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Everything posted by Vroobel

  1. As you could see in my video I have Dobsonian mount so I cannot perform longer exposures than 25 seconds. Every longer one captures star trails. Presently, with the derotator, I am able to leave my camera set up for thousand pictures and go home to watch TV or movie. The only problem is that my drives have strange small movements invisible without capturing the pictures. Short exposures like 5 or 10 seconds show nothing, stars are simply points. But longer ones make patterns like butterfly., so I think the error is looped. I ordered better quality stepper motor drives and want to replace them and check. If that is OK, I want to play with astro-photography. My F5 scope and IDAS LPS-D2 filter (which I gonna buy) can do it even in Liverpool
  2. Hi, I'd like to show my setup in the last action. Regards, Tomasz
  3. Good morning After many months of theoretical preparation, and then the practical ones, I have finished work on my own field derotator. As usually, I would like to share the effect of this big project making a video-report in YouTube. I invite you to watch. Best regards, Tomasz
  4. Hi, After quite long lack of activity here I'd like to present an another point of view about the Creation of the Universe. Simply watch the video... https://youtu.be/yKsO2Tf5TW4 🙃 Regards, Vroobel
  5. I'd like to do first steps towards an early morning observation, maybe also simple astro-photo. I see main benefit related with better seeing in comparison with evening, when air is warmer and unstable after the day. But how to prepare for that? I expect a dew, so shouldn't do it without system of heaters. I work on that together with my friend. How do you prepare your stuff, do you set it up in evening and wait for the morning, or before the observation? Can you give me some advises? I have other questions, but they depend on answer for the first one. Tomasz
  6. I can think about it, you are right. But I have another solution decreasing the risk: https://astrovroobel.wordpress.com/2018/09/07/zasilanie-wyjazdowe/ Please use the Google Translate, because it's in Polish.
  7. Thanks! This is first silent movie since long time, several previous ones were too noisy, right? No problem. But it's not easy to record the silent footage with kids playing in garden.
  8. Has become. I've made another YouTube video showing my GoTo system before and in action. Unfortunately, the night sky above my head can be placed on the 8th position on the Bortle scale (1 - best, 9 - worst), so I used multiple systems to see something at all. In addition, I have recently been the owner of a Sony Nex-6 camera and I cannot yet set everything right. I just didn't have time to play with the camera and put the material together for YouTube. As you can see in the film, I recorded my system's display and the picture in the mirror's focus at one time, and because I was doing this maneuver for the first time, it took a while. I have to invest in a newer computer and paid video editing software. Kdenlive is great, because it's free, but not without errors, which have caused strong sweats on my body several times ... I hope that the sense of the project has been showed well enough to be properly understood by people embedded in the subject. The project is open, so I encourage you to comments and suggestions - I really need them. I am an absolute amateur and I did all this in just over 2 years after purchasing the telescope, largely with your help. Thanks to Krzysztof B. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=47WS1T9_UbI Tomasz
  9. Hi all, As my own GoTo system is already finished, I'd like to record some videos of its slewing and accuracy of aiming for YouTube purposes. I tried to do it in my garden, but the sky above Liverpool is terrible. Shortly saying, I didn't have pleasure in watching the records and pictures, so you wouldn't have as well. The question is where I could try to do it peacefully again in a better surroundings? Is here any Stargazer living somewhere in countryside around 1+ hour driving from Liverpool able to let me do the job at his/her possession? I will be happy to show it and explain it all if someone is interested and also much more happy to grabe some important advises. Here is most actual video showing the construction: Tomasz
  10. OK, my fault. As I found (https://www.quora.com/Does-the-ISSs-orbit-change-regularly) : "...63-day cycle when it will be over the same region at the same time of day.". Thanks, Dave!
  11. Ngc3031, your support is valuable very much for me. Thanks a lot for that.
  12. Oh, mate, that's awsome! I just checked the ISS. Accuracy of the library is equal around 1 arcsecond! Regarding your software, the Satelite Chaser, I found out about it from one of our Polish astro-amateur, but I couldn't use it because of not equatorial mount. Moreover, my mount is not compatibile with any existing standard (that can change...). Actually I am happy to have fantastically working library giving me the required Ra and Dec. Now I have to think hard how to make the proper slew to expected position and wait for the ISS. There is no place for mistakes, I can make 1 attempt per sesion, as I read the ISS is well visible once per 63 days. Maybe it's visible through the telescope, byt not so good. It will take some time. https://rhodesmill.org/pyephem/ Best regards for all engaged!
  13. ngc3031, thats very clever! I just checked, the Mars show's little difference in comparison to the Stellarium, but the Jupiter is nearly exactly same! I'm impressed! I can use it instead of typing hundreds line of code based on the "Astronomical Algorithms". After a check of all planets I think is more accurate for the gas giants then other planets, but I gonna play with it! Even with the tiny inaccurates I can use a wider eyepiece to find the planet and then use another one. Let's try the ISS...
  14. Hi old_eyes, The Google Maps does it. Simply type the address and press longer red drowing pin. I used my phone now, but PC version gives you more. Tomasz
  15. Something for Python lovers: https://rhodesmill.org/skyfield/earth-satellites.html I have to install this package and try.
