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Simon Dunsmore

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Posts posted by Simon Dunsmore

  1. Hi Folks, 

    I thought I'd start a conversation, if I had some friends around here that were also into star gazing, its the sort of chat I'd have over a pint :)

    So about two years ago, when I was just getting into this amazing hobby, I purchased a eq5 goto (used) and a brand new skywatcher 200pds. I known now, what I can hear you all saying... "that's too heavy for an EQ5!"  I made an uninformed goof! 

    So now I am the owner of a Skywatcher 72ED and love it, I've started imaging with it on a used sky adventure. Really enjoying this set up. 

    Here's the thing, I still enjoy doing visual astronomy and switch between the two. I'm thinking of selling the 200pds and treating myself to a more suitable scope for the eq5. I enjoy viewing DSOs and it would be nice to have a scope that adds something a bit more powerful than the 72Ed and could also be used for astrophotography. I'd thought about downsizing the 200 to a 130pds but would welcome your thoughts. 

    Looking forward to your suggestions. 

    BTW love this forum, wish I'd known about it a long time ago. 



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  2. Hi Folks, 

    Sorry for the questions of late. Just working through a goto problem. 

    I presently have an EQ5 goto. The handset is version 2.4. I was wondering if the version 5 was considered as considerably better as the 2.4 does not accept updates. Is the version 5 any more accurate? 

    Also, is it just a matter of changing the handset or do I need to replace the Synscan base unit as well? 

    Thanks for your help 


  3. Hi Folks, 

    I'd appreciate it if you could assist. I'm trying to connect my eq5 to stellarium. Im using version 0.19.03. I get as far as connect telescope but when I click on configure nothing happens. 

    I've got the Synscan unit and hand controler powered up and connected. Do I need to have it actually connected to the mount? 

    Appreciate your assistance. 


    P. S I Can't seem to find a downloadable user guide for this version 


  4. Hi All, 

    Well we've had some lovely clear nights of late here in Kent and I've been out enjoying the stars. 

    Please forgive me if this is a silly question. I've been using my EQ5 goto mount for some time and although it works, I can never really get it that accurate and spend some time slewing around with a wide angle EP to find the target. Last night I had a sudden thought of something I may be doing wrong and wanted to check with you wise folks. 

    When setting up, should the main scope be aligned with the polar scope? By this I mean when polaris is centered in the polar scope, should it be in the cross hairs of the EP. If so, how do I do that? 

    As always, thanks for your help. 



  5. Hi, 

    Sorry for the late reply. Thanks for your efforts to identify my problem. 

    The field flattener I had purchased actually had an extension tube attached and I was unaware could be removed. I contacted FLO and as usual they were incredibly helpful. 

    I am still yet to try again, but will let you know how I get on. 

    Thanks again 


  6. Hi Wise folks of Stargazers Lounge, 

    So tonight I the odds of having a free evening and clear skies aligned and I thought to try my hand at a little astrophotography. 

    I'm using a Canon 1000d field flattener and Skywatcher 72ed. The problem I have is that I can't wind the focuser in far enough to obtain focus. 

    As far as I know I have the correct equipment and am somewhat baffled. Any advice would be appreciated. 

    Thanks for your help 


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