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Posts posted by mackiedlm

  1. The Bubble nebula is one of my favourite astro-images and I have wanted to capture it since I first started this just over a year ago.

    the plan is to get some RGB to add to it but for the moment I'm happy just to have managed to get it.

    95 X 240s, ISO1600 EOS1100Da
    8" LX200 GPS Wedge, 0.63 FR / FF
    Astronomik Ha 12nm Clip in filter


    • Like 9
  2. I'm getting awful comma with the old SCT. Tried everything - FR spacing, collimation etc to remove but no success. I guess that unless i can find a way to mitigate it in processing Ill just need to live with it.



    8"LX200GPS on wedge, EOS1100D(a),
    90 X180s, ISO800
    Processed in Pixinsight

    • Like 2
  3. Had a couple of clear nights over the week-end which was a real novelty.

    This was taken with my venerable old 8" LX200 GPS, on a wedge, Canon EOS1100D

    120 X 180s so could do with more time.

    Still learning Pixinsight but getting more comfortable with it. Stars are a bit bloated so i need to work on that.


    • Like 5
  4. At last some clear sky in the west of Ireland. This is the first from 2 straight nights - imaging.

    EOS700Da, SW 80ED, NEQ6 PRO, 100X180s ISO1600, L-Enhance filter

    Stacked in APP with Ha-Oii Colour algorithm processed in Pixinsight (still very much a beginner!)

    Unfortunately my FOV left me cutting the nose off the fishe-head - but then I never could make outthe fishhead so I can live with that.

    I may go back and get some RGB stars at some point to give dome more colour.


    Comments and suggestions for improvement greatly appreciated.


    • Like 5
  5. 13 minutes ago, Victor Boesen said:

    I didn't actually notice the HA regions but they look good to me. However, I was thinking about the contrast between the sharpness and details in the galaxy compared to the background;)

    Ah Ok.yes I concentrated on trying to bring out the details in the core but leaving the rest soft. It also helped tame the background noise a bit.

    • Like 1
  6. 6 minutes ago, Victor Boesen said:

    Very good image! Is it just me or does it look almost 3D-like?


    You mean the two colour distortion on the HA regions? I have no idea how that happened but I get what you mean.

  7. I have had 3 clear nights since April so I was excited when Clear outside told me I had a whole clear night coming up - but that was not to be.

    I ended up with barely an hour before clouds rolled in. So this is a very short 1 hour integration on a unseasonably warm night so don't zoom in too tight as noise is definitely an issue - though PI has tamed it to some extent

    8" LX200GPS on a wedge, EOS700Da
    22 X 180s ISO800
    Processed in PixInsight


    Comments and suggestions for improvement greatly appreciated.

    • Like 7
  8. 12 minutes ago, Kinch said:

    Don't hesitate.....you won't regret it. 🤓 . You can still use APP (as I do) for calibration & stacking. Then move into PI for making fantastic astro images 😉

    Yes, I think I'd continue to stack in APP. I've done a couple in PI using the WBPP script and I did not see much difference really. But I am used to APP and comfortable with its options etc so...

  9. 4 minutes ago, MarkAR said:

    Much better, maybe bring the colour saturation down a bit.

    Pi wont have VAT in the new year I believe. If you can wait 4 months.

    Yes, on my PC it looked fine but on my phone here it is definitely over saturated.

    No VAT - Really? Is that just UK and Brexit related because I'm in Ireland. Would be great though because VAT will add on €50.



  10. Continuing my trial of PixInsight and as the weather is still awful out here I am back to reprocessing data from January!

    I think this is probably the re-pro that tells me I need to bite the bullet and buy Pixinsight.This is;

    EOS 1100d ( Ha Mod)
    Super Takimar 200mm f4
    Skywatcher Star Adventurer
    RGB 61 X 180s ISO 1600 (Astronomic CLS Clip in)
    Ha (astronomik 12nm clip in) 50 X 210s ISO 1600
    Around 40 darks, flats and dark flats for each session

    There is a bit of trailing I think due to poor PA - (I was still learning to use the Star Adventurer.) But i didn't try to repair it because I thinks it Ok at this scale.

    Stacked APP/Processed PI

    This was my best prior effore  - Stacked in APP/Processed in Photoshop

     Comments or suggestions for improvement?

    • Like 1
  11. 32 minutes ago, Adam1234 said:

    Thanks! Can't wait to complete the image.

    Let's hope the weather starts getting better soon! I don't know if it's just me but the weather (astronomy wise) seems to have been awful all summer. Lots of clear days but as soon as it gets dark it gets cloudy.

    Definitely not just you!! I'm out in the west of Ireland and since April I've had 3 clear nights. Add to that no astro-dark for nearly 6 weeks and I'm about ready to throw in the towel!!

    • Like 2
  12. I am trialling pixinsight to decide if it is worth the investment. So I am reprocessing some of my older data and comparing to my best result to date.


    This is M101 on my old 8" LX200, EOS1100D, 75X180s (This was far from the best data for many reasons)


    My previous best efforts in APP/Photoshop are here


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