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Posts posted by Rustang

  1. I was interested in doing the star test to check collimation as the scopes new to me and I don't have a collimation tool at the moment (shouldn't have sold it!) It's an old Orion Optics scope, I'm not expecting the optics to be first class but I'm going to base my view on this point from last nights experience. For the first time ever I saw some faint details on Mars and the moon, well that just blew my mind and I've looked at the moon alot but not through this aperture or decently at x200 mag. I was very happy when I got to bed last night ๐Ÿ˜Š

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  2. 13 minutes ago, John said:

    I agree with Geoff - the diffraction rings are not always well defined by any means. Sometimes they are better defined on one side of focus and mushy on the other. Seeing conditions play quite a role in this and it's all to easy to think you have an optical issue when it's really the seeing playing around with you !

    It definitely seems that was what was going on and seeing did get better which was when I started to notice the rings and as you say they were definitely more noticeable on the one side. I'm always learning!


    Thanks guys ๐Ÿ‘

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  3. 2 minutes ago, Roy Challen said:

    Happens in every hobby...


    ...and I never thought I'd see the day when someone said this!๐Ÿ˜‚

    Hi, someone just down the road from me! I'm in Hemel!ย  What I don't think helps is the need to feel like your still doing something with the hobby while waiting around for another clear night, you cant really do anything while waiting as such so you find yourself on the internet searching for your fix because you start to think you need new equipment! I have to admit I really have to fight the urge to do that sometimes. Something new may put a smile on your face for a short while but you probably don't need it plus you will have to wait a few weeks before you can use it anyway so that quick fix wares off plus it wont bring you anymore clear nights! โ˜บ๏ธ At least with other hobbies you will probably be able to use your new purchase straight away because your not waiting for anything! I do find the waiting around side of this hobby really difficult myself. I think i need to find another hobby along side this, I like to go fossil hunting down at Lyme Regis but that's also something I cant do all the time as its a 6hr round trip! ๐Ÿ˜’ Maybe I will dig out that badminton racket! ๐Ÿ˜„

  4. This hobby definitely leans towards spending some real time with what you have (which is a long time with the lack of clear night's in this country!) learn, learn, learn and before you move on, make sure it's the right move because you might not need to spend the money yet or spending on the wrong equipment. Unless of course you just want to treat yourself, which we all do๐Ÿ˜Š

  5. 2 minutes ago, paulastro said:

    Rus, having seen some of your images, I'd stick with what you've got.ย  It's not your equipment that makes your images so good, it's you!ย  The same for visual observing, 'upgrading' doesn't make a better observer either.ย  A visual observer doesn't need a Takahashi to have good views. Keep up the good work ๐Ÿ‘.

    Thanks Paul, not looking to upgrade anytime time soon, if I was to, it would probably only be the camera side of things anyway as that is where I'm having to really push it hard and it is showing where its struggling but none of which is to much concern right now. My SW ED 80mm and 72mm are keepers ๐Ÿ˜Š. I'm always just keeping one eye out though and the above is what I'm coming across most of the time which is even more reason to stay with my gear, and also save some money!ย 

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  6. 23 minutes ago, happy-kat said:

    Sometimes imaging factors are unknown for example sky bortle. If you are pushing your gear to maximise what you get from it you may also be putting in the time to push your learning in post processing. Both will reflect in your images.

    That is true, i guess we dont always know the full conditions etc of the user. Post processing has a big part to play, I'm also very much trying to push that as well. It almost seems that there's a lot of unnecessary spending going on out there thinking it will just take the pictures for you and a lack of effort to make the most of you what you have including the data that's been captured which would be a real shame for some users. I do appreciate the fact its a case of each to their own sometimes though.

  7. So for a while now Ive been seeing possible upgrade items for sale with example pictures that the seller has taken with the gear and near enough every time Ive not been impressed with the images taken. I'm in no way shape or form blowing my own trumpet as I'm still very new to astrophotography but Ive felt each time that my images are better with the gear i have. This lead me to the question of "is better really any better"? or is it more down to the user? I like to try and get the best out of my gear before changing and yes you have to work that gear harder but I feel I have archived more that way with what is said to be good, but lower end equipment!


  8. 3 minutes ago, masjstovel said:

    Yes i know, but i found i go-around to make it work. It was a recipe somewhere on the web, but i dont remember how. If it did not work after i downloaded Ascom v6.5 i would understand, but it DID work a couple of sessions with the newest version and now suddenly it doesnt. But am i interpereting it correct when i say its connection to my computer because of that Pl2303HXA text?ย 

    Sadly because of my lack of computer knowledge I can't really help much further, all I know is I had that message and to me that meant the cable was at fault so getting the newer version did solve the issue for me. Maybe you got lucky the first couple of times? , I'm not sure though I'm afraid. Might be worth getting the new cable to try, if it doesn't work, send it back ๐Ÿ‘

  9. 18 minutes ago, Adam1234 said:

    I'm using a 0.85 focal reducer field flattener, so I'm at 510mm.

    To see what your field of view is with your setup, use the ocular section in Stelarium, fill out the details like telescope focal length,ย  camera pixel size, angle of the camera. Very helpful, shows you how your framing will look

    Cheers, I normally use the astronomy tools website, Im just being lazy! ๐Ÿ˜Š Plus it helps seeing and understanding real life results ๐Ÿ‘

  10. 8 minutes ago, Adam1234 said:

    Hi, the first image is pretty much the the full frame, only a small margin from stacking artefacts due to dithering cropped out.ย 

    Oh ok, didn't realise 600mm would get you right in that close, to be fair I've not really reaserch this target. I'm guessing there wouldnt be to much difference in the focal length/field of view between your dedicated camera and my cropped sensor DSLR!?ย 

  11. Pretty sure I've read this somewhere, and it's something I may try myself but I think it might be worth combining two sets of subs. Take a set of shorter subs to control the core then some longer subs for fainter details then blend the two stacked images later in post.ย 

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  12. 4 minutes ago, teoria_del_big_bang said:

    I am not surprised they are stunning images.ย ย 

    I have started keeping some images that I consider a standard to aim for and if you have no objections Adam I would like to take a screen shot of one of these and maybe one day I will get a an image half as good as these.

    Well done they are great images (all of them) ๐Ÿ™‚ย 


    I did that for my latest Andromeda, picked a few that I felt looked more natural to go by and then added my own little interpretation! โ˜บ๏ธ

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  13. You have some lovely detail there, the cores fairly well handled. To me though the colors a bit to much on the red/pink front, its making it a little difficult to look at! but that's my own personal view. There's some noise/texture that's really present, might be slightly over stretched!? Cracking though mate, you must be pleased, Orion's always a winner. ๐Ÿ‘

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  14. Your here now so you may as well take a look! ๐Ÿ˜†

    Its been a week long process this one with lots learnt. Having been mostly processing neb's recently, its been good to tackle a galaxy, it takes on some similarย  and some more challenging set of processing techniques. I feel I'm at the point where I'm happy with the finished image, it is a very difficult target not to go over board with, hopefully I haven't done so with my final take with recent data.

    4hrs worth of 5min subs with calibration frames. SW 80ED with 0.8 focal reducer and modified 600D. Stacked in APP and finished in PS.



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