optics as meade 130mm 6000 triplet I think?

    If so it's a really good scope colour is as good as any good apo dont always worry about glass. My meade is a triplet 51 and comparing it to best 53 glass was no difference but that was only 1x more extensive comparing needs to be done on different night to get a final results.

    Focuser is really good too I wouldn't upgrade it at all even for ap /imaging. 

    Its semi big but not too big semi heavy but not too heavy 19 lbs

    If your serious about planetary viewing or getting semi large or as big apo as u can get that's still semi portable then I think 130 is way to go

    I have a 102 tak too which is also amazing but if I had to pick a size it may be 130 but a 4 size is so slouch either.

    It depends if u really want portable or semi portable?

    For Instance my 102 TSA Takahashi is 15 lbs that's just 4 less then the 130.

    Also depends which scope my skywatcher evostar 100f9 apo was only 7 lbs but the quality compared to the 102 Takahashi TSA doesnt come close to the evostar. That's y I sold the 100 evostar 

    Anyway u cant go wrong in the 4 to 5 inch range depends weight size u want and cost


  7. When I had my 10 act lx6 I just put it down pointed to Polaris then to get it closer I just bumped the tripod with my hand and never had a problem, altho that was concrete. 

    I also used eq5 with scopes on it tho on grass and did same thing just bump the tripod legs where u need to move it.

    Ps your grass should be keeped short maybe in that area scope goes 2 inch or less


  8. U need big rings like 120mm that have 3 screws that can screw in and out so your scope has freedom to move in any direction. 

    Then it sits on a much thicker rail that can slide up and down then it also has curved smaller bar the mounts onto your 8 inch sct

    With all that weight u will need 8 inch counter bar and weights under the ota or it wont balance, and I do mean alot balance.

    I had that setup on my 10 in sct

    I hope it's not on an alt goto cause wont work on that mount or lx65 mount.

    Has to be EQ version or double fork arm setup 


  9. I already have though about the next 2 scopes but if I every find them I'll be selling 2 of them that they will be replacing.

    But it's a long shot seeing them for sale. I know one person that's a collector tho but he wants a collector price on it, so not sure he will come down in price.

    Besides him its probably 0.01 chance I'll find another used for sale in Canada 


  10. What about used gear off astro sites?

    It will be 30 to 50% off and norm most items are good condition. 

    UK astro buy and sell

    Y not go visual first so u get used to working eq mount how they work how they move around the sky. How to counter balance etc

    Then later a smaller scope for imaging

    The camera does most of the work so many people use 80mm apo or ed refractor 


    • Thanks 1
  11. I'm in a white zone so even worse

    U can see the ring, lagoon,the swan, and a few others but ya it will be kinda dim in red zone with a 6 inch

    They say to see dso they reccomend going 8 inches or more. But u have the 6 so try everything u can first with it.

    If over time u see that size in red zone is too dim then u may need 10 inch dob.

    But getting to darker skies once and awhile will help. If u cant get away or dont drive the 10 inch size will help with lp skies.

    There is a good size weight difference from the 6 inch to 10 inch dob tho.

    Back in the 90s I travel 90 min to a orange zone, yep a whole 1.5 hrs to get from white to orange. I did that once every 2 weeks on a weekends. 

    However another time I travelled 30min  for an hr of viewing from my white zone to a red, and even that really made a difference. 

    Back then I had a 6 inch f5  reflector on eq4 (which is the size u have) and in a white zone I couldnt really see m51 galaxy or it was just at the limit I couldnt tell, but that same scope in a red zone I was able to see it and not just abit but clearly. 




  12. I'm pretty sure Orion has large 3ft and 4ft bag. The tripod is ok in the 3ft bag but I would  put the ota in a better case.

    If u put everything in those type bags you will probably need to collimate it everytime. 

    It wouldn't be too secure in there as the padding isn't to thich but it's ok for the tripod mount and weight 


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