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Posts posted by scotty1

  1. I think this particular set of satellites may of been more visible , as they may have been recently deployed and still relatively in low orbit?

    I agree that light pollution is already degrading astronomy/astrophotography. 

    Adding another layer of pollution with satellites is frustrating for anyone who cares about night skies.

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    On 18/01/2024 at 20:00, Beardy30 said:

    Anyone else watch the starkink train of satellites going across the moon at about 18.05pm tonight? Approx 19 of them counted ,  I saw it from here in Preston, Lancashire, fantastic to watch 


    Noticed these when walking back from town last Thursday. 





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  3. On 26/12/2023 at 14:51, buddyaderholt said:

    I recently got into astrophotography with my Pixel 7 Pro, too. Exciting stuff! Haven't attached it to my telescope yet, but just got a smartphone adapter. Planning to give it a shot soon. Quick question for the seasoned pros: Do you use the timer function? Wondering if it helps with stabilizing after hitting the shutter button. And hey, if anyone's got some mind-blowing Pixel astro pics, please share! I'm itching to see what this little powerhouse can capture in the night sky. Also, totally random, but has anyone tried sell your Samsung Galaxy here? Thinking about switching, so curious to hear experiences.

    This could be useful if your using the phone without the scope. If you don't need the tripod,  just get a bluetooth remote. 


  4. Unfortunately it was cloudy all night. Clear now though🤐.

    Perhaps that fireball Mike witnessed was a Quadrantid meteor, or sporadic. 

    Should be clearer skies with high pressure building, if the fog holds off. 

    Could be quite a cloudy High with milder air mixed into the Anticyclone 

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  5. On the lookout for Nacreous clouds, but I think they have gone for now. Could be a while before they are so widespread again. Last time I saw them was February 2016.

    It's very quiet out and the usual sound of roaring traffic is much reduced. 

    Got this shot with Jupiter lower right. 



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  6. Completely clouded out last night. 13th/14th

    Had a half hour gap this evening (Thursday 14th 19.00-19.30 GMT)  Saw 5 Geminids in about 15 mins , caught the brightest below Jupiter on dslr camera (10sec ISO 1600 f3.5). And also the same meteor on phone video, thought I'd just try a short handheld video as it was clear. 




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  7. 49 minutes ago, carastro said:

    I guess we were about a mile away.  Don’t recall any sound.  My son who l have told this story to in the past says l have told him it was green in the past.  Hubby thinks it was Red but if it was it certainly wasn’t a deep red.  Fireball is in my mind until it turned into a Y.  

    I was going to say ball-lightning , but now I've read there was a military testing station, it could of been flares, or paratroopers with flares on them. 

  8. On 18/11/2023 at 23:59, Elp said:

    Could be from the light source in the centre of the image.

    As it's taking a number of (is it 15s per image) and then stacking around 4 minutes any changes in intensity of light will accumulate and stack in the final image, it's also not applying any calibration images which you'd normally do when imaging with AP gear.

    Yes it's 15s exps , about 4 minutes in total. It's quite strange as it only becomes really obvious when trying to edit the photo. 

    As I apply a curve, add contrast, brightness the banding effect becomes obvious. Like a zebra dark/light pattern. I tried the mobile lightroom app ,and it was there but less obvious. I also tried editing some older RAW photos taken earlier in the year, and with the same phone. The older photos didn't have the banding pattern, when I used Snapseed to edit them. I know the pixel 4a is not recieving any more updates since October. It shouldn't affect the camera though. 

  9. On 23/11/2023 at 18:39, Elp said:

    I've seen a meteor which was almost horizontal but it moved in a stepped fashion as it was "descending". It must have stepped at least four or five times down as it was moving across the sky, lasted only around 2 seconds. Couldn't have been anything else as I was in the middle of nowhere and it appeared and disappeared as quick as a meteor.

    I've seen a bright earth grazer meteor heading towards me from the SW a few years back. It was twilight and the meteor flared up in short bursts as it tracked. The meteor was visible for about three seconds, between the bright flare ups, the meteor became dim, so it appeared to have a stepped track, brightening and almost disappearing. 

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  10. 25/11/23  18.20GMT 

    With a 96% moon  

    Quite surprised I was able to see a hint of pink when I took this picture. Maybe the blue colour from the moon, contrasted with the pink. This would likely of been a powerful display without the moonlight. 



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  11. 01.00 GMT

    I didn't actually see this , as I was looking north at the time. But the camera picked up either a satellite flare, or possibly a northern Taurid. It looks white, usually meteors leave green or orange in the trails. 

    13s ISO 1600 f3.5


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