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Mr Spock

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Posts posted by Mr Spock

  1. Region    Serpens / Corona Borealis
    Date    12/06/2024
    Scope    Takahashi FC-100
    Eyepieces    42mm LVW x19, 17mm LVW x44, 8mm LVW, x93, 5mm LVW x148, 3.5mm LVW x211
    Conditions    Good seeing (no clean airy disks) and poor transparency - mag 4.0 in the direction of Serpens - worse late on due to high cloud.
    Note:    All PAs are rough estimates.
    β Ser    Very bright primary, very faint secondary. Seen at x43 but better at x93. 270°.
    Σ 1978    Easy but faint uneven pair at 200° and x44.
    AHD 9    Wide, even and faint pair. X43 and 60°.
    OΣ 300    Bright with a very faint secondary at 270°, x93.
    δ Ser    A bight uneven pair, a lovely sight at x148. 180°.
    Σ 1993    A fairly even pair at 60° and x44
    κ Ser    Bright and uneven pair at 40° and x44.
    Σ 2007    Uneven and wide pair seen at x19. 320°.
    OΣ 303    A tight, slightly uneven pair. 180° ok at x 148 but looked better at x211. Would have looked better with clean airy discs.
    Σ 1995    Two similar stars close together, the top one of which is double with a faint companion at 320°, x93. I believe the lower star is not related.
    Σ 1950    Uneven pair at 90°, easy with x93.
    Σ 1932    Close, even pair. WDS says 1.6" but I thought it looked closer - took x211 for it to look a clean split.
    Σ 2022    Not seen. A real challenge in these conditions at mag 6.5 + 10.0 and 2.2". Should be doable in better seeing.
    Σ 2029    Uneven pair with a faint secondary at 170° and x148. Secondary is 9.6 so shouldn't be faint - noticed high cloud taking the edge off.
    Σ 1963    Even pair at either 60° or 300° depending on which is the primary! X93.

    I wanted to go on longer but high cloud drifted in and was spoiling my already naturally poor transparency.

    I also had a look for T CrB but it was too faint to see.

    I might stop estimating PA as I get confused with using a diagonal. For example I recorded Σ 1950 as 270° when it's actually 91°. About 50% are opposite to what they should be, sigh.

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  2. 51 minutes ago, lunator said:

    Michael STF2022 should be doable in your scope but it is right on the limit based on my general formula. Let us know how you get on if you give it another try

    Seeing wasn't quite perfect last night, so maybe it's worth another try. Plus around 10.0 is close to my limit here anyway due to light pollution. I did grab a couple around 10.1 last night but they aren't easy.

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  3. 16 minutes ago, GordonD said:

    Crater Armstrong easy but struggled to pick up Collins and Aldrin

    I can see Armstrong quite easily. Confirmed Collins in moments of steady seeing - Aldrin is a no show. Collins becomes easier when you realise it's at the bottom of a light streak which sort of points to it.

    FC-100 at x264 (x2.5 Powermate and 7mm ortho).

    Lunar is over for tonight. It's just gone behind a neighbour's tree. It's only a small tree, but just in the wrong place 😡

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  4. Magnification depends on seeing, aperture and target.

    Assuming perfect seeing, my 4" apo is best on the moon at x211, and my 12" at x461. Jupiter on the other hand, is best at around x180 regardless of the scope I'm using. Note: with the 12" on Jupiter I use a variable polarising filter to bring the brightness down otherwise it's a 'white out'.

    For an 8" f5.9, I'd recommend two Morpheus. A 6.5mm will give x185 and a 4.5mm x267. So x175 for Jupiter, and x267 for moon and other planets.

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