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Image Comments posted by Craney

  1. A good night last night....  managed to get all three wavelengths for a Hubble rendition of the 'Trunk'.

    (31x1min Ha, 11x1min O3, 13x1 min S2).  I was battling against daylight with this one at 3:30am !!....still got the 'piercing' at the end of the trunk.

    Telescope was 150mm F4 Newt. Cam= 414ex mono.

  2. Finally got a clear night and 'most' things working...

    Here is the Wizard (NGC7380), in Hubble palette.

    (40x1min Ha, 21x 1min O3, 36x 1min S2 ). Short exposures with no guiding.

    Got the nose and fingers !!!  Yay!!!

    Telescope was 150mm F4 Newt. Cam= 414ex mono.

  3. A quick process and post image of Pickerings Triangle in Cygnus  (NGC 6979).

    Taken with Altair 60mm Lightwave (FL=420mm) and ATIK 414ex mono

    Hubble Palette, about 30mins of each wavelength.

    SII being the least active and possibly needing more exposure time.   H-a is a riot of data, OIII produced some very fuzzy stars which I have tried to reduce.

  4. Iris Nebula LRGB

    NGC 7023

    80mm Equinox on HEQ5

    ATIK 414ex mono

    12x 3 mins on L  ( 3x3mins on R,G,B)

    Wanted to get the purple colour but nice to see it brought out the 'dark cloud'.

  5. Equinox 80  on HEQ5 (belt modded)

    Bubble Nebula (NGC 7635)    in Ha and O3 combined as Ha-O-Ha  on the RGB system

    12minutes each channel (4x3mins)  due to the object skirting through trees.

  6. Good question.  I probably had a CLS  (light pollution filter) on when I took this. Depending on the wavelengths it excludes then some doubles will benefit I guess and others will not.  I imagine it is the same for the UHC and Nebulosity filters, depending which wavelengths are transmitted etc...

    Obviously stacking and  a bit of PS can cause many things to happen  ?

  7. Wow, what a great shot.   I have only 'discovered' this object recently as my previous equipment would not have resolved anything other than a fuzzy blob.

    I have now got a Meade 8" SCT so look forward to giving this a go since it is now at high elevation.   What mount do you run your Celestron on ?    How easy does you Atik image the Nebula ? ( ie.  what length of exposure will show the nebula on the laptop before commiting to the 300 sec.)   I find it  difficult to get the DSO lined up in the first place without loads of trials, tweaks and adjustments which just eat up precious time.




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