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Status Replies posted by michaelmorris

  1. Blummin' fireworks!... already!

    1. michaelmorris


      Had them last night for the first time this year. ?

    2. (See 2 other replies to this status update)

  2. I don't believe it, a third clear night in a row! :icon_biggrin:

    By the end of the night I will now have a total of 29.5 hours of narrow band data for the Jellyfish nebula.  After tonight, I'll aim to get another 4.5 hours of SII data and another 7 hours of OIII data.  Whether I manage this before the seasons end only the weather gods will know.

    1. michaelmorris


      Incredible, a fourth night of imaging in a row!!!  That's another 11 x 10 minute OIII subs.  The Jellyfish Nebula has just sunk below the Bay Tree of Doom, so it's flats, then bed.  :icon_biggrin:


    2. (See 1 other reply to this status update)

  3. I think I need to get something for dealing with dew on camera lenses. Looked at the photos my camera took tonight and you can just see stars slowly blooming outwards as the photos go by...

    1. michaelmorris


      I use dew heater strap - works a treat.

  4. Another clear night!  Another night of grabbing 10 minute Ha subs of the Jellyfish Nebula. ?

    My project for the winter/early spring is to try to get about 7 to 10 hours each of data for Ha and OIII and maybe try to get some SII as well. I hopefully then add some RGB data for the stars.

    It's great having the observatory. I've now got it down to 20 minutes from opening the observatory,  to turning everything on, aligning the scope, checking focus, calibrating the guiding, and starting to image. ??

    1. michaelmorris


      Another 5 hours of Ha data of the Jellyfish Nebula tonight.  I think on the next clear night I'll start collecting the OIII data. ?


  5. Got my Star Adventurer today, only problem so far is I don't think I have a tripod sturdy enough to carry it! My dad's is close but still leaves the Adventurer wobbling on the tripod's ball mount. We'll have to wait for some clear skies and see if it affects the images!

  6. Got my Star Adventurer today, only problem so far is I don't think I have a tripod sturdy enough to carry it! My dad's is close but still leaves the Adventurer wobbling on the tripod's ball mount. We'll have to wait for some clear skies and see if it affects the images!

    1. michaelmorris


      Have you tried mounting the Star Adventurer direct on to the top of the tripod (i.e. remove the ball head)?

      Image result for tripod legs

    2. (See 2 other replies to this status update)

  7. Yet another night observing doubles in Auriga.  That's 4 decent observing sessions in 2 weeks! :icon_biggrin:


    1. michaelmorris


      Certainly not damp.  The walls keep the wind off and warm clothing and gloves keeps the Morris body all snug.  :icon_biggrin:

    2. (See 1 other reply to this status update)

  8. Fireworks already?... Really?!

    1. michaelmorris


      My meteor camera is starting to pick up loads already.  Aaaargh! Bah Humbug!

    2. (See 2 other replies to this status update)

  9. My new mount is off with my mate Chris at the moment. So, for the first time in years, there are no scopes in my observatory.  Chris is making a pier extension to raise the whole kit and caboddle by 15cm. Hoping to have it back within a fortnight.

    1. michaelmorris


      NIIIICE :icon_biggrin:

      " although will have to disguise it as a hat stand or something during the day....". What about the boat shed at work?

    2. (See 3 other replies to this status update)

  10. My new mount is off with my mate Chris at the moment. So, for the first time in years, there are no scopes in my observatory.  Chris is making a pier extension to raise the whole kit and caboddle by 15cm. Hoping to have it back within a fortnight.

  11. Hello!

    1. michaelmorris


      Hi Niall

      I hope you find the book useful.

  12. Re - CCD camera advert

    Sorry to here about the mount blowing.  I'm afraid that SGL requires that all items advertised here have a fixed price or with a guide price with ono.

    Please can you edit the advert to include a price for the CCD


  13. Saw the northern lights last night!  A dream come true (although I did have to go to Iceland to see them).

    1. michaelmorris


      Here is a photo taken on our tour. I'll post my images when we get back to blighty.g


    2. (See 3 other replies to this status update)

  14. Saw the northern lights last night!  A dream come true (although I did have to go to Iceland to see them).

    1. michaelmorris


      Thanks Ant. I got some nice pics. I'll try to get some of them uploaded when we get back


    2. (See 3 other replies to this status update)

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