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Simon Dunsmore

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Everything posted by Simon Dunsmore

  1. Hi All, Just thought I'd get back to you with an update. So, success!!! Went out again last night, did my basic polar alignment and then tweaked with starcap. This time, I entered yes to DST. Went for a two star alignment. First star was way off, but after confirming that I was actually on the correct target went for a second. Almost spot on. Then asked the mount to slew to the Beehive Cluster, spot on, as was every other target. First time I've actually got this working properly. Thank you all so much for your help Clear skys Simon
  2. Absolutely brilliant. Thanks for taking the time to do the and for the information. I'm inspired and will read up on dithering and bias frames. Really appreciate it Thanks again Simon
  3. Wow! 🎉 Thanks so so much for taking the time to do this. If I could, I'd buy you a pint! I'll attempt another go as soon as I get another clear night. Thanks again Simon
  4. Hi, The link to the stacked images is here. https://www.dropbox.com/s/3qe36udmlzf519r/Edit this.TIF?dl=0 Thanks so much for your help, looking forward to learning how to do this! Thanks again Simon
  5. Hi Jager Thanks for your message. Sorry but total newbie here, not too sure what you mean. I did try cropping but just ended with the same image but larger, still very fuzzy, grainy and not good at all. Thanks again Simon
  6. Thanks that's a useful video. I'm determined to get this. I restack the images import them and then start again following the tutorial. If it still doesn't work I'll send a link to the images. Thanks again folks
  7. One quick question. Any handy links for a tutorial for an absolute beginner using StarTools?
  8. Hi, Thanks for all your help. I actually closed the program. I have to admit that this was my third attempt at editing the data and after several hours I admitted defeat. Ill try again tomorrow and then get back to you. Sorry if this is a silly question but how do I post a link? Thanks again Simon
  9. Thanks for your reply, Tried that but unfortunately no joy. I'm going to start again, perhaps my images were not good enough.
  10. Hi Folks, So I'm on my first foray into serious imaging, a few nights ago I imaged the Orion Nebula, not amazing results but not bad. I took darks and then stacked them, making no changes. I then imported the stacked image into StarTools. I have followed multiple tutorials but just cant seem to get past this: Any help would be much appreciated or if anyone could point me towards an idiots guide for StarTools that would be appreciated. I do not have a photographic background and all of this is a little, no a lot confusing. Thanks for your help Simon
  11. Hi James, Thanks. Unfortunately, I'm painting the fence today. Think I'll give it a shot tomorrow morning. Great advice. Will get back to you! Cheers Simon
  12. Hi James, Thanks so much for your help. Really appreciate it. I think I'll do as you suggest but I'll do it live tonight. Hopefully, as you say it's a user related issue. Of course it could be that I centered the eyepiece on the wrong star! I have installed an app on my phone to help ensure that I'm centering on the correct one. Thanks again Thanks
  13. Hi James, Thanks for your reply, makes sense, but leaves me a little puzzled as to why I just can't get this to work properly. As mentioned I levelled the mