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Everything posted by GordonD

  1. Rubs hands ..... I think that is all the eyepieces I "need" now. Probably.
  2. Thanks very much for taking the time to put these reports together, Chris. They are really helpful. The comparison to other scopes always makes it more concrete I think, too. John, out of interest, how or where do you get that screenshot from? Looks really useful. Gordon
  3. Very nice indeed. Ah, that would be me that took the remaining 5mm at FLO then and made you have to wait. Sorry! (But not very .. ?) Gordon
  4. Another awesome set up! Have I missed something? Is it Christmas already?
  5. All I can say is Wow! That will be a terrific set. Post a picture of them all together and watch me go green with envy.
  6. iPeace, this feels a bit "Me Too" but I have been promising myself an XW of some description for years and this is what arrived today ? .. Jupiter here I come .. ... Gordon
  7. Blimey that is umm, ...long! Must be great planetary scope. Who made it? Intrigued by the stand too.
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