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    Long Island, NY

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  1. Here's another one, I hope you like it full details here: https://www.astrobin.com/mahyf8/ CS, Minos
  2. I’ve owned and used all those mentioned on different scopes and like the sesto senso 2 the best, then the focuscube then the eaf last. Sesto is easy to install and use, very accurate reproducible focus curves, no bracket making for a more “elegant” design, unclutches for manual focus when not powered - it’s just a great focuser. Focuscube is also great and super accurate, but I don’t like the bracket, not just because it makes it look less nice, but it can be awkward to mount on certain scopes i.e. 130pds. Eaf is ok, I owned and used two of these on scopes and lenses, they’re ok, not a big fan, wouldn’t really buy it again. hope this helps!
  3. Finished another project with this mighty little newt! https://www.astrobin.com/dkwuyo/?nc=user
  4. I love this scope! https://www.astrobin.com/q2dxio/?nc=user
  5. Finished another project https://www.astrobin.com/h9ifrz/?nc=collection&nce=1970
  6. Some context for my image above... clear skies and stay safe everyone!
  7. Dusted off the this little gem of a mirror for some galaxy imaging Full rez here: https://www.astrobin.com/ko36ot/0/
  8. @AstroFin Nice image! If you dither your every frame and then drizzle, you can halve your image scale and “go deeper” as you say without using a ZWO. I wouldn’t necessarily say going deeper has as much to do with image scale, as it does with integration time. In my case, just under 31 hours to get that deep signal. There’s also blinking out the bad frames and many post-processing skills involved to bring out that signal effectively. Having said that, yes, a cooled, lower noise sensor does help a lot! CS Minos
  9. Finished another project with this gem of a lens https://www.astrobin.com/celpsm/?nc=user
  10. What I wish I could see in the eyepiece 😂 https://www.astrobin.com/fu6fgr/
  11. Cool the only two things to consider, is that you need to preset you aperture (I have mine at f4 for example) before you clamp on the ring. Also, the locking screw wont close the ring fully down, but has nevertheless been rock solid since the day I installed it without loosening up. HTH Minos
  12. Finished another project with this gem of a lens Full details in the link: https://www.astrobin.com/g569tc/?nc=user Cheers, Minos
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