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Posts posted by Anthonyexmouth

  1. 17 minutes ago, scotty38 said:

    Sorry, I meant the reinstall of the offline files pointing at a whole new directory otherwise it probably still contains your rogue file.

    yeah, thats what i've done. whole new directory. 

  2. 1 minute ago, scotty38 said:

    Pointing at a whole new location? If so and you don't fix it in the meantime I'll have a look myself later and see how the offline stuff works, see if I can work it out.

    No, only in the position that it's plate solved the image to. Guessing you could, if really bored and have lots of time, make your own skymap. It's inserted my sub of the western veil. if i zoom in and out quicly i can see the underlying image but it then overlays my image. 

  3. 33 minutes ago, scotty38 said:

    I'm guessing you shouldn't need to do that. I am assuming you know the directory where you pointed the offline files to? Also assuming that's not used for anything else then getting rid of everything in there and then installing the offline files again "should" put it back to the beginning again..... I think...... but just check what's in there first don't take my word for it as I'd have used a clean directory for the files but obv I don't know where you put them......

    I tried a clean install for the ofline files but it's still there. It's more annoying that I don't really know how I did it in the first place. 

  4. 1 minute ago, scotty38 said:

    Ah I see. Not sure as I've never really used that feature so can only assume you've added your file to the database so even updating the "main" database still leaves your file there. If you go and look can you spot your file by its name or coordinates and get rid if needed?

    I've tried to search but cant find it. Not sure how I even done it. Might have to do a reinstall. 

  5.  ok, couple more NINA issues,.

    1. I seem to have inserted my own image of the western veil into my framing assistant, I've reinstalled the framing catalog and sky map but its still there, any ideas how to get rid of it?

    2. Does NINA have issues plate solving near meridian? using platesolve 2. 


  6. 2 hours ago, symmetal said:

    No harm in trying an argon purge I imagine. Is that from the aerosol cans used in wine preserving? It's heavier than air so should stay around the sensor while the cover's replaced.

    What's it like if you cool to 0C instead of -10C. The difference in dark current between 0 and -10 is fairly small.


    I tig weld so got argon on hand. Could cobble a little purge box together I think. Bit don't want to waste argon if it's not any good. 

    As for temp, -10 produces much cleaner images compared to 0 on the 294. 

  7. 1 hour ago, Starflyer said:

    RAM disk for swap is way faster than nvme, like 10x plus faster.

    Cuiv done some testing and the  real world results showed no improvement using a ramdisk under windows and a little improvement under linux. I posted his video a bit further up. 


    • Thanks 1
  8. 2 minutes ago, Stuart1971 said:

    Hmm, I have seen this issue mentioned quite a bit recently….on the PI for beginners FB group… local normalisation failure…🤔🤔

    never had it before, this is a complete new install on my new pc and wasnt sure if i'd done something wrong. 

  9. 7 minutes ago, scotty38 said:

    I have an old i5 and 16GB of RAM and dream of 160 lights taking under 2 hours.....

    Spare a thought for the little guys 🙂 🙂 

    My 7 yr old i7 laptop is taking a well deserved rest. i'll redo the thermal paste and new battery but glad i finally got around to building this new SFF 


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  10. Just now, Stuart1971 said:

    Also swap folders only really are useful on separate SSD, I have three in my system, they do work on the C drive, but best on different drives to get the full benefit…👍🏻

    Ah, ok. Might be worth trying if/when i can afford to add another nvme drive. I'm probably being greedy anyway. WBPP is blazingly fast with this new machine compared to my old gen 4 i7 

  11. 1 minute ago, Stuart1971 said:

    I got 15-20% increase, just try it and then run the PI benchmark script before and after and you will see, no harm done in trying, if not just delete all but one of the folders….👍🏻

    Aparently the benchmark script does show and increase but he done some real world tests. 



