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Everything posted by Chriske

  1. Only 11 minutes to print that TINY thruster. Printed with a .4mm nozzle, just to see if it works. Layer 0.9mm. Result : This the ugliest thing I ever printed, during these past 6 years.... yuck..!! This little thing definitely needs a 0.2mm nozzle.
  2. Still a few very small items to draw, but for these I need a 0.2mm nozzle. These very small thruster are hardly visible on that small rocket I have. Hardly measurable, but I think they're about 18mm wide for my own model. Ridiculously small.
  3. Thanks Done drawing, starting printing the thruster-units now.
  4. Escape tower is almost done, still that first part of the primary thrusters to draw/print. All parts in the picture : printing time 18h 3minutes Hight will be 1m93cm. Going to add a launch platform and flame deflector.(Not printed)
  5. The caps-nuts make it look very professional
  6. All parts almost done now, busy drawing the main thrusters. Can't post a picture because I don't dare to stack'em all on top of each other without these threaded rods through them.
  7. Part 7 was to big for my bed so I cut that small ring in half and will bolt the parts together. Printing them now. All parts except for the main thrusters are done. Busy drawing these thrusters now.
  8. Overexposed, maybe.... But very impressive result...!!
  9. This was a difficult one to draw in Inventor. This is the most upper section of second stage and start of the third stage. After I finished this part I'll change nozzle, think I'm going to use 0.7 instead of 1.5mm Third stage is only 131mm diameter.
  10. Width My biggest one is 200x300mm. Ring nr 7 is a 'small' one just 30-mm high 199mm diameter
  11. Part 8 (for part 7 I need a bigger printer) I'm now at about 84cm
  12. I always wait until 'special offers'. Last Christmas there was 'Special sales week' were I buy mine. A 2.2kg reel PLA costed 24€, very good quality. I bought 'a few' reels back then.
  13. Oops ... 225g --> 13£...😳
  14. As for the USA-text and black parts I'm planning to draw and 2D-print all black and red on self adesive plastic. I only need to know what typeset is used for the text. Seems to me that it 'USA' text is written in 'Arial'.
  15. This project I discontinued a while ago. It was a Thingiverse file I was working with. As I started to print this 'ThingiThing' I realised that there were to many parts. To many parts to just show SaturnV. I read there were about two thousand of hours printing time involved...!...😳 That's were I abandoned the idea and started to work on my own version of SaturnV. Instead two thousand of hours printing time, I'm able to draw/print that thing in about 2 days. The only difference is the perimeters of my version do have thicker layers(due to that 1.5mm nozzle). But when I look at the perimeters now, it doesn't bother me at all. The layers are thicker compared to a 'regular' nozzle, but at the same time the layers are very smooth. No issues, stringing or whatever. You can see it in my new SaturnV thread. Again, that 1.5mm nozzle setup does it's job very well, I'm very pleased with it.
  16. Neil, I do not use a downloaded file to print SaturnV. I only downloaded a model and printed it 45 cm high. That little rocket is my 'lead'. I do all external measurements on it and draw only a shell. So it's in fact own design. Infill 0% and what's more most of that shell is even printed as SpiralVase. This complete construction is superlight. All parts will be bolted together with threaded rods. Although it is printed with a 1.5mm nozzle the outer perimeter looks very good. Inside it looks a bit 'stringy' but I don't care about that.
  17. PLA. But you need to slice it in 3 processes. As I already mentioned this rocket is just a shell. No internal parts. The first 5mm is just a thick ring, to make things a bit stronger/stiffer. But there's a second goal to that ring. In all these parts with that same ring I print four 5mm holes. Second process is SV modus and the uppermost 3mm is a thin ring. But for that to do, you need to apply 3 processes with completely different slicer settings. Is your slicer capable of doing that...?
  18. I'm teasing my brain.. somewhere I've seen another version of this Sunviewer. If I remember well, it was called 'SunGun' , something like that. This one looks very sturdy..!
  19. To be clear on the matter, this version of SaturnV is not what a regular printer 'out of the shop' can do. A 'shop-printer' actually can print that rocket, no problem there. But I do combine a rather large rocket printed with a big nozzle. All parts of this 2 meter high SaturnV can be printed in about 2 days. Using a standard nozzle it would take me weeks to finish that same rocket. When I go higher up, instead of that big 1.5mm nozzle, I'll be using a 0.7mm nozzle, and even higher when delicate parts need to be done, I'l switch to a standard 0.4mm nozzle. These little thrusters (almost on top of the rocket)are very small indeed. Maybe for these little thrusters I'll be using 0.2mm nozzles. I do have a fast interchangeable hotend system(own design). Switching hotend takes me about 1 minute.
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