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Posts posted by DaveL59

  1. not all DSLR models will give you a live view over USB, same for bridge cameras, so you'll need to do your research on the model you decide you like. As mentioned too, live view won't show you much and will be lower resolution than the image the camera is capable of. You might be able to with a proper astro camera looped into stacking software so you can live stack the images and gradually get an improving image to look at "live" but I've no experience of doing this so can't advise here.

    I know its an expensive option and not for everyone but the thing that does what you're after in a pre-built package is one of these


    There's a section on the forum that discusses it.

  2. Home baking??? mmmmm


    decided that after >24h the knuckle parts are still a bit soft and tacky, so thought I'd give this a go. Will see how they come out tomorrow after a 30 mins bake at gas mark 1...

  3. I'd get the opinions of those that do image Sam, I was just suggesting a way the EQ5 might be able to work as a cheaper option. A lot will depend on how much you are loading the mount and what you want to image, esp as this could mean long exposures where accurate tracking will be critical. I've 2 EQ5's one manual and the other SynScan goto, the goto is easier viewing as I don't need to adjust anything it just follows the target so I can relax and enjoy. The other needs an overhaul as its sticky on the axes having been unused in a long time before I acquired it. You can always add the full goto rig on a manual EQ5 later on if you want to, but they're £200+ on top.

    Depending on how soon you want to be jumping in, certainly worth keeping an eye on the used market, you might be able to get one (HEQ5/6) that way at less cost.

  4. so with things having slowed a little waiting on paint to dry and wet weather, not to mention a couple kind spiders who decided to sacrifice themselves making patterns in the wet paint of the knuckle I'd not long sprayed, decided I'd do the feet. A couple bits where the paint had been scraped/chipped showed some usual ally scabbing so all sanded down and prepped the other day waiting on the other bits to dry.

    Of course the feet will have to cope with being in contact with the ground so I've reconsidered spraying these and I've decided to hand painted in black hammered effect hammerite, hope this turns out well and proves durable and those brush marks flatten a bit.


    So having brought the poles and other parts indoors I carefully placed them inside the box for safe-keeping. Not carefully enough tho as I nicked the middle of one pole on the screw post that the braces fit onto :( Oh well I'll touch that back up later... doh! Can see I'll need to find a solution to those interior fixings in the TAL wood box or all this repainting ain't gonna last long.

    • Like 2
  5. 2 hours ago, carastro said:

    Such an excellent idea, I have this problem too with my ED120.  Need to give it some thought on how to add extra weight.  I tried looking at Mount extensions, but the only ones I could find were far too long. 



    this may provide a few ideas Carole


    I've seen weights advertised for vixen dovetails, tho they are quite expensive but I guess that's paid back in terms of improved capability of the kit.

    • Like 1
  6. not being in the imaging game, but would not the EQ5 with an RA motor provide a low-entry level starting point?

    That way the scope would track once you've manually acquired the target of interest, albeit not as accurately as a guided rig but then you're looking at lots more kit and cost. You could get the dual-motor non-goto kit and that'd be able to slew the scope but that's not so important. You would need to get levelling and polar alignment as accurate as you can though but that seems pretty much a basic requirement for imaging anyway.

  7. sounds like some internal reflection or possibly a chip in the prism, if you look through the objective end do you get a clear image? Also try shining a torch and inspecting the internals, you should find clean smooth glass surfaces, any irregularity and that could cause an optical aberration especially viewing a bright target at night such as Venus or the moon. The first effect I'd expect to see in lower cost roof prisms but not in a porro format.

    • Like 1
  8. 1 hour ago, John said:

    Tell us about your sky quality:

    Right now, quality thick clouds and quality drizzle :clouds2::clouds1:

    same here John, flat grey and rain all day.

    And just to improve my day a spider decided one of my freshly painted parts was something to go crawl over grrr

    • Like 1
  9. I'll often just rough align and use the SynScan as a tracking mount rather than star align and slew around. Just that little lot weight around 50+KG so a lot more effort to lift and shift. Same for the SW130, tho lighter still too unwieldy to safely get through the conservatory door directly up steps unless I dismount the OTA. Don't really want to be breaking large glass panels lol

    • Like 2
  10. I thought I'd have got the TAL100RS out more, but it hasn't moved from its resting place so far. Was playing instead with the TAL-M and TAL-1, easier to pick up and carry up the step and set up, well no setup as I can move those ready rigged being pier pedestals rather than tripod bases. While I love the views with the 100RS, the EQ5 and SynScan make it more effort as I need to de-mount the OTA to move the EQ5 out and then align and then load the OTA back on, as well as hook up power etc. 

    From now tho the TAL-M is out of the picture as it's in bits being restored so I could well be getting back to the 100RS tho if it gets windy the choices I have are all 1M OTA's which will be "fun"

    • Like 1
  11. ya jinxed it being new and keen ;)

    Sadly looks like the run of good weather has paused for breath so as ever its a case of fickle UK skies and see what you can when you can :) 

    Same here tho, all cloud, pity as it'd have been something to distract while we lost power in the area. Didn't make an iota of difference to sky darkness of course even with several street lights off. Still, having UPS meant computer and TV still carried on regardless but looks like new battery required in the kitty smart-door as the boys were stuck outside till I left the door open for them. Hoping little hedgehog didn't sneak in under cover of darkness like he did once before

  12. 9 minutes ago, Karen Bexley said:

    Thanks again Dave.  Maybe if you have the number for 'Bob the builder' I may get lucky, otherwise I think that is a bit beyond my capabilities.

    I reckon Plan B is in order 🤔

    funnily enough He's called Peter, on here ;)

  13. 10 minutes ago, Karen Bexley said:

    Thanks Dave.

    Unfortunately, the Leica doesn't have a tripod screw option, so I guess I'm going to be out of luck there then.

    For the time being, I may just have to have as steady a hand as possible (not too much Prosecco before a viewing session 😋).

    I noted you mentioned a tripod adaptor though, so a ball-head (manfrotto 222 or similar) and monopod would work to give stability and the ability to get a relaxed view angle. Alternatively, fully extend 2 tripod legs such that they splay either side of you and tilt it back, though it's never seemed very practical to me to do this. Another option is something like this tho I'm not sure they suit roof-prism binos

  14. Hi Karen

    does your Leica have a tripod screw option, if its a roof prism type probably not, in which case you'd need the velcro type which can be a pain as it can cause the tubes to close losing the IPD setting. I'd guess this could be worked around with a suitable wedge between the tubes though. As for a mount to use in a chair I don't know of any designed for a recliner tho you may be able to adapt a hide mount perhaps, no idea tho. You may find a monopod will do what you need, as in add stability, otherwise you're into parallelogram territory. The latter would suit much larger binoculars should you decide to go that route but they aren't cheap and do need a suitable tripod to attach to.


    edit: a quick google and... maybe you could try your hand at making one ;) 


  15. while waiting for the last couple bits to dry I thought I'd sand the feet so they're ready to paint. Wow that was fiddly but only a couple bits where the paint had lifted tho over years they do seen dirty in the crevices. Am almost tempted to run them thru the dishwasher before painting ;) 

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