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Posts posted by Anthonyexmouth

  1. I've lost one of my eye cups from my revelation astro 25x100 with nebula filters and struggling to find replacements. The recess measures @29.5mm but can't find anything with a wing that will fit. The original is a hard plastic ring with clips, clips have broken on mine due to age. Did anyone know if spares are still available or if these are sold under another name. IMG_20220507_090010.thumb.jpg.bc8a72434baa484261f57c94d8e4076f.jpg

  2. 34 minutes ago, Xsubmariner said:

    I am fortunate to own both an Esprit 80 and WO GTF81 and for me they are both excellent imaging telescopes. Your statement you doubt your ability to gauge a Scopes operational performance suggests you need added assurance with any perspective purchase. There are distributors who will/can provide third party assessments so it might be best to stick with one of them.


    Do offer that service but even there, the last 2 reviews of the esprit are bad. Go and check it out and tell me what you think. It's the esprit 80

  3. 1 minute ago, Clarkey said:

    Unless you spend a small fortune there are always potential quality issues with any 'budget' scope and you can be unlucky. (Even TAKs have been known to be faulty) I think the main thing is to buy from a trusted retailer who will sort out and resolve any problems. When I purchased my first imaging scope (SW ED80 and flattener as you have) I had major problems trying to get a good image. I tried various things and communicated with FLO - assuming I was doing something wrong. Eventually I returned the scope and flattener and it was inspected by Es Reid who determined it was a bad batch of FF's - all at FLO's expense. So personally, I would make your choice and buy from your local shop and worry about the problems IF they occur. As for spares and replacement parts, I am not sure how many spares you would really need? Most stuff can be replaced or sourced somewhere and providing the optics are good there is nothing to worry about.

    Look at the images and if YOU are happy, then jobs a good'un.

    I guess, it is nice having Flo a short bike ride away. Maybe I should go back to my esprit dream. 

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  4. 3 minutes ago, Clarkey said:

    You might be right. Just going by what I have heard directly - but as I do not have any W/O kit I have not looked in detail. However, if you live round the corner from FLO, you can always take it back if it is a 'duffer'. Having said this, if buying from W/O is a worry there are plenty of other similar options.

    I'm really annoyed that I've kinda lost confidence in the the esprit, I've drooled over then for years and reviews have always been good until recently. My issue is I'm not sure I'm experienced enough to examine the images to know if it's a scope issue or use issue. I wanna know when I buy a new triplet that's tested it's right and any imagining problems are self made or somewhere else in the train

  5. 18 minutes ago, Clarkey said:

    What about the TS 80mm Triplet. Need to add VAT to the price but still a good options:

    Teleskop-Express: TS-Optics PHOTOLINE 80 mm f/6 FPL53 Triplet Apo - 2.5" RAP Focuser

    They also do a 70, 80 and 90mm triplet similar to the StellaMira:

    Teleskop-Express: Triplet FPL-55 Apos with top mechanics and certificate


    Be nice to know how that compared to the gt81. The £200 saving is nice if it's of similar quality. The thing going for the gt81 is Flo stock it and I can pop in to pick it up. But if anyone here has used both of love to hear their opinion. 

    I wonder what's causing the recent issues with the esprit. 

  6. 1 hour ago, Crackabarrel said:

    William Optics ZS73 is around the same price and spec, will require a flattener though.

    Been using mine for over 2 years now and can't really complain, fit and finish are good, colour correction is nice.

    That's a doublet, already have one of those and looking to upgrade to a triplet for better colour correction

  7. 9 minutes ago, iantaylor2uk said:

    You do need a flattener with the WO GT81 - however with the flattener (either the 0.8x one from William Optics, or I also use a 1x Hotech flattener) it is pretty much a flat field for an APS-C sized sensor, and I've had some great images from it. 

    I've got a good FF/R on my ed80 that'll transfer over. Not totally ideal but id be using my 294mc on it but would like to get a 533

  8. 32 minutes ago, Padraic M said:

    I got an Esprit 80 towards the end of 2020 and it's superb. Surely if you get a 'checked and tuned' version from a 'reliable supplier' 🙂 you can't go wrong?

    Well I'd like to think that, but seen quite a few reviews on quality issues with newer ones, even a couple on the flo website. Ideally I'd buy from Flo because I can cycle there. Got most of my new kit from them. 

  9. Hi all, back in Sept I installed new SSD's in my laptop and reinstalled everything but before I got to setup the weather turned to poop and last night was my first imaging session, fortunately PA was still spot on after a winter outdoors and under cover. 

    But, after stacking in DSS and taking a look in GIMP my image has the green cast and for the life of me I can't remember how I had DSS setup before so I didn't have that. Is there a checkbox I've missed somewhere?

    Also need to make a new dark library as I forgot to back that up. Doh. 

  10. I'd certainly recommend an Heq5 for a first mount. Yes, the Eq6-r or an Neq6 is a more capable mount but the kind of scope you'll want to spend the first few years learning the AP skills won't need anything more than an Heq5. If the time comes to upgrade an Heq5 will sell quicker as it's such a top notch mount. The cost of an Heq5 with an ED80 is nearly the same as the Eq6-r on its own. 

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