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Posts posted by DaveL59

  1. what you'll need to do is pick a distant object that is distinct and then use the telescope to get it focused and centred. Then you need to look through the finder and adjust it to get the same object centred in the crosshairs. The target does need to be a good distance away not just a couple hundred meters. Once done you use the finder to locate the star/planet you want to look at and the scope should also be on or very close to it.

    In terms of tonight, the moon won't be visible, its in the south-west at the moment, but Venus and mercury will show once the sun is down over to the west, you may be lucky to get to see those as a start :)

    For an idea of what planets will be up on a particular day take a look here:


    • Thanks 1
  2. a pair of manfrotto-a-like 323RC2  with 200PL quick-removal plates to use on the scope ring and elsewhere to make swapping camera/bino's around quick and easy.


    Tho a great price (<£16 the pair) there's a couple problems.

    1. the D-ring on the screw underneath won't sit flat once screwed onto a fitting, needed a washer under the head to sort that or you simply cannot get the plate to sit right in the head to engage properly.

    2. A standard manfrotto 200PL plate won't fit onto it. The narrow edge (arrowed) on an OEM plate is slightly wider. Likewise these plates won't quite secure in a manfrotto QR head.

    So dremel time, grind a little away and now the manfrotto 200PL fits just fine :)


    Will take a look at filing down the bevel on the long edge a little so these plates can also work with the OEM head should I need them to, but I more got these for the base rather than the QR plates as I already have "proper" ones.

    • Like 1
  3. you should be able to pull it to round again so long as the OTA is still straight of course., tho work gently and gradually. The spider vane should be able to straighten ok. Even the rim might come right but you'd need to remove it to do that. As Terry says, strip the OT and rim and see of a body ship or metalworker could sort it if you don't fancy trying it yourself. You'll likely need to redo the black matt inside but the outer paint layer may not need anything.

    Heck you might even be able to use it as-is tho your collimation will be way out right now ;) 

    • Thanks 1
  4. yep, priorities in the right order :)

    If you keep checking around another may turn up. First scope I was after was a TAL-1 and I thought we were getting somewhere then they went silent. He sold it to someone else and didn't bother to let me know. Did get one in the end tho and likely a better example from its original from new owner. 

    When you're ready just pop back and ask before committing, you'll get good advice so you don't buy a dud...

  5. 2 minutes ago, Nigella Bryant said:

    Brilliant, can I electrify the dome wall on the outside 😃😃😃😃😃

    sadly not, seems the law doesn't take too kindly even if you have to be doing something illegal to actually hit the live wire/plate :( No reason tho that you couldn't fit some sort of detection and a damn loud siren and big flashing lights to disorientate them while they try to flee. Hooked to an auto-sprinkler or better yet a water-jet with some of that special water and plod should have no problem proving it was them trespassing with intent ;) 

    • Haha 1
  6. made me recall the stonehenge site where they put an electric fence around it to deter the brigade that sneak in at night to play. According to the security guy I was talking to it was hilarious, as dark fell they'd start to sneak across the open green and in the dark you'd just hear crack... owww and other noises

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    • Haha 2
  7. 2 minutes ago, LivK said:

    Ooo thank you, I’m still waiting for a response from the seller 😢

    Fingers crossed, there's always tomorrow evening too :) 
    Worth setting it up in daylight and have a play so you get familiar with how the scope is moved on the mount before you try using it in the dark, just be careful of the sun's position as you do, you don't want to be looking at that star unless you have a proper solar filter.

    • Thanks 1
  8. at £50 you can't really go wrong if it's all there and in good order which it seems to be. Heck if it was near me I'd likely snap it up for a grab n go!

    Once you have it there are many videos on youtube on how to set p the EQ mount and use the scope as well as many here who will provide guidance. You may want to consider upgrading the eyepieces later on but meantime just use what it has as you learn how to use it and decide if this hobby is something you want to invest more into. Welcome to the club by the way 🙂 

    • Like 1
  9. I think for our use waterproof is worth the extra as they won't mist up internally during colder nights leading to later problems. The Nikon Action EX should be good, if I recall quite a few use them successfully. With a tripod adaptor screwed into the front hinge on your camera tripod you're good to go. Probably don't need the Nikon one as its quite pricey compared to say the opticron one which I believe should fit it - others may be able to confirm this.


  10. even when you do, don't be thinking a 5x barlow would be good to get, it won't be. I've 3x TAL ones and also 2x Skywatcher and the 2x gets more use other than in the TAL-M where the 3x is the only option that fits it or the frac on the synscan mount. As Star101 said, you need to be very precise centring the object to jump that far in mag and if the scope isn't tracking then you'll be trying to find the object after you switch barlow and eyepiece over.

    • Like 2
  11. got a short look at Venus in the binos after she dropped below a contrail and before the neighbours high fence stole her away, but no chance to see Mercury from here for same reasons, so many contrails over West and barely moved so frustrating viewing tonight.

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