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Posts posted by Anthonyexmouth

  1. 5 minutes ago, teoria_del_big_bang said:

    I love the WBPP script I think it works brilliantly.
    You can even click on the  +Directory and just point to one directory with all data and it loads everything up in the correct places.

    Also can  use Cosmetic Calibration and set everything up for the Image Integration process automatically, saves a lot of messing about for exactly same results.

    Feel free to PM me if any issue or questions, this is one aspect of PI I have pretty much mastered (albeit for mono imaging but not really any different for OSC), some oof the other stuff I am still a novice but getting there 🙂 


    So is there something I'm missing in WBPP that's erasing the coordinate data from my image. Or can that not be retained? 

    • Like 1
  2. Cool, seems "ignore existing metadata" was the key I had tried forcing plate solving


    Yeah, I think this was the same as i uploaded in the week, wanted to play with WBPP. following along with different youtube videos with the same data to see how it turns out. 

    • Like 1
  3. 1 minute ago, teoria_del_big_bang said:

    You may need to tick the "Force plate Solving" check box otherwise it will read the focal length from the fits header not the figures you just ut in to account for the 0.8 reducer


    I image with APT and plate solve with that, It adds the correct f/l. PCC works with single subs. Seems something happens during WBPP thats stopping it from working. 

    • Like 2
  4. 5 minutes ago, Budgie1 said:

    One other thing to try;

    I notice you have the Observation Date filled in, did you click on the "Acquire from image" button? If so, close the PCC window and then open it again, do the object search and then manually add the focal length & pixel size. Then run it again to see if it plate solves.

    This may not have any bearing on it, but I normally just type the details in and leave the ob data at the default. ;)

    Well, I just tried on a single sub and it works, but fails on the integrated stack. 

    • Like 1
  5. 2 minutes ago, Budgie1 said:

    If you used your Evostar 80ED with the 0.85 reducer/flattener, then change the focal length to 510mm, instead of 478mm on the PCC data input.

    If it still doesn't plate solve then try a different database server. ;)

    I'm using a 0.8 reducer

    • Like 1
  6. Anyone here give me a hint on why PCC isnt working for me. I installed PI last week and it worked on the first image I processed but now wont work, even on the original image that worked.


    Not sure if this is related but I installed NoiseXterminator but i keep having to delete the update file and running the updater to get it to show as every time I close down it disappears from the process menu

    Heres the output screenPCC.thumb.jpg.d1eb52dff1b191c2eef1245bfd3debfa.jpg

    • Like 1
  7. 9 minutes ago, Clarkey said:

    What's wrong with a 120m mini? I use them and they are fine for guiding - and cheap. They are a smallish sensor so the usb 2 is not really an issue.

    Nothing wrong with it, but I like having the 290mc on my guide scope so u can easily swap my 294 and 290 on the pier when I want to do some lunar. It means the 294 is nice and safe on the guide scope while the 290 gets a turn on the ed80. 

  8. Ok, my asi290mc has to go in for repair, probably be away for a while so what do I do? 

    Cheap option 120 colour 

    Mid option 120 mono usb 3

    Pricey option 462mc


    Option one is ok if the camera gets fixed. If not I'm down my colour lunar cam which is doubling as my guide 

    Pricey option means I end up with a nice planet/lunar/guide cam but may end up with 2 very similar cams


    Wild card choice is a cheap svbony cam from Amazon, maybe the 205 for £80. Anyone used one of these for guiding?








  9. 23 minutes ago, FLO said:

    If a ZWO camera purchased from FLO develops a fault outside of ZWO's 2-year warranty we will either repair it in-house or return it to ZWO in China for you.

    If out of warranty we will of course charge for this service and it can take some time because we will include your camera with others being sent to China. Similarly, when ZWO return your camera to us, they will add it to one of our stock deliveries. So if you are in a hurry we suggest you send it to them direct - it will cost more but you would likely be back up and running sooner. 



    i've emailed zwo, i'll wait to hear what they say. might make more sense to drop it in to you and abuse the credit card and grab a 120 from you to keep me going. 

  10. 5 minutes ago, teoria_del_big_bang said:

    FLO sorted me out with a repair on my mini but if they cannot fix it they ship back to China so can be a long turnaround.


    yeah, they sent my 294 back for repair under warranty a couple of years ago, took a while but i did send it during chinese new year so that didnt help. 

    • Like 1
  11. 1 hour ago, Yawning Angel said:

    Morning! I had another bash at your data, this time stacking it from the raw data (PixInsight Weighted Batch Preprocessing, Maximum preset)

     Once stacked, I did a background extraction, stretch then Starnet2 to preserve the colour

    Beyond that it was mostly curves works and a rotation (sorry!)


    Thanks, looks like the darker regions are better defined and better colour variation. Just been watching Adam blocks wbpp tutorial. I'll give that a go when I get a moment. And downloaded a trial of noisextermintor, that looks pretty good. 

