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Posts posted by mackiedlm

  1. 11 minutes ago, alan potts said:

    Well, that's different. I use PS and don't have anything else apart from more clear skies that the Uk. As for being a beginner, really, I think we in the most part we are, though there are some really top rate astro-photographers on SGL some of the stuff we see posted is truely stunning.

    Great image and thanks for having a go, I have just shot another 3 hours.

    Bed time,


    No bother - it was fun to use data from a cooled dedicated camera - I only use DSLR at this stage.

    GradientXterminator works really well in PS for removing gradients.


    looking forward to seeing it with the additional data.


    • Like 1
  2. Hi Alan,


    So here is my interpretation of your data. Its great clean data and I dont think I've done it justice (but remember I'm very much a beginner and I'm sure others could work it better)

    I've got a bit of a "cinematic wide-screen" thing going on and I've brought out the blues, the ha and the details of the core more - because thats what I like! Not everyone does.

    Anyway - if you want I can give you the linear tiff with just the gradients removed if you would like to try it further yourself - just let me know and I'll PM you a link.

    What are you using for processing?


    • Like 5
  3. 8 minutes ago, paul mc c said:

    Lovely image,i had the scope on this last week for over three hours......or so i thought,when i got up around 4 for some reason every thing had closed down on the laptop after less than an hour.

    Hate that!  I lost 5 hours from a 7 hour run on the Pelican to a dew heater not turned on a few weeks back!

    • Sad 1
  4. Hi there - thanks for that.

    Weather wise its awful again -two clear night last week and then closed in for the foreseeable - wall to wall rain for the last 48 hours.

    Pandemic wise not much better - we are going int a full lockdown again from midnight tonight but just like last time there seems to be no real exit strategy.

    Much the same for both up in the north I believe.

    Take care,



  5. 3 minutes ago, ollypenrice said:

    I think reducing the colour saturation considerably would give a calmer, cleaner image. Otherwise it looks great to me.


    Thanks Olly.  I increased the saturation selectively in the dust right at the very end and that was a mistake. I really need to work on subtlety but I've never been much good at that.😆

  6. 27 minutes ago, Allinthehead said:

    Ruins many a good clear night.

     Nice Iris, maybe a little overcooked. I think if you try a more gentle approach to the process and work a little on the colour balance you could improve it. Sometimes less is more. 

    Thanks for that. I think you are right, overcooked!  I'm just learning Pixinsight and I need to tone various processes down a bit. I'll give it another go at the weekend.

  7. I worked hard to bring out the dust on this and I am not sure it really works that well - maybe looks a bit overprocessed? Comments and suggestions for how to make it better please.

    SW Evostar 80ED, EOS700Da, NEQ6

    58 X 240s ISO800 ( should have been more but mist!)


    • Like 10
  8. 3 minutes ago, Synchronicity said:

    WHat a fantastic image!  Is this the type of filter you are using? https://www.firstlightoptics.com/light-pollution-reduction-imaging/optolong-l-enhance-narrowband-deep-sky-imaging-filter.html ?   I might need to ask Santa for one 🙂


    Yes thats the one. There is a new one, the l-extreme which has narrower bandpass and is getting great reviews. But I have seen it mentioned that it may not work as well on DSLR (what I use). But you should ask around.

    • Thanks 1
  9. 12 minutes ago, Stuf1978 said:

    Thanks, that's something to start from. Can always download the trial version of APP and see how I get on. 👍

    Personally I can't rate APP enough. It does a great job of stacking, it allows a high degree of flexibility for calibration frames, and the gradient removal and colour calibration are superb if you are taking them in to PS.


    I'm new to pixinsight but have tried it for pre processing but I think i will continue stacking with APP

    • Thanks 1
  10. 2 minutes ago, alan potts said:

    Lovely shot there. I got rid of my L ehance filter as I didn't like, had I have known you could do that I may well have kept it, live and learn.


    Thanks Alan. Yes I know what you mean. I've not had mine that long and while I like the images I've done with it so far I've felt they were a bit, I don't know, uninspiring? But being able to take images with LP and even some moon made it worthwhile. And this adds another dimension to it altogether.

    • Like 1
  11. 1 hour ago, Stuf1978 said:

    Thanks I'll take a look, I have the photoshop action set as well so I'll have a play around. Is the splitting of the channels done on the linear data? 

    In App yes. I don't know if you can split channels in DSS. But in PS  I'm not sure what the best way would be. I'd probably do a first stretch to see what I had, crop, then pull the individual channel data at that point. But I've not done it so...?

    • Like 1
  12. Read to the bottom because you can do it without PI.

    So initial splitting of the channels was in APP using the "extract Ha and Oiii" algorithms. Further processing was indeed in PI following this 

     BUT.. I'm pretty sure you could do it in Photoshop if you know your way around it. Copy out the R & B channels, work them separately using levels and curves. For recombine if you have carbonis actions that would work but if you are good with PS I expect you'd do it manually. Watch the video, and I'm sure you will be able to translate it to your own application.


    Good luck and do post your result.

    • Like 2
  13. Continuing to play with this different way of processing L-Enhance data. This heart is from data captured a few weeks ago.

    EOS700Da, SW 80ED, NEQ6
    100 X 180s ISO1600
    L-Enhance Filter

    I really cant make up my mind about this - it feels strange producing this type of image from a DSLR - but I do like the colours in the images. Mostly!

    Interested to hear your thoughts.


    • Like 12
  14. This is a first effort at a new -to me anyway- processing technique for data from the l-enhance filter. This involved extracting the Ha and Oii in APP, stretching out the Oiii data then recombining with pixelmath and using the Ha as a further luminance layer. Its fairly rough I know and I'll have another go at it to improve the overall image but purely from the colour perspective I  think its interesting.

    SW 80ED, EOS700Da, NEQ6
    L-Enhance filter
    60 X 240s ISO800


    • Like 6
  15. This is a repro of an image I posted a few weeks ago. This time using starnet to allow work on the neb alone. Definite improvement in colour and detail - BUT (aint there always a BUT!!) something weird is going on in the stars now - looks like some type of chromatic aberration but it was not in earlier versions so I really dont know what happened here. Any ideas?

    8" LX200 GPS, on a wedge, Canon EOS1100D

    120 X 180s



    First rev is here


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