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Posts posted by teoria_del_big_bang

  1. 11 minutes ago, simmo39 said:

    Hi Steve, thanks. I think it was your pic that set me off onto doing this one. Im using PI as my one stop for all things, never got on with PS and not willing to pay there price for something i dont own. 

    I love PI. Still don't know how to use 90% of it mind and have to follow some instructions everytime to ensure I don't miss a step but I like the layout and what it can achieve even with  less than perfect data. It takes some learning but the results are worth the effort. I have used Nebulosity for a while and actually really like that and find it easy to use but it is a bit limited. However I do like it's alignment  and preprocessing and still often use it then use PI to stretch and get the detail out. That's probably because I can use it quickly and will probably move to PI only as I learn it.

    I was a bit wary about the cost of PI originally but then thought that we often don't bat an eyelid at paying £1000+ for a scope or camera but without the processing software these are useless so took the plunge and have never regretted it. 🙂  


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  2. If they are what you infer as test shots then wow there is some good stuff to come 🙂 

    Like you say you have learned the hard way (expensive is probably normal so I wouldn't lose sleep over that) but it looks like in the end it will be worth it.

    That looks a great imaging rig and the images above prove it. 

    17 minutes ago, Knighty2112 said:

    Nice shots. Well done! Fail to see why this is not ‘real imaging’ though? Just as pleasing to look at and enjoy as something like the Veil etc. 

    And I agree :thumbright:


    • Thanks 1
  3. I have edited this question if anyone looked before the edit at 11:01 as I found the answer in the APT manual.


    But I still have a question:

    Do most people use the default 5 mins or change them?

    As my equipment is still well clear of mount at the meridian flip is there a way to let it go beyond this for a short distance so the delay is not necessary as it could always get to the same position after the flip if it went this distance beyond the meridian. If that make any sense to anyone.



  4. Yes if you right click the shortcut:


    Click "Properties"

    Then under the "Compatability" tab check the "Run as Administrator" checkbox"


    The click OK or Apply.

    BUT as I said I think a better way is to check all other programs you are using are NOT set to run as administrator and it should then work as well.

    So do the same as above for PHD2, APT, and all your EQMOD stuff and I bet you find one of them, or more, has the checkbox ticked so just deselect it on all of them.


  5. Update fro anyone that gets here through a search for same problem.

    Some weeks after all this I bought a new computer to run my Astro stuff and when I set those programs I wondered what would happen if I made sure no programs were set run in Administrator mode and hey presto all worked perfectly. 

    So I am no computer Guru by any means but it makes sense that if you set a program to run in Administrator mode then any other interacting with it or using the same application that it is linked to (by opening it from within that application) also needs to be in the same mode, because even programs opened by that will also be running in Administrator mode. But I tend to think unless there is a reason it has to run in Administrator mode then don't .


  6. Hi,

    Now then I had this issue sometime back and I am sure I have cured it.

    I think I searched this forum and found another thread with similar issues and a reply by  @Anthonyexmouth  said as above but when I looked into it APT was already set to run in Administrator mode, so that set me thinking and checked PHD2 which was not set to run in Administrator mode, when I did set it then it all worked. So I was very grateful for this suggestion as it led me to get it all working 🙂 

    Some weeks later I bought a new computer to run my Astro stuff and when I set those programs I wondered what would happen if I made sure no programs were set run in Administrator mode and hey presto all worked perfectly. 

    So I am no computer Guru by any means but it makes sense that if you set a program to run in Administrator mode then any other interacting with it or using the same application that it is linked to (by opening it from within that application) also needs to be in the same mode, because even programs opened by that will also be running in Administrator mode. But I tend to think unless there is a reason it has to run in Administrator mode then don't .

    Sorry for the ramble, that's just normal for me 🙂

    This was my thread by the way just so you can see if it is the same issue.



  7. Also when you have weeded out any bad frames you could try running them through DSS without the calibration frames just as a test. You may get a noisy image with dust bunnies and so on but it will give you a quick idea what you have captured and then when you try again with the dark frames ets you should see improvements in the image, if not then maybe some issues with the one of the calibration frames.


  8. I am no expert in this, far from it and with the processing side on the lower part of a steep learning curve. But you mention you have peeked at one sub and there was definitely something there, have you looked at them all before pre processing? I think it is important to weed out any bad images before doing any stacking as the bad ones can just obliterate all the detail on other perfectly good frames. Idealy you need to temporarily stretch the images to determine which are good and which are bad and I think a final processed image with only a few good frames is far better than one with lots of frames some of which are dubious. I guess if you know all session the skies were clear it helps but often clouds pass and are only on some frames. Just a thought.


  9. I have seen a few threads with people asking where to get one of these as I think they have been discontinued for sometime now.

    I would be tempted to email FLO and ask I am sure they will get you exactly what you need and I think their rates for shipping abroad is very reasonable.

    At least that way you will get exactly the right kit.


  10. 3 minutes ago, Pompey Monkey said:

    The filters need to be large enough to cover your sensor. If you had a 40mm chip, then you would need the 2 inch filters.

    But as your chip is about 22mm across the diagonal, then you will be fine with your 36mm filters.

    Thanks Paul,

    I kind of assumed that was the case and it seemed to make sense but thought I would just ask to be sure.




  11. Hi,  I know this is oldish thread but I am looking at buying a Sky-Watcher Esprit 100 ED PRO but was worried that I would need to upgrade to 2" filters. I say this because it states that when imaging this scope gives a 40mm diameter imaging circle when used with the flattener. So forgive my ignorance but does this mean I need bigger than 40mm filters. I too have only 36mm unmounted filters and filter wheel similar to you.

    Nice image by the way that really makes me want to get one of these.


  12. I am hoping to buy one of these but I believe that when imaging this scope gives a 40mm diameter imaging circle when used with the flattener.

    So forgive my ignorance but does that mean I really need 2" filters if used with my mono CCD? 

    If so this maybe an issue because I only have 36mm unmounted filters and I just could not afford to upgrade to 2" . 

    I could of course use my DSLR again but would mean I cannot do any NB with it with my filters.

    Does anyone have experience using this scope with a filter wheel and mono CCD?


  13. Welcome back to SGL. 

    I don't know all this talk about forgetting what to do after 4 or 10 year breaks from the hobby. If I don't write things I do down I forget  how to do it a week later 🙂 


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    • Haha 2
  14. 8 minutes ago, david_taurus83 said:

    It doesn't matter which way they are rotated. The stacking software will align the stars and stack all frames the same way round. Pixinsight asks for a reference image to stack against.


    PHD doesn't need to recalibrate after a flip as long as the mount is reporting its position, ie via EQMod.

    Thanks for the info. That clears both points up nicely 🙂


  15. Probably a very novice question but after an imaging session where half the images are rotated by 180 degrees due to the flip do one half of the images have to manually rotated or is there an easy way to automatically do this?

    I am using APT for the session then I normally stack in either Nebulosity or PixInsight. I probably would only use PI but until I learn exactly how to use it I just find it easier to stack in Nebulosity just because I am used to it and then do the processing in PI.

    ALSO, In APT is it necessary to tick the box that says force PHD to recalibrate after the flip?



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