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Posts posted by Craney

  1. It will stand out more when you get some coloured narrowband in there.   Looks like the 183mm is a sensitive beast, what temperature below ambient do you run it  ??

    I imaged this for the first time this year as well.   I trusted the accuracy of the mount to get me locked on, and there it was hiding behind the low level noise.  Such a satisfying feeling, I can empathise with you being chuffed.  Makes you feel for one short moment that you have this hobby sorted.......


  2. Hi @adamphillips

    Just uploaded  the 8 separate frames onto   ezgif.com      and set the timing parameters accordingly   (ie. bit of guesswork   :) ).   It does all the filling in  within the gif generation.

    The key bit is to have all the frames identical in terms of star positions, otherwise they jump around .  I used    REGISTAR,  which I have anyway for aligning the  separate  filter channels.

    Your idea sounds great.   Amazing to see a  Deep space astronomical  fixture  change within our lifetime.



  3.     Good quality optics and a small handy size make them invaluable for guiding if you want to keep the overall weight down on your rig.

    Now here's a question..... anybody tried a Quark Solar eyepiece on it  for imaging the Sun  ??       ie...    full solar disk shots without the need for a mosaic  ??


    • Like 1
  4. I thought about doing this one cold night last year  when perched on my observing bench waiting for the Filter wheel to whizz its way across the whole  L R G B Ha Oiii Sii Hb  spectrum on the Crab Nebula.

    Then a year seems to have passed....gulp !!   Seeing the Pleiades and Taurus rising again gave me the incentive  to finish it off.

    So, here it is, a bit rough and ready but  hey-ho,   a temporal mosaic of the Crab in the form of a GIF.        ( Hope it works....)



    Equipment:  C-6 , Atik 414ex mono,  HEq5,  EFW2   with the full selection.....  R ...to .... Hb

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  5. 11 minutes ago, astro mick said:

    Maybe in jest{LOL) but cheers.

    No, in all seriousness.    I read your earlier post about how deflating it can be to compare ones own efforts to  those of other users  that have backyard equipment one step down from the Hubble and more clear nights than the Moon.     

    I can feel this photo has been wrestled out of the grim Northern skies via genuine perseverance and commitment.   It gets the peoples vote.....i.e.  mine  !! 

    Keep 'em coming.



    • Like 1
  6. Hi Adam,  I'm not into the super technical stuff  when it comes to imaging ....  for the moment at least.   I really should  try to scramble my egg shaped stars at bit better....  🥚 

    This might be a stupid question but could CCDI  actually detect curvature off of the sensor chip itself.  That is,  the slight tilts and warps due to the manufacturing and installation process at the factory. 

     Is there a control routine  or a mask that  can measure this without getting an optical system involved  ?   Otherwise, if you cannot eliminate this possibility from your results you run the risk of starting to correct  (optically)  something which isn't part of that  telescope's optical system and maybe cannot be successfully corrected.

    Does this makes sense  !!  🥴... or am I creating an issue which just does not exist ?



  7. Maybe try a rubber band around the outside of the filter on the knurled edge...... This gives a more even force around the filter frame,    but if the thread track has been  distorted  too much  .....eek!!  ...it may never budge.

    Don't fret too much, these things happen.....   I could post a picture of  my  £500 blunder with a scope....... well, there you go.........my  SGL reputation would go negative in one fell swoop.....

    • Sad 1
  8. This is from the internet.   In fact the company that manufactures the  SA100.


    I don't know if you have used the same analysis software.   This is real time data as opposed to a stack.

    I really do not know enough about the subject area to make any helpful comments, apart from well done.

     At least it is recognisable as a spectrum.  Although not spectroscopy, my first 'normal' astrophoto looked like a Jackson Pollack !!!



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  9. Morning all.....  people talk about  "Wow!!"  moments in astronomy, well I had one last night.    That elusive Soap Bubble nebula,  just under and to the side of side of the Crescent Nebula (Ngc 6888).  A few people on SGL have imaged this recently and if I don't go for it now, then it's another Year......

    Tricky little beastie.  I have tried to hunt this one down over the last couple of nights but have backed off due to gusty breezes, usb issues and encroaching tiredness.   

    5 minute subs were not giving me anything, so I pushed the boat out and went for the whole 600 secs.  Would the guiding hold out, would the neighbour's house get in the way,  would that iffy USB connection hold on to the port at such an angle...would that  slug dare to slither over my keyboard in the middle of the image run ??????    A lot of jeopardy going on at mid-night......

    but... believe it not.......thar she blows....!!!



    Although I'm old enough to know better, but I'm really chuffed with this,  giddy as a kipper....

    Details : Bi-Colour image , Atik 414mono ( -20'C)   6 x 10 min  ( Ha and O3 )    with   SW 10" F4  on  Eq6.




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