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Posts posted by teoria_del_big_bang

  1. Which is what I have been using, maybe then just boosting the individual colours with curves, or colourSaturation, apart from a couple of images that, as @MartinB says were very lacking in OIII I may have done some sort of PixelMath combo instead of RGB, or in the case of the veil nebulas use BiColour.
    Fiddling about with different maths just seems to be adding further complication to the processing to me.


  2. 2 minutes ago, Stuart1971 said:

    Yes it’s a quadruplet..👍🏻

    but any refractor triplet or doublet with no flattener fitted does not have any backspace issues, and not critical as you just rack focuser to where ever it’s in focus, you have no choice where this focus point is…and that’s it

    it’s only with flatteners and reducers fitted where you need the correct back focus from said reducer or flattener…to get correct star shapes…

    That would be my understanding too 🙂 


    • Like 1
  3. Thats a fantastic image  if you are a newbie 🙂 , I don't think it is a particularly easy target for DSLR, especially to bring out the dark stuff which you are doing.

    I have been trying this image recently but intermittant cloud has put a stop to it without obtaining much in good data. but will continue to try.

    Do you have dark skies (when they are clear 🙂 ) as that really helps ?


    • Like 1
  4. 6 minutes ago, Fegato said:

    I sometimes get this when I connect to the mount directly from NINA (which kicks off Commander). The settings from the mount are then not correct in Commander - guide speed, meridian settings, clock. So I close Commander and restart, and all is OK.  So normally - I start Commander first, double check mount settings, then start NINA.

    Thanks, It sounds like this is the way to do it, so will try this 🙂 


  5. Apart from one or two images I have usually just used a straight SHO mix for my NB images (unless bicolour of course 🙂 ) but having done some Googling on the correct blend to use I am more confused than ever what is the most used combination.
    I think the first dozen threads I opened have revealed a dizen different mixes, some very similar to each other but none the exact same.

    What do you use ?


  6. 22 minutes ago, scotty38 said:

    @teoria_del_big_bang I saw a post on Discord with the exact same issue and someone's workaround was and I quote "I run a CEM60 (unsupported) and have the same issue. My workaround is to open up Commander first before starting NINA, sync time with PC, and then open NINA and connect the mount. It seems to work consistently for the most part. I do get the site settings differ popup on a rare occasion, but I don't get the warning."

    I will try, although if not an actual issue it probably doesnt matter in the end 🙂 


  7. 49 minutes ago, michael8554 said:

    Does the date 2022-10-01 =  10th January ?

    Or, you've shown the iOptron and PC time, but what is the time in NINA ?


    Thanks for the suggestion,

    No it is 1st October as last time I looked it was 2022:09-30.
    Is there a time in NINA ? 
    I sort of assumed it used the PC time, also never thought of that as the warning says that PC time and Mount time are different. I am not dismissing this but I cannot seem to fine anywhere to set the time in NINA and I guess as it gets shut down and reopened regularly it must either sync with the PC time or just use it directly, but this is said with no confidence.



  8. 50 minutes ago, Richard_ said:

    No problem @AMcD! Yes, I saw the same post on CN and purging with Argon in imaging train (read: filter wheel and spacers) may help with that.

    With regards to dessicant, I tried the orange beads which came with the camera last week. It reduced the humidity in the sensor chamber but maybe by 5% or so. Per Shannon's recommendation, I bought some molecular sieve which has been attached to my camera for a few days. There is already a sponge in the dessicant tube to prevent beads from leaving the tube into the camera, but as this molecular sieve is more fine, I added a small layer of cotton linen. Also, the tube is under the camera pointing up so I'm not worried about dust bleeding through via gravity. 

    I'll fire the rig up today or tomorrow to check humidity to see if there's a change or not. 

    Link to molecular sieve I bought on ebay:


    I never heard of this being a problem before.
    There is a very fine mesh at the bottom of the tube that should  stop this but are you saying people have still had dust from the desicant inside camera ?

    I have just checked mine and probably needs changing anyway as the orange beeds are now a dark green. I did not use the supplied desicant but already had some larger beads that are slightly bigger than the hole at the bottom of the tube and made sure all the beads were full beads so hopefully this has not been an issue for me.

    What is the advantage of the  ones in the link, are they just better absorption, or are they dust free or semething ?


  9. 3 minutes ago, AMcD said:

    @teoria_del_big_bangThanks Steve.  Will the desiccant tube make a difference when the condensation is on the outside of the CMOS window rather than the inside?  

    I think the CMOS chamber is OK.  I believe it is the area in front of the CMOS window / in the filter wheel body where there are high levels of humidity, causing condensation to condense on the front of the CMOS window.  I will also check the position inside the chamber with EZCap.

    Oh okay, I guess thats a tricky one, the humidity has been very high most of the year.
    But as @Richard_ suggests cooling to -5C may help, it does mean taking new darks but worth a try, I don't think there is a big noise issue with this camera and -5 should be fine.


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  10. @AMcD Oh Dear, we all have these nights from time to time, sometimes feels like you would be better off in bed 🙂 

    Maybe you need to replace the desiccant in the tube ?
    I had a slight issue with this when I first had the camera because I did not fit the tube and desiccant and when I used the supplied software for the camera (EZCap I think)  it reported 90% humidity in the camera. After the tube and desicant were added it gradually came down (took a couple of days to get really down) and has remained low ever since, worth checking on EZCap now and again to see what level is.


  11. I am just interested  how people are using this now its been out for some months.
    For me this is mainly for PI users but please any comments are welcome.
    Are you using it now as a main source of noise removal or still find you need to use other processes or  have had issues so not using it.

    I am also really interested in whether people are using the "Detail" function to sharpen images and again whether this is just in addition to other tools such as Deconvolution or whether they find it sharpens enough.
    Whilst I have not had too much in the way of data to process since it came out the couple I have done it really does seem to do a great job of taming the noise and sharpening in one hit on the individual filter processed images just prior to RGB combining. Admittedly my camera does not have huge noise issues but so far this seems a really useful tool, I always hated all the setting up needed for Deconvolution but this process it probably still required for some images or maybe when you want something like a LUM with a lot of contrast to bring out detail only.

    Thoughts please 🙂 


  12. 3 minutes ago, ollypenrice said:

    In considering possible alien life I always reflect upon the Earth's being home to predation.  Predation is not nice and goes squarely against most of our professed ethics about killing and inflicting suffering - but it is natural here. I can imagine an alien talking to me, though, and saying 'You eat what??? It would certainly be a shame to introduce predation where none existed before and there is no reason to assume that it will be universal.


    So very true, we seem to live in a cruel world, to some extent, and for most of the animal kingdom it appears to be designed that way (I say appear purposely meaning however we got to this point that's how things seem),  humans, generally as a race, make things far worse. As you say that could be pretty shocking to some aliens if they do exist. 


  13. Something I have noticed since I started using NINA is that when I first power everything up and connect everything NINA reports the camera temperature as very low, usually around 0 to 1 degrees yet the ambient temperature is in the low teens so this seemed unlikely to be true as I had not asked it to cool.
    So then disconnected from NINA and started EZCap and connected to camera and that said around 1 degree to start with but then the temperature gradually started to rise and after a minute or two got to 14 C so i am happy the cammera is reporting the correct temperture but have no idea why it seems to set temperature to around zero as soon as I connect.
    And then when I reconnected the camera in NINA that also reported it to be 14C and it stayed there.

    Any ideas ?


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