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Everything posted by Manners2020

  1. Just looked up marathon on the lp map. That's a brilliant image. Can you give us more details please.
  2. Tried it last night and it works, not too slow either. Thanks everyone.
  3. So just managed to get in front of pc. It is 64 bit with an added 4gb of ram now bringing it up to 8 but I have a processor which is only 2.00ghz. In your opinion is that enough for startools?
  4. So if its 32 my 8gb ram would be 4gb effectively?
  5. I've added another 4gb since I tried it last. I'll try that crop then bin first.
  6. It is a pity I liked the results on a youtube video I was watching. I'll try again.
  7. Well it might now since I added more ram. I should try but it's not a powerful pc. It would start and gradually grind to a halt. So I tried pixinsight trial which works but I cant justify the price yet as I dont get many opportunities to image. Maybe in the future.
  8. Great image. Question on post processing. My computer wont run startool will gimp do the job?
  9. Hello. Unrelated to anything on here but I've read on another thread somewhere that this fella who is piggy backing is using a 1.25 lp filter which he says clips onto the back of his sigma 70 300mm . I thought you could only get them for the body. I can't seem to find these online and he says there a lot cheaper than the body ones. Has anyone heard of these?
  10. Pardon the poor grammar I'm supposed to be working. Also messed with it in the photoshop Express app on android.
  11. Don't know if this qualifies for this thread or what part of the sky it is but I really like this pic. I think it was 18mm on the nikon kit 18 55. 30 second random pic in southern Alberta. So the hint of red is some kind of nebulosity I gather. Is the dark patches the same?
  12. Never heard of that one happy kat , I'll give it a butcher's. Also carsten. Is there another way to get to those links you sent? I've tried copying the addresses but they no longer appear to be available.
  13. Thanks calli. Yeah I use deep sky stacker. I'll check that vid out today. Much appreciated.
  14. Hello all. Anyone any experience of gimp? I used the month trial of pixinsight which I liked but I can not justify buying as I virtually have no time to get out there. Or previous little. I've read it works it's just not very intuitive. I can live it being finicky as long as it works. My pc does not like startools or I would be using that.. thanks.
  15. Hello smicey. How do you manage to get such good alignment with your phone and scope? I've tried 3 different brackets and wasted a lot of time which could have been spent viewing before I bought a dslr. The one out of the three I had most success with was still far from good.
  16. So this phones video function is stacking frames? What a great tool for our hobby.
  17. There's some pretty decent apps for dslrs for android. Just a few dollars too. The one I use is for a nikon which works better than good enough and I believe the canon ones are better.
  18. The lunt was on the evo mount. Clearance and balance is a bit of a pain, I use one of those weights that you strap around an ankle .. it kind of works. And yes the orion could be good with multiple exposures. When the skies and time next permit I'm going to have a proper attempt at something.
  19. BDamn good point about going against what the experts say ian. If I'd have listened to all those in the beginning I would have not even been discussing this.?
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