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Posts posted by LukeSkywatcher

  1. Cold also has a big effect on the battery. If the battery is fully charged and then kept indoors in the warm it can be stored for a year before it needs charging again. The worst thing you can do is to store the battery on a concrete floor in an unheated shed or garage, as even a fully charged battery can loose enough charge to permanently damage it in just a month or two.


    Good to know. Thanks for that. Thats exactly how and where i planned on storing mine. I know better now and will bring it inside.

  2. Sorry to be the odd one out:eek:, but I'm awaiting a reply to an email I sent to FLO.

    I live in France and want to order some EPs etc, the website says to contact them first.

    Does anyone know if it takes long for a reply?

    FLO have been pretty busy of late thanks to Stargazing Live (so i am told). I have ordered stuff from them before and it said to contact them first. I never did. I dont see the point in making an international phone call for the sake of "bits and bobs".

    I placed my orders as normal and was contacted by email within hours if there was a problem with any order such as "it is out of stock" etc.

    I'm always happy to wait for stuff from FLO because they are a great bunch of folks.

    I seem to have a habit of placing orders very late on Sunday nights. If there is a problem with my order the reply email is waiting for me on Monday morning.

  3. Astro imaging (like any other part of astronomy) can be as cheap or as expensive as you can afford.

    The main thing with all aspects of astronomy (or ANY hobby) is no matter what budget you have that you enjoy it and are proud of what you achieve......be it visual or imaging.

    Never forget that some GREAT images have been captured by very low cost methods.

    Make the most of the gear you have. Do not try to "keep up with the Jones'" just for the sake of it.

    Exploit your gear to the MAX.

    If then you are still not happy...............by all means upgrade.

    • Like 2
  4. I thought my Celestron 32mm Plossl was the best EP ever until it died and i bought a Vixen NPL 30mm EP from a fellow SGL user.

    It gives me about the same FOV but even I as a complete prat can see the difference between both visually. Crisp sharp image right to the egde of the FOV and i'm convinced that it can also detect much fainter stars then the Celestron ever did.

    One of these years i will bite the bullet and invest in a TV Plossl of 32mm or so because i really do like widefield views.

    What is the apparent FOV of this EP?

  5. Loved that book. I liked the way that not only did it tell what we know but why and how our views have changed. Great book. Hope you enjoy it!


    GREAT book Marc. I REALLY enjoyed it and i know a lot more now then i did before reading it. I'm a bit of a Bill Bryson fan. I just love his humourous take on life and travel and stuff.

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