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joe aguiar

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Posts posted by joe aguiar

  1. 55 minutes ago, John said:

    Thats why I used the word "possibly" with regard to the ED120. Quite likely it is too large.

    As I now see that the balcony being referred to is just 1x3 metres I think maybe a maksutov-cassegrain or schmidt-cassegrain on a pedestal mount would be more suitable ?


    Agree John I was just explaining to the poster of the size difference in case he thought the 120 looks small. I know u know the sizes but wanted him to know that


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  2. I had that one time too and its good but not perfect.

    in one post I made here I talked about how my 3rd floor was just a closed attic . It was an A frame made a hole then stairs then re support the joists then new floor then tearn down half of the A frame and make it square then make a door to a 14x14 wooden deck on top of the flat part of the roof so I had a good viewing area 360 degree. It was also abouve the street light so was as good as I would get in a white zone and when your eyes get adapted it was decent good for a wite zone.

    The only issue was since it was a wodden deck on top the flat shingle roof it wasn't rock solid small mm movement like in any deck. Now to use walk bbq sit down was fine BUT for high power planetary viewing its wasn't perfect. I even had a really hard time seeing the cassini division due to vibrations.

    So if its a roof top that's solid concrete that will be perfect BUT then u may have heat plumes issues, or if its wooden like mine to those concrete stone tiles will again have vibrations. If it gives the vewing angle that's half the battle tho.


  3. i also live in a white zone city population 4 million so basically worse there is BUT even so theres still lots you can see, you did say you have lots LP but iam not sure how good or bad it is as you really don't say. If you don't know the LP zones I can probally tell from the pop of your city.

    I also have a few of the scopes you want so maybe I can tell what to expect from them

    if you have lots LP and your manilly interested in planets sun and moon the refractor can be a good choice. This type you wont have to worry about collimation of the mirrors and dust getting into the open tube and needing a cleaning after awhile.

    -I have the SW 80mm ed pro while I like it as its semi portable, good colour correction and pretty good quality its kinda still smallish. I have used it on juipter and Saturn. I also made a video on this on my youtube channel. One part I say us big guys that have several scopes we sometimes forget how decent the big planets can look in a nice 80mm apo It is abit large for a 80mm scope tho since it used a 4" tube, and the dewcap is not sliding like more expensive models but this is ok tho. last after the 2 big planets and maybe venus sun and moon its kinda small for the other stuff from a heavy LP zone.

    I like it for quick grab and go sessions when I don't want to bring the big boys out.  Right now tho iam also in a balcony and your view will be limited on all sides. At least iam facing south where the sun moon and planets go so that helps, iam not sure what direction your facing?

    Now if that was my only scope I would want something bigger for clusters nebul etc?

    -I also had the SW 100/9 evostar apo an upgrade to the 80mm, its not much longer nor heavier either it will see more BUT NOT a huge amount tho.

    -This is a  step up to the SW 120 evostar is much better from the 80mm but of course a lot more money. again not a heavy scope good colour correction you bascally will see everything you saw in the lower 2 scopes but abit brighter, double stars will be easy in all 3 but again will be brighter in the 120. Cluster will begin to show beter as the smaller 80mm may only see the best and brightest cluster maybe 10 to 12 the others will be kinda dim. So in the 120 you will see the same clusters better and dim ones will start to look ok but again not great, as even a 120mm or 4.7" is not a big scope either for dso.

    -I have the SW evostar 150 ed and I wouldn't reccoment this unless you were serious obsever, its not a first scope to a new person. Its big and heavy. I had it on a LXD85 meade mount which is ok but not great, I later got a eq6 mount for it. Even this mount (eq6) will be at the limit for imaging with a scope this big and long.With this scope and a mount will blow your budjet or at least kill it and then you may need other things like eps filter s etc. I did 2 videos showing this scope and mount right beside me and with the tripod fully down and even that its taller then me. So unless you have a backyard and the scope is in the room right new to the backyard door I don't recomemnd this scope. sure planets/sun/moon/double stars/ clusters will be good even most clusters will be decent in a 6" apo but the  cons is the size weight weight and portability.

    you also mention a top quality apo like a tak I also did a show down on my tak 102 tsa s to the 100f/9 eveostar ed and that video I made explains the tak blew the sw evostar image quality away. So if you want the best quality contrast image you can get sure a televue/tak/tec/AP will give you that butn at a high cost. An option look for a used good quality one.

    My thinking tho if you want to see the sun/moon and planets in very good detail the 5" is where its at. The 6" is too big and the 4" 2nd choice if 5" inch is too expensive or large and heavy. But smaller than the 4" wont cut it as a main one scope only.

    Another option is a 8 inch to 10" sct now in the size the dso will be so much better BUT the planets will lose some contrast over a apo but its still decent.other few option are

    8' reflector on a eq mount, the 10" will be too big for most on a eq mount. 

    As far dobs then a 8" to 10" size

    So bascally what I think is you need 2 SCOPES

    maybe 1 smaller like a 80mm to 100mm apo and a larger 8" to 10" size for the dimmer dso



  4. Both explained it well

    I too would agree I sometimes go as low as 20x, besides what both said about the fov, if you star hop low power will also help

    I only use a rigel or telrad then my 1st ep depending on my scope I'm using is either the meade 56mm  2 inch ep or the 32mm meade swa  2 inch ep. 

