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Posts posted by Altocumulus

  1. Darn sight better than my attempts yesterday evening. Jupiter was bouncing around all over the place. Couldn't be certain of good focus which was evident this morning trying to tease something out of the data. Still was my first time and also with an osc cam , so room for me to improve, though maybe not as good as this from you Graham...

    • Like 1
  2. 10 hours ago, Sunshine said:

    Looks great, I am so about to pull the trigger on a Quark! have you mastered the tuning yet? any tips you like to extend? Thanks!

    Sadly that day was the last opportunity I had to use the Quark.

    Each day since has been either cloudy or full of rain! The clouds in the box from FLO were particularly strong this time. I hoped yesterday and today (Sat/Sun) would offer opportunity, but there's too much upper cloud.

    • Sad 1
  3. Roughly processed; AS3 & Imppg. More practice needed! I've not had this much detail on my Lunt LS60tha!
    Tuned on setting I received the unit.
    No flats applied
    William Optics 102GT + diagonal + uv/ir cut + tilt adapter + ZWO 174mm (cool)

    Tuning at around 8-9 minutes from switch on. Sequence of four images as the tuner warmed.

    Starts at T+00, then T+04, T+06 then T+08


    T+00Quark Untuned.gif

    T+04Quark warming up.gif

    T+06Quark warming.gif

    T+08Quark on green.gif

    • Like 8
  4. 1 hour ago, Steve Ward said:

    A touch too dark and contrasty for my taste I have to say ... 😉

    I find PIPP struggles on partial discs and especially thin crescents , I recently came across this bit of software that does a pretty good job of centring and cropping when PIPP doesn't want to play .... https://www.astrodmx-capture.org.uk/astrocrop/

    Interesting piece of software. Thanks Steve.

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