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Posts posted by david_taurus83

  1. 12 minutes ago, BrendanC said:

    Well now, the thing is, I used to live in London. Then I moved out to the country, about 12 years ago. And, when I retire in a year or so, I'm planning on moving back to London! Because I've had enough time now to realise that. given the choice between culture and nature, for me, it's culture. So, I want the choice of visiting a world-class art gallery/museum/library etc, in the greatest city in the world, for free, even if it means something has to 'give', which is looking like it's going to be the astro, at least in its current form.

    I'm the opposite. Grew up in rural Ireland with bortle 2 and 3 skies, completely took for granted at the time, moved to the second largest city in the UK when I was 19, and eventually took up astronomy imaging! Go figure!

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  2. Wondering if anybody has downloaded this if they would kindly send me the zip folder for Windows 64 bit install? WeTransfer maybe? PM for email address.

    It has been removed from sourceforge as the author has not made it open source. He did say on CN when he first released it there were going to be licence restrictions or something.

  3. How exactly do they plan to harness any output? Will it be a conversion of heat ie water, steam, turbine etc I understand a little of the concept of traditional fission reactions but there's not much power input needed there as the plutonium rods just react and give off heat naturally. Whereas the artificial fusion reaction uses huge amounts of energy to get going and gives off huge amounts of heat. Do we or will we have the technology to harness and convert the waste heat efficiently enough to surpass the energy input?

  4. When you say portable do you mean back garden session portable or trips out to dark site portable? If back garden then have you considered all possibilities of a mains supply ran outside? If this isn't feasible I'd recommend a leisure battery. If its kept charged between sessions you shouldn't ever need to worry about running out of power. If for travelling, might br worth looking at a Lifepo type battery as their much lighter. Think their used in golf carts etc. The Tracer LiFePo range are good but expensive.

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  5. I'm on my second AZEQ6! Though if the EQ6R was available back in August I would have probably bought that as I have a pier mounted setup so only need to polar align once a year lol. As mentioned, the latitude adjustment on the AZ is very good, but the bolt is also its worst point simply because it sticks out like a sore thumb so you need to loop cables carefully. I got caught out once before with it!

  6. Don't be put off. I use it with my Canon 6D with similar pixel size. Think of all the signal those pixels will soak up! By the time you've processed and saved as jpeg the stars will be fine. Currently have my Atik 460 on it. I will say though it is very sensitive to focus being f4.9. Not an issue as I have an autofocuser setup but something to consider.


    RC51-6D NGC7000.jpg


  7. Tried to tidy up the cables yesterday. Even with the Pegasus box, it's still like Spaghetti Junction. With that many USB ports and power cables distributing everywhere, I think this is as good as it gets. The good news is though when the Esprit arrives, I can just add a spare dovetail to it and bolt this top plate straight onto it.




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  8. Thanks. I realised there would be a wait. I ordered when the estimate was 30/40 days but shortly afterwards it went out to 60/90 days! So maybe a bit longer of a wait! I can't help looking at alternatives though like the Askar FRA600 etc but my heart tells me to hold on as I know the Esprit 100 will be quality! Ordered from FLO so I know it will be checked over before being sent.

  9. I aim for around 2 seconds with my 6D. The problem with the on camera histogram and APT one is they both measure the 8 bit jpeg yet we work with raw files. I use NINA and expose to around 8000 ADU, half of 14 bit Canon 6D max ADU value. On the camera, this is why over on the right edge of the histogram but they work well.

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