  16. Thanks, Dave. Could you please share some details with us? I'm interested in and technically ready tor the accuracy of seconds. Tomasz
  17. I think the Stellarium is accurate enough within 30 days since update of TLE. Wht is the TLE? https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Orbital_elements#Two-line_elements You can get it from the https://www.n2yo.com site after registering. Every time I get it I have same numbers, because possibly it's valid for some time or forever - I don't know yet. I saved a file with the data and will check it for every several days. I read on Wiki that it becomes inaccurate after 30 days. I found similar need of the Ra and Dec coordinates here: https://www.physicsforums.com/threads/satellite-right-acension-and-declination-calculations.220399/ then jumped to mentioned subject: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Orbital_elements and found the description of the TLE. After then I found the pdf file: spacetrk.pdf - it's there: https://www.celestrak.com/NORAD/documentation/spacetrk.pdf And here my headache began... I know that the TLE includes coded orbit of the ISS, but is here any matematician / physicist / astrophyisicist able to pass through the equations and receive the Ra and Dec? But I found also this: https://github.com/brandon-rhodes/python-sgp4 - "Python implementation of most recent version of the SGP4 satellite tracking algorithm". So will try to sort it out. Tomasz
  18. BTW, a video linked below shows how it should work. There is Starlink recorded, but the idea is exactly same. I expect a little bit longer delay between the slew and the tracking related with my software, but can't be sure. You can hear single "beeps" with decreasing intervals, so I think the mount reaim an OTA several times, then the proper tracking starts. Unfortunately palm-trees are disturbing. A most interesting part begins after 16.00 minutes. Tomasz
  19. At a second look it seems to be not so easy. First of all you have to provide coordinates of your location. It can be your home or some other places, more then one, but you have to choose one as default. Every time you request for data from the server sending dedicated license key you do it for the selected location. I just checked: added my home coordinates taken from GPS in my telescope and also another location outside the city taken from Google Maps - the most recent location is always the selected one, but you can change the selection. Thus you have to be prepared and location has to be provided and selected if you want to track the ISS outside your home. Every request for positions of the ISS is limited to 300 sets of data, every position is for one second, thus you have set of data for following 5 minutes. It not too much. You can ask for the data maximum 1000 times within 1 hour. My Az drive allow to revolve the telescop 360 degrees within 5 minutes (I know, it's not fast...), I shoud reach an opposite (faretst) position within 2.5 minutes. I should figure out how to aim the telescope in position, where the ISS will be after maximum 2.5 minutes, then the tracking shoud do its job within remaining 2.5 minute. It's long enough to make quite nice video. Not bad, but it's still not set of desired equations... I'll try to play with that a little bit, but will still seek another way. How the Stellarium is doing that? It use TLE data as well, but I launched it with no internet conection, so it couldn't get data from the serwer, but it is working despite no link with serwer. Interesting...
  20. I agree with you, James. If I understand it properly we can get a kind of set of positions for next 300 seconds. It's not too much. I think the API gives data about now + 300 seconds, but I'd like to have data about 10 mins later + next 300 second. Without some attempts I can't say anything. As I read earlier in the linked sites, the software for equatorial mounts use the TLE data as well. Tomasz
  21. Thanks artem. The software is for equatorial mounts: "Satellite Chaser is a software made for tracking and guiding on satellites using ASCOM compatible equatorial mounts." I pasted link for it earlier, so maybe James or other owners of equatorial mounts will be interested. I have motorised my Dobsonian mount, which is quite unique, so I have to find another way.
  22. I've got it! 😊 https://www.n2yo.com/api/#positions I gonna play with that tonight.
  23. For you, as an owner of better EQ mount, it can be quite easy using dedicated software working with the mount in EQMODE (I'm sorry for mistake if happened - I don't have this kind of mount): https://github.com/AstronomyLiveYt/SatTraker I just seen the video about tracking the Starlink, looks good. https://www.cloudynights.com/topic/644609-presenting-satellite-chaser-a-free-software-made-for-tracking-and-guiding-on-satellites-using-ascom-compatible-equatorial-mounts/ or I'm not so clever in EQ area, the links are given me by users of Polish astro-forum in similar topic which I created earlier. I have both easier and more difficult task. I don't need to use any MoveAxis mode/command to follow the object, just need to calculate its position and delays between subsequent steps. But how to get the sky model, as you wrote? Right, let's continue when we get something. Thanks James Tomasz
  24. Great! I'd like to ask an author or the site for his method of calculation the Ra and Dec. We have different mounts, so our ways will be different as well. I have the Raspberry Pi onboard and software written in Python completely by me, thus I can do whatever I want with my drives. But what are you gonna do to encourage your mount to find and track the ISS? Tomasz
  25. I realised it was improper question. What kind of mount do you have? And what is your idea for the ISS tracking? I think it's too fast to simply use any GoTo feature to catch it and follow, so my idea is to calculate its position for 5-10 minutes later, to aim the OTA there and to wait, then to start the tracking in exact time. Look please at this site: https://www.n2yo.com/?s=25544 They evidently use some equations for achieving Ra and Dec of the ISS. I need them only for the job. Another question is its radial speed. Now look please at this video: https://youtu.be/qROmsXf8-fg I understand that the ISS pass about 0.5 degree within about 1 second, so my stepper motors will work really fast and the tracking will be similar to a slew... BTW, I have 10" Newtonian scope on a Dobsonian mount. Tomasz
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