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Posts posted by DaveL59

  1. 1 hour ago, Stu said:

    Good stuff John. In the politest possible way, is it windy with you? 😉 Quite chilly and blowy here, plus a fair amount of cloud so I am staying warm inside tonight I think. Enjoy the views, those Tak finders are lovely in their own right aren’t they?

    don't blame you Stu, just tried for a peek and brrrr, plus the gusts catching the long OTA sure didn't help at all here, couldn't get a steady view so like you I've retired indoors into the warm :) 

  2. could you not have simply inverted the image? or I guess that may have switched E&W?

    on mine the oak is approx S but its sort of offset to the left a little in the pic and the tree bottom right in the pic is W, but that's so I can max the FoV given it clips top/bottom of the circle.

    • Like 1
  3. we had similar not long ago, total power loss and most street lights out too, but a not so good sky at the time. Thankfully with UPS's I was able to watch TV and have computer/internet and light  so was able to pass the time quietly for the couple hours before it started coming back on.

    I'd imaging tho a nightmare for imagers to lose power mid-session.

    • Like 1
  4. does sound like the barlow has worked out well for you Lee, you might try the DSLR without the barlow though if you can attach it to the focuser and see how that performs, should give really good pics once you get the hang of that.

    Know what you mean hand-holding the phone at the eyepiece, something I struggle with too having 3 cameras on the back of the phone and waving it about trying to get a view, so I too really should get an adaptor for that, as well as get better at focusing (as in put glasses on first before trying to get a pic lol)

    • Like 1
  5. well done Gina, looking good!

     it's a pity they don't have precision tapers to sit the board onto to ensure good alignment but then I guess they aren't exactly expecting the end user to be dismantling, after all they'll have alignment jigs in the factory and expect it to remain undisturbed.

    • Thanks 1
  6. have to say though that all the post I've read on imaging, it's probably not a path I'll be following you along even tho am impressed at what you all capture :) I'd like to take a few pics to show my daughter and grandaughter for sure, but I don't think I've the sort of time to be catching hours of data esp once work restarts. Not sure I'd be wanting to leave the scope out till all hours doing its thing either, the area is OK but there's a few dubious types around but you never know, one day...

    Playing with the bridge camera again has got me thinking about a DSLR so I can put the old Minolta lenses to use again, which limits me to the Sony Alpha range, less supported in the astro side it seems. But looking at that if I go with an APS-C sensor the lenses would be limited too, so sell the old gear and buy from scratch, or get the Sony and a shorter FL lens to get the wide-angle range... Or really stretch and get the full-frame version as was the original plan 20 years ago. But then I think back to the days of lugging a camera bag with 3+ lenses etc and think maybe I'll just stick to the S100FS lol

  7. I bet your time has cost way more Gina :) 

    But yes, all those gizzmos like 3D printer etc, hence I went the lazy route with an inverted CCTV PTZ dome that got used with non-functional camera and modified to suit - that's held up really well through all weather so far, it was the first small dome one that had the seal fail but some sealant and its back on the air again too. They were never designed to be used dome-upward of course ;) 

    • Like 1
  8. it's certainly a nice to have, being able to check the sky any time and even remotely and of course your one gave such great star views at night too.

    One day I might aspire to try to get closer to your image quality :) 

    • Thanks 1
  9. been a few days, but after lots of frustration getting the L-shaped casing to get a nice even finish, I ended up sanding it back hard and getting it nice and flat, then rather than burn thru hammerite white spray, went with laying a few coats of grey primer and then smoothing and repeat, to get a better surface finish. So on with white hammerite smooth spray and several coats later...


    at last, no sags in the paint and finish is pretty smooth too! Mind it was cooler too so maybe that helped a little :) 

    So into the curing cupboard it went today with the rest of the parts and I'll wait for a week or so for it all to harden off.

    Still to sand the focuser and OTA carrier and try a paint-pad to hopefully get a less brush-marked finish, when I obtain the pad I'll revisit that bit as it shouldn't take long - unless its a total fail in which case lots of sanding back to do lol

    • Like 1
  10. I have the 222 and it is very good, can be bought relatively cheap off the bay quite often and spare quick-release plates are inexpensive too. I overhauled the 222 and retouched the paint so it's like new and cost me under £20. Paired to a Giottos M5570 monopod (also off the bay) which has the option to use feet to stabilise, and these are stored in the lower section of the monopod. It extends to well above head height for me (5ft8) and even more so with the 222 on the end.


    The monopod ain't light though but is very stable even when extended and handles my binos easily with a bracket in place of the camera.

    Should add here - the 222 you will need also a 3/8-1/4 tripod screw adaptor to fit it to a regular photo tri/monopod

  11. sounds interesting, one of those miniature jam jars perhaps, or the slightly larger ones that stores use for things like mint sauce?

    Only risk there tho is the heat relaxing the grip of the lid and the jar working itself loose. Tho a strap under it might help retain it in place.

  12. I see this one is around again, different wording a couple days back along the lines of "selling on behalf of my company... contact me..." so I guess some bidders as having some fun with them


    He's got 2 of these listed at the moment and a nice pair of binos too


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