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Everything posted by Fieldsy

  1. I’m using Zwo mini guider not much weight and very awkward to fix , any other suggestions? .I'm thinking about a 500g ankle weight velcro strapped around the back of the tube.
  2. Hi all was thinking about adding weight to the back of the scope just so I can slide it forward, does anyone else have issues with it being so far back ? ,and if so how have u compensated it ?
  3. Hate the fact that you cant speak to them😑 . 9x out of 10 if I cant speak to shop I wont deal with them but as they run this great forum i dont mind making a exception .
  4. Hi all has any one used a gizmo 365 cover? And if so are they any good ?. FLO I have a 130pds on a eq5 what size would you recommend?. many thanks Simon
  5. It has a 12v 3amp tip positive outlet so will just use that .
  6. I must be having a mind melt or something if I used a usb hub how would the asiair control the devices?
  7. Powered usb hub πŸ€” not sure how another usb hub is going to improve low power , usb hub is just a splitter.
  8. Hi Adam will have to try again to pinpoint it ,but that would make sense.
  9. Hi all I was out last night my asiair and a few times a little battery sign at the top right of my tablet flashed up, so i presumed I needed a charge so i plugged it in but battery flashed up again ,turns out it is the asiair saying low voltage . I was running asiair/eq 5 pro mount eqmod/asi120 mini /asi178 mm/filter wheel , powered with a celestron lipo4 with the 5v 2.1 amp usb . Anyone else had similar issues ? . Thanks
  10. 😭😭😭😭 losing star clouds have come in .
  11. RGBHL .30 sec subs and 10 sec subs all at 200 gain total 200 shots, stars look as if I have correct target but cant make the galaxy out. Then if the 30 sec subs got trails though the 10 secs would be ok.
  12. Not the best track but no trails so thought would try
  13. Hi Adam I've been messing about a lot with it turns out the back of the scopes was v close to tripod and just touching ra/dec leads so changed targets then the dec was ok but after 4 mins or so the ra just stopped so clrd cali and started again then the same thing happened 😑. But have gone back to 7331 target scope now past tripod leg and a 30 sec sub has no star trail πŸ₯³, so have set up a run so far so good but now I said that I'm sure I'm gonna find something else lol .
  14. Hi all I'm all pa error 2.07 A 5 sec exposure is fine but a 10 sex 1 makes trails I've clrd calibration a few times now and each time I still get the trails ? Dec and Ra aggr are both 90% . Ideas on what I'm doing wrong? Thanks
  15. 60 -120 subs ok with non cooled cam?
  16. Ngc7331 looks good nice and large aswell thanks just hope it’s not behind my house lol🀞🏻 my viewing range is n to sse then s to west just my luck looks like 7331 and crescent nebula May be Be hind my cherry tree πŸŒ³πŸ€”πŸ§¨
  17. Hi all I'm predicted to get 4 hrs dark tonight and I'm all setup and charged . 130pds asi178mono so need something bright any recommendations ?. Asiair pa 🀞🏻 .
  18. Hi all Not been out for a while various reasons . Boy did it show setup/pa time 40+mins New tablet just for me ,hooray 😭 not, fire 10 hd turns out asiair dont work on it lol ,got plate solving working and focusing pretty good then clocked its 2 am 😞 ,up in a few hrs best get some sleep 🀞🏻 for monday night still stays clr .
  19. Hi all I'm looking at a 2nd setup and very portable I was looking at https://www.firstlightoptics.com/william-optics/william-optics-zenithstar-61-apo.html But once the flatner price added it's close to cost of the https://www.firstlightoptics.com/william-optics/william-optics-redcat-or-whitecat-51-apo-f49.html What would be your recommended and why with a dslr and unguided atm until can get cash for skyguider/skytracker Thanks
  20. Hi Adam I was just looking at the WO 61 and once you add the price of the flatenar there is only about Β£80 difference between that and the red cat ,what one do you reckon would be better as a very portable option .
  21. I feel your pain I normally dont finish work until 1 am . And yes it looks like some clouds are coming in 🀨
  22. Hi all How many of you check the clear out side app and think hooray look at all that green πŸ₯³πŸ₯³πŸŒ , and then click location and it's all red and orange 😭😭😭😭.
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