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Posts posted by scotty1

  1. I've always used Snapseed to edit RAW photos on my pixel 4a. And Polish editor for jpg. Recently I've noticed annoying banding across the photo when trying to edit them with Snapseed. As soon as I open the photo in Snapseed the banding appears , ,haven't noticed this before to this extent, anyone else have this issue? 

    It seems to be when changing the exposure or brightness that makes the problem worse. 


  2. I tried looking for comet 103P Hartley this morning using a short exposure with DSLR and tripod. Stellarium mobile has 103P Hartley at mag 8.3 I could not detect it. 

    Using the same equipment I easily found comet H2 Lemmon, recently listed as magnitude 10.4 

    The claimed magnitude is misleading for these comets. Is this par for the course with comets? 


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  3. 2 hours ago, Moonshed said:

    You patiently wait for hour after hour then along come two together. They must be some form of interstellar bus.

    Yes I was outside for about 25mins and saw one. Then went again for 30 secs to check for clouds, and saw another. 

    It's around the Peak of the Taurids now, but these were not from that radiant.  


  4. The forecast G2 storm seems to of Arrived. 

    Obviously a lot of the country is now cloudy. 

    One thing about Aurorawatch UK is that they lag slightly behind realtime sightings. As they update hourly, by the time they are showing orange or red, the activity can already be over. 


    The Glendale app was already orange alert nearly an hour ahead of Aurorawatch.

    • Thanks 1
  5. There were a few reports of Aurora last night from Lincs and Northants. 

    But this was not from naked eye observations. This was on camera after long exposures.

    I think what people may of mistaken for Aurora on camera, was patches of misty low cloud with light pollution showing up orange/ green. 

    The most reliable and accurate way I've found to see if Aurora is occuring, is the the Glendale Aurora app. 




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