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Everything posted by Stu1smartcookie

  1. Sorry to ask such a basic question , but , why do people change the exposure times .. is it just to obtain more light ,and does it really depend on light pollution . Also are single frames possible on DSO or do you need to take multiple shots just to get a good photo?.. as you can tell I really am new to this side of astronomy .
  2. Ok ... i've encountered a problem , which im sure can be sorted very quickly on here... i haven't got a 48mm t-ring so im using a standard canon t-ring with a Baader 2" nosepiece connected to my WO z61 . The trouble is , i cannot achieve focus .. any ideas would be helpful please . Thanks in advance .
  3. Thanks for your input ScouseSpace ...i think its a good call about the ca on the 150mm , and as you say the price difference is there too . Whatever happens it needs tobe a STR(short tube refractor ) . And of course although apperture is important there are other things to weigh up...literally . One question , what is the focuser like on that scope ?
  4. I had this scope before i stupidly sold it !!! ( it will honestly be one of my lifes regrets) , im back with WO though in the shape of a z61 . I thought your review was spot on ..its really good to read actual in depth reviews such as this . I never got to image with my 73, but i cant wait to use the 61 for this purpose . One things for sure , the build quality on WO gear is absolutely fantastic .
  5. Nigella , those pics look great to me … my camera hasn't been modded … though . I will share my first efforts (honestly) … that's the great thing about this site ...NOBODY judges you ..but EVERYONE wants to help .
  6. Thanks Dave , good advice on the book... i did purchase one on astro photography but its a bit of a "hard " read ( although i think its because i want to run before i can walk ) . i guess the key to this is patience and persistence … ( things that test me greatly lol) but once i get started i will be hooked im sure .
  7. Hi everyone , I've been a bit quiet on this forum over the past 6 months but now I have resurfaced after changing my scope ( not for the first time) . I now have a WO z61 , on a lightweight az-gti mount ( im getting the skywatcher wedge for this mount ) . I love this little scope ...its so portable and , because of the fantastic optics is actually very good for visual , although its main use will be for photography . I haven't got a flattener for it yet .. so my first question is , do I need to buy the WO one , or are there other (slightly less expensive ) ones out there? I know my mount isn't great for photography but i really don't want a heavy EQ mount , due to lack of space (no pun intended). My last scope was a skymax 180 p … a really nice bit of kit , but , a bit bulky ...especially with a weighty mount . I have to travel to get truly dark skies so it wasn't practical , for me , at least . After owning a Dob , a couple of cheap refractors and the Mak i have come to the conclusion that my heart lies with refractor scopes . I want one for visual .. but i really want a short tube refractor … does anyone have any suggestions … i saw a startravel 150mm which looked great , but its good to get advice , especially from people that have used short tube refractors . Any feedback would be much appreciated . I am nervously going to attempt deep sky photography with my Z61 and a canon 100d … i know absolutely nothing about this area of this fantastic hobby , so it will be a bit hit and miss and i expect many failures , let alone the processing of images which is something ive never done . All in All its exciting times again .
  8. Never give up , remember, there’s always a way ! 

  9. Just seen this thread and , just in case it’s still relevant , I have a 102 , which I bought about 6 years ago . It didn’t get too much use at the time but I’m completely hooked on astronomy now and , although I’ve bought another refractor (wo z73) which is ultra portable , I still use my 102 , with its goto az mount . I think this scope is one of the most practical I’ve used . Good for DSO and planets (despite the ca) ... i purchased an eq5 mount which now aids stability , I agree about the focuser , mine seemed to “jump” a bit which can be annoying . I also thought about dropping in a Crayford , but , as I now have the z73 I don’t think it’s going to happen . A great review
  10. Certainly an impressive review , Jamie . I am kicking myself . I bought a flex tube 250 Sky-Watcher dob only 10 days ago and I’m already regretting that I didn’t go for another refractor . Don’t get me wrong , the dob is great , but it’s huge and to be honest I was swayed by the large aperture. In reality I want to get into astrophotography and I should have bought either the model you have or even the 80 mm version . My wife’s gonna kill me when she knows i want to change lol. A great image too , of the Andromeda galaxy . Clear skies .
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