    It's kinda like a large  finderscope view almost once I find the item I then bump to the meade 4k 24.5  swa ep etc the highter

    So yes get a lower power ep or wider fov one


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  5. 1 hour ago, carastro said:

    I normally have to remove the dust cap to turn the rear latitude bolt.  Once I have done the adjustments I simple turn the ratchet away from the Dust cap.  I am at 51 degrees.   Have you got a photo.  My HEQ5 is about 7 - 8 years old. 

    Most people replace them as the originals are inclined to bend.  

    Ya ok I see

    That happened to my oringinal eq6 too had a small bend after I tightened it down, I try not to over tighten them now.

    But better bolts are good idea

    I think carastro has the right answer if yours can do that too.

    Can u cut an inch off yours looks bit longer I agree that's too close


    Your degrees never changes unless u travel far. But I had times I travel 2 to 3 hrs away and I still didnt change the latitude since it was still close enough 


  6. I dont think it's that big of a deal for some to get the ep for show. The way its sold packed in the box and price does kinda make it seem that way

    I know many people have the fancy dining rooms where u only eat on it once a year. I even see many house holds with this too fancy living room too that r never used except special occasions 

    I had a statue which is a show pisces

    I also about $10,000 in a meteorite collection too. I dont really use or touch those. I have a Mars rock, moon, a comet and asteroid, I might have about 40 in total.

    Some people r collectors and never use their items. Just look at car collectors or coin or stamp collectors.

    Some have shelfs of nic naks or ornaments

    Most of the time maybe 90% our scopes are show pics and sit in our livingroom or garage. Most people view a few times a month ue to family life not being clear or other things.

    Each to their own if someone buy this ep for $1699 cdn and just puts it on a shelf that's fine with me.

    Ps since it's just me and my son we have a dining rm table I have used once in 3 years when I host a big family outing 


  7. On 05/03/2020 at 10:30, Nyctimene said:

    Interstellarum Deep Sky Atlas, for location and visibility with scopes of different apertures.

    For descriptions of DSO's, nothing beats this, IMO:


    Very precise comments on the appearance of DSOs, for small (4-6"), moderate (8" to 12") and large scopes (16" to 18"), along with finder charts and a lot of drawings.


    I too have this set it's really good but if j want light weight I also use Orion deep sky 600 it fold down but open to a big 20x30 inches


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  8. I have bought and sold hundreds of stuff on the used market

    Once was there a minor issue being described as mint where maybe was excellent  or very good. But this is understandable cause a person may look at it slightly differently. 

    Another time the post must of drop the box hard cause they said the focuser didnt rack back and forth. Which it did when I shipped it. But I know those cheap dual speed focuser from synta or gso are not well made.

    In fact just like 6 months ago I bought the skywatcher evostar 100mm f9 which was brand new from a store and focuser broke after 1 use. The door hit it when going through and I could not get it it to work after that no matter what I did.

    Anyway besides those 2 times and 1 was only a description in the wording so really 1 times in hundreds of times is really low chance I think


  9. My thoughts r since u have a 10 dob for deep sky objects maybe a nice refractor 4 inch to 5 inch size

    Or if u can find the skywatcher evostar 100mm used that should just get u into your budget less the mount and tripod, get this bit later.

    Dont get a st refractor either a long FL one or ed

    U know what I just picked up a kson 102mm f 7 ed refractor 2 weeks ago.  It's a 51 glass not 53 and came with a dual speed focuser.  The focuser looks like its mid quality and not your basic dual speed that come with synta or gso.

    I paid $440 cdn I'm guessing that could be $275 UK?  Still enough for a mount. Can u find anything like this there?

    Just to upgrade the focuser like alot scope must do is least half the cost of the scope.  And its 51ed glass which will be much better than any acro can give u unless its f15 or longer but 1/3 the length.

    Maybe I can post few pics if u want?

    My last suggestion is 6 inch mak cass but cooldown will be issue maybe up to an hr



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  10.  Cant say I  compared both but My TSA 102s is amazing. I'm sure the fs is also top performer 

    My gut says the TSA will edge out the fs abit.

    I personally think they stopped the TSA for only 2 reasons 1 it's been out for about 10 yrs give or take and many companies either change the name or model so they appear fresh and new ideas. 

    2nd cost factor y make a triplet 53 when a doublet fluorite is close, but it's cheaper to make and sell.


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  11. They are both eq5 mounts just different goto companys . I think for a lot of people going a manual mount may be better. Add single or dual drives and that's all u need. Just point the scope to where u want and look.

    Its half the cost but of course u gotta learn the older way to find stuff

    U cant believe how many hundreds of threads I have seen since goto crazy started since 1999 of people who cant figure goto align,  or goto fail break or other reason it doesnt work.


  12. i agree too going from a 114mm to a 130 doesnt not make alot sence remember thats 4.5" inches to 5.1 inches a half inch up, so its not much BUT i do think going to a 150mm is a good improvement.

    i know my friend neil that just started the hobby( friend meaning i meet him only on this forum not in person) he went from a 114 to 150mm then 200mm reflector within 4 months. Maybe if he sees this thread he can tell u his reasons or why

    Going to the 8" size is a huge improvment and thats probally as big as u can go in a eq size, i know theres a 10" but thats a beast tho.

    however it also depends on budjet and a 8"f/5 on a eq mount is pretty big and you should see it b4 think about going to this size.

    so check this size out or see it in person and the 6" size see what you can handle and if the cost is ok


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