  12. 57 minutes ago, Stuart1971 said:

    Add more swap folders, about 6 on each drive you have installed as long as they are SSD drives, makes a big difference.

    delete the swap folder it creates by default, and make a new one on C drive called Pixinsight swap folder, and add It multiple times under edit, global preferences, network and folders, don’t create different folders, just the one and add the same one multiple times, I have three SSD drives in my machine and have 6 swap folders on each drive…

    if You just have the one drive then add 8, or 10 or more to that drive and it will still give a good speed increase…👍🏻

    I just watched a Cuiv video and his benchmarking showed that there was no difference when using multiple folders and only time a ramdisk he;lped was under linux. How much improvement did you notice?

  13. 2 hours ago, Starflyer said:

    A ram disk really helps, I can't remember my exact config but I have 32GB with 16GB dedicated to the ram disk, set as 8 scratch folders in PI, I think, Google will tell you more.

    There are some settings to make PI use your GPU for certain functions too, this speeds up star removal massively.

    Then there's the PI benchmark, you can benchmark your system upload the results and compare the results to other machines.  Take a benchmark before you start tweaking so you can see how much of an improvement you're getting.

    Sorry I can't be of more help with the specific setup, but these should point you in the right direction.

    what did you use to setup the ram disk? I've just build a SFF maxxed out with 64gb. wanted as much as i could get in there. Also running a 980 pro nvme 1tb

  14. 1 hour ago, scotty38 said:

    I take it you can download and load an object ok, say M16 from hips2fits in the first instance?

    I think something along those lines could have been the problem. I redownload the offline image catalogs and it started working again. Not 100% sir6 that was the fix but I'll see tonight. 

    • Like 1
  15. switched on tonight and for some reason that i cant work out, nina in the framing tab wont slew and centre, its kinda greyed out. manual control of mount works in nina, everything else seems fine. 

    Any ideas?

  16. Ok, just finished building my new processing/light gaming machine. Still need to add more storage at some point but it's up and running 


    64gb 3600mhz ram 

    1tb gen4 nvme 

    Been using an old gen 4 i7 until now so wondering if there are any settings in pix I can change to optimise processes in my new machine. 









  17. 7 minutes ago, vlaiv said:

    Yep, that's the one.

    Only "drawback" might be 8ms refresh time. I personally never had any issues with game play on 8ms gray-to-gray monitors, but then again, I'm not much of a gamer (used to enjoy FPSs and flight/driving sims back in the day).

    refresh isn't that important to me really, I'm more of a Rimworld/colony manager player with a bit of Starcraft and Homeworld. 

    • Like 1
  18. 7 hours ago, vlaiv said:

    If I was in a market for a new monitor - I'd look at this one:

    DELL U2422H

    (I already have DELL UltraSharp model - but quite a bit older one). Might not be wallet friendly, though? Not sure what constitutes that in a monitor :D.

    It is 24" and that is big step from 22" that you now have. It also has very good color gamut.

    this one? https://www.box.co.uk/DELL-U2422H-Dell-Ultrasharp-U2422H-24-Full-HD-Monit_3628402.html?cq_src=google_ads&cq_cmp=14747522053&cq_con=129260083122&cq_term=&cq_med=&cq_plac=&cq_net=u&cq_pos=&cq_plt=gp&gclid=Cj0KCQjw9ZGYBhCEARIsAEUXITWixO1CYxQsgiEzkPYZ7x7ESZaSmPcQ4bO3IDiNec1UhCu7tJptVFUaAmIDEALw_wcB

  19. Putting the final pieces of my new processing/light gaming PC together and wondering if I need a new monitor. I'm not really into photo editing scene and not sure what makes a good monitor. I've been using an old HP w2207h for years. It's a nice responsive monitor for games and looks nice to my eye but I want to start printing some of my images so would like a monitor that calibrates well for photo editing. Is my current monitor ok or can anyone recommend a wallet friendly replacement. 

  20. 50 minutes ago, Paul M said:

    Even with my gear living indoors when not in use I find I need dew bands on my OTA just about all year round. Otherwise my 10" primary looks like it's sweating!

    I meant the anti dew ring for the camera. Where it's kept when not in use doesn't make a difference to dew issues. 

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