    • Like 1
  12. 17 minutes ago, ollypenrice said:

    I use an ST80 to guide my TEC140 imaging rig which has a sampling rate of 0.9 arcsecs per pixel. I get a guide RMS of 0.3 arcsecs. That's better than I need but, as said above, you can't over-guide. The ST80 is a great guide scope but be sure to do three things: make sure the cast metal back is tightly held to the main tube with its 3 radial screws. I wouldn't hesitate to put a bit of Araldite between the two parts to be double sure. Make sure the draw tube locking bolt is nice and tight to stop draw tube flexure. Use some kind of extension tube to get focus. One of my guide cameras has a very short backfocus so I needed two Barlow bodies (without lenses) to add the distance. I Araldited these together and also Araldited the complete extension into the draw tube. (This ST80 is going to be a guidescope for life but it's totally reliable.🤣 )


    I'll be taking the st80 off. Been using it for 3 years. The ed80 is the one that may be relegated to guiding duties with a part time job of some lunar imaging. A sharp star 76edph is going to be my new imagining scope on my pier. 

  13. 17 minutes ago, teoria_del_big_bang said:

    PI can handle darks of different exposures and scale them, I still take dark flats when I can but it is possible to get by without.
    From my first look I think the data looks really good and doesn't need much in the way of noise reduction.
    I think it could do with some colour calibration , not sure if you did that but PhotometricColorCalibration in PI works wonders.
    Also added a little Luminance, again not sure if you did this or not.
    So not spent too much time on it due to other things unfortunately I had to do today but here is my quick rendition using PI.
    It is a bit different but not necessarily any better, yours is really a good image to start with 🙂 



    Mine along side yours, I think the same detail just different and that's how it will always be because of the way we all perceive the image.



    I did use photometric calibration. Down side was stacking in DSS didn't bring any position data over in the header, I seem to remember the last time I tried a year ago I might have stacked in pi and it auto filled the position data. 

    As for luminance it's just 3 hours with a skytech l pro max filter. How did you add luminance? 



    • Like 1
  14. 1 minute ago, geeklee said:

    What do you think is missing or not coming out so well?  It looks like OSC data.  Was the moon up at the time of shooting?

    I've quickly put it through PI - just adding back a reduced stretch of the stars helped reveal the nebulosity a little more.

    Background prep, MLT NR, stretch, remove stars, more NR, Curves, little sharpening, stretch stars separately + add stars.  Lots of masks used along the way.

    I'll been liberal in how much red I've left/put in :) 


    Not sure really, wasn't sure what to expect out of it, only a few hours of data and first time with PI, i've had a few trial goes over the years but this time Iv'e actually paid for it so hopefully i'll make an effort to learn it. Just got the trial of noiseXterminator so i'll try that tonight. Just want to try and get a basic little routine worked out and build from there. I'd like to try WBPP once i've worked though a few tutorials. 

    • Like 1
  15. 2 hours ago, teoria_del_big_bang said:

    I am not guru but will take a look, is it possible to let me have the raw files, or are they too many ?


    I'll try and stick them in a google drive. Its just lights, darks and flats. need to do some new dark flats. 




    All files uploaded 

  16. 2 minutes ago, Clarkey said:

    I don't think you can 'over-guide'. However, I don't think you would notice much difference guiding with the ED80 over the ST80 in the final images. I use an ST80 to guide my RC8 at 1600mm FL with a 120 mini so widefield it would be more than capable.

    I'm just wondering about PHD getting a bit flakey because of the scale. TBF, with my pier being solid and the mount running as good as it does I could probably get away without guiding at the f/l i'm going to. 

  17. When is it too much?

    Just thinking of options for when i get my new widefield scope and thinking about swapping my asi290 from my st80 to my ed80 and then use that for guiding when imaging or then using that for lunar imaging now and then. I run a side by side rig.  would 600mmf/l and the 290 be a bit much? 

  18. 21 minutes ago, teoria_del_big_bang said:

    I know you are asking vlaiv but as you have PI have you used the WPBB scrips ?
    For me it was a gamechanger.
    Yes, like most scripts it does nothing that you cannot do manually with PI but it automates everything, pretty much you can add all your files, the usual, lights, darks, flats, dark flats or flat darks whatever you call them, bias, and generally the defaults are fine just press go and it does everything for you from calibration to stacking.
    It allows for you to change various things, including the registration and integration parameters if you want, or let the script determine these depending on number of frames,, you can use normalisation, drizzle as you do with manual integration.
    If you do not have some correct exposure darks you get the option to use darks of differing exposures and PI will scale them for the exposure lengths of the lights.
    When all things are there is a tab to check everything is there that is needed.

    Also can click on the lights, or even flats and darks if not using masters to see a nice calibration diagram.

    You can include cosmetic correction too.

    As I said you can do normalisation and drizzle if you want but I prefer to not select these options and use the NormaliseScaleGradient script to weight the images and it does, in my opinion, a better job of normalisation, and if you want to drizzle it can now do that too.




    No, not yet, I tried watching a few youtube videos but it went over my head. I have messed with the trail a few times over the years but only bought it properly this last weekend and due to an screw up with calibration frames i'm just in the process of rebuilding my library so got no data to play with at the moment. Hopefully have it all done soon and wait for a clear night. 

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