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Posts posted by Rustang

  1. Ive been wanting to hit this target again since my first attempt in 2019 which was in my first year of astrophotography. Its definitely an improvement and for what is a pretty short integration RGB image, its come out pretty nice. I'm looking forward to adding more data as the year goes on.

    RGB - 1hr 20mins each channel, 300 sec subs.

    SW80 ED DS PRO, HEQ5 PRO, QHY9 CCD, Baader RGB filters.








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  2. 30 minutes ago, michael8554 said:

    Pretty good !

    HFD = 6, so not guiding on a hot pixel !  😆

    Are the stars round in your images?  RA error nearly twice Dec error.


    They have always appeared to be! They are probably not perfect, corners maybe out but if they appear to be round which I believe they are, then I tend not to get to hocked up on it. I know my calibration could be improved even more, hence it being yellow but while its working for my current 10min exposures then its one less thing to stress about! :)

    This was from last night, pretty round I think! :)


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  3. 3 minutes ago, Adreneline said:

    I know I am in the minority but I prefer the starless version - it really allows you to focus on the structure and form of the nebula.

    Very nice - I really like the colours.


    Nope, I'm the same, its a stunning nebula to see with out the stars :)

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  4. So, 6 nights, just over 9hrs of data, many hours going around and around with the processing and we finally have an SHO Rosette Nebula. This project was exhausting and Ive still got alot to learn across the board but for now, considering I only picked up the new camera in February, I'm happy! You can get stuck on those amazing images from very talented people and continue to feel like your getting know where or you can enjoy your own journey. If I'm honest, I still do both but what that does is give you an healthy shove to keep trying to improve.

    SW80 ED DS PRO at 480mm (x0.8 reducer), tracked on my old HEQ5 Pro mount.

    QHY 9 mono

    Baader HA, SII, OIII filters

    HA- 4hrs, 20mins Captured over 2 nights of near full moon light

    SII - 3hrs Captured over 2 nights, one of which during one of the recent very windy nights.

    OIII - 2hrs captured over 3 nights.

    All 600 sec subs with Flats, darks and dark flats. Stacked in DSS and processed in PS

    The processing took aloooooooong time! It was mainly due to the stars, many just kept coming out orange which I think was due to the hallows over coming the stars to look like orange dots. In the end I did a star less version and pasted back in some stars from a better edit. I was lucky to finally get some SII data but I still need more integration time, for now though I'm leaving this project as it is because I need a brake from it. 

    Hope you like it.



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  5. 18 minutes ago, Stardust said:

    thanks, just the wrong end of the season to get much more time on it and our weather doesn't help


    Very true, I have a project going on this but running out of time aswell although I do have 9hrs worth so far. I'm lucky to have grabbed what I could though as it was also towards the end this season that I started my Narrowband imaging. I finally got some SII this week which might be enough for my SHO project but it might be a little noisy still. 

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  6. Managed to finally get some windy SII data, 2.5hrs worth of 10mins subs and they appeared to all be ok, pleased I risked a windy nights imaging, and well done to my sturdy set up! 😊

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  7. 6 minutes ago, tooth_dr said:

    Fantastic Russ, really pleased all is working well.

    Thanks Adam, I'm really happy with how its gone for a first dip into Narrowband, looking forward to improving more and seeing what I can do, it would help if we had to more clear nights though! 😃

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  8. Its looking more and more likely that I wont be able to gather the data to create a proper SHO Rosette this season so I thought I would have another go at my HOO data. Its definitely less noisy and I personally love the colour's, its a false colour image at the end of the day so this is my artistic interpretation :)






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  9. 22 minutes ago, Adreneline said:

    No need to apologise for another Rosette - it's a joy to behold and an excellent first HOO image - certainly better than my first!

    I took the liberty of reducing the green in the image and pulling the black point back a tad - makes the blue core region more blue and less cyan.


    It also reduced the halos a little.

    Hope you don't mind.


    No prob's, the blue does pop a little better. Whats your halo reduction technique!? :)

    22 minutes ago, Adreneline said:



  10. Sorry, its the Rosette again! 😉 So while the clouds are miss behaving and not allowing me to get some SII, I thought I would see what I could do with my Ha and OIII data. Never processed a HOO image before because I'm still new to Narrowband imaging and this is the first of this data that Ive captured. I'm still learning so be kind, I know Its pretty noisy which is due to the OIII only being 1hr 40 mins worth, I'm blaming the clouds! 😁 But I'm happy with it for a first attempt.



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  11. 15 minutes ago, Neko said:

    I see, well, if is specifically on DSLR then I don't know.. would depends also if it is modified or not. But to what point would it be that different ?  The fact is that it cuts out more "unnecessary " light, so it contrasts more those specific bands. 
    as I understand anyway... I can't tell either. I have L-pro, and a friend of mine has the L-enhance , I had a chance to process some of his files to see what comes out.  but then again he uses a asi294Mc , not DSLR. 
    Did you check Astrobin for examples on DLSR + L-extreme? 

    will have a look too ^^ 


    I haven't to be honest, would be interesting to have a look. True in regards to modified or not. It's just what I've seen on here and other sites. 

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  12. 1 hour ago, Neko said:

    Well.... here you have one  
    L-enhance vs L-extreme, same equipment, same exposure time and...very different results. 
    It depends on what do you want to achieve. I personally own only the L-pro for now, But eventually will get one of this two to combine with the more broad signal of the L-pro. 
    But yeah, there's a difference... 


    What camera was he using, I doubt it was a DSLR, which is where I feel it has little or no advantage. It has been mentioned online from  well known guy in this hobby that the extreme isant really suited to older DSLR's which is where I feel the lack of noticeable difference is coming from. I don't know everything and I'm just going on real life examples with DSLR's that I've seen around that's all. 

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  13. 1 hour ago, alacant said:

    Taking this the other way, I'm not sure what advantage the €150 L-enhance is supposed to have over a €30 UHC. Same effect. Different price. DSLR.

    Still thinking, although not many targets left to test until May/June time.


    That's a fair comment 😊 I've never compared the two but was happy using the L enhance. 

  14. 7 hours ago, rnobleeddy said:


    The extreme has to be better - with a narrower band pass you get more of the signal you want. Of course, that may not make a noticeable difference to the final image, but it's bound to be measurable if you compared them side by side with the same sky/equipment.

    On paper from a technical point of view yes it probably should perform better, my argument is that I've not seen a single example (I've seen loads) with the same or simular camera and filter (I also have the 600D, and live in Bortel 6) that proves its better in terms of the data it collects against the L enhance. There are many things in life that on paper are better but I go off real life examples before spending out. At the end of the day it's only my personal point of view, people can use what they like and if they are happy with its results then that's all that counts, the above is a lovely image but I personally would not spend the money on that filter thats all. 😊



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