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Posts posted by LukeSkywatcher

  1. I didnt mean right now over the summer. I'll work through them as the seasons roll by.  Off hand, i only know the location of about 6 galaxies without having to use a reference chart etc. They are the ones i have spotted so far over the yrs: Leo Trio,Andromeda,Black Eye and the other one eludes me right now.

    Your summer list tickles me pink. Sadly i really dont do much summer observing mainly because of the time it gets dark and im too comfy infront of tv and/or ready for bed.

    I'll do my best this summer but i will be away for most of August with only 10x50 bins.

    • Like 1
  2. OK enough about scopes already!!!!!!!!.

    I know most of us have at least one set of bins which we keep by our side while out observing (usually 10x50). Binocular astronomy is and always has been my 1st love. I always end each scope observing session with a bin session.

    Here are my main bins: Strathspey 20x90 and Strathspey 10x50:


    To be honest i cant remember why i started buying Strathspey bins (maybe someone online said have a look, and i liked the price). I do know why i still buy Strathspey bins (bought my 10x50 a couple of months back) and its because John who owns the company is such a great guy to deal with. Each time i bought from him, he sent me an email a few weeks later asking me how i am getting on with the bins, and he even shipped out the 20x90 to me when i bought them even though i owed him an extra 20 quid for P&P (which i did send him). That to me is top quality service and after sales customer care. TH did the same when i bought my 8115 tripod.

    FLO are just as great. Most of my gear is from FLO.

    I digress..................

    Show us your bins.

    • Like 17
  3. A man after my own heart. Here is my C8


    Sent from my Fone

    Thats a beast. Even the OTA looks a lot bigger then 8". I'm sure i wouldnt know what to do with a tripod like that. The biggest scope ive ever seen in the flesh was a C14. It was on its tripod (fully extended). It was a MONSTER, but the slewing noise of it was like a little kitty purring. Pretty much the same noise mine makes when slewing. I never thought i'd be able to own an 8" scope because in my mind they were too big and too heavy for me to be able to handle (being in a wheelchair). Then Michael Wilkinson (with the 2 middle initials in his name), pointed me in the direction of the 8SE. I have named mine Mick in his honour.

    I digress, but its nice to hear stories behind why people buy the scopes they buy. Usually my story is because i'm a skinflint.

  4. 8ea670b031d9321cc7747a78150b93dc.jpg9b40190865f66048606ff55dd69d9416.jpg

    My son's Skywatcher Heritage 76 Mini Dob International Year of Astronomy special edition.

    Ah rats!!!!!!!!!!!!!. I was sure i was gonna win a prize for the smallest Dob. Maybe if i take a pic of mine with a cute Yorkshire Terrier looking into it instead of a kid, i'll still be in with a chance.

    • Like 1
  5. My 18" Plettstone .....    20" Ultralight  .....     and 28" Webster with puddy for scale. Also an iphone 6 snap of Saturn through the 28 from the other night ( the seeing was really good ). I think I have a thing for dobs :tongue:

    Uh Oh !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! The 28" scope just ate the cat.

    • Like 1
  6. Yes, Skype and various IM services are far more accessible to most and offer the same level of communication.

    But... Radio vs Skype. It's much like comparing a hand written letter to an email. It's the same communication but there's something missing in the latter

    What does radio offer you that the telephone doesnt?. They are the same thing essentially. Skype offers so much more and its free. Ive only started using skype in the last couple of weeks to keep in touch with family here in Ireland and in the UK. I love it. I think its the best thing since sliced bread.

    Last week my nephew who has been living and working in London since January, gave me a guided tour of his house. Can radio do that?.

    Any way you care to connect with others is great. We can all set up in our profiles our preferred methods. I personally would hate if i was outside observing and i kept getting contacted by others saying "did you see that?" etc. 

    Thats just me though.........so i would not subscribe to such a system. I'm just offering up a suggestion of skype that is a lot cheaper them ham radio. If ham radio users want to set up a system them fair play to them. It would be a pretty exclusive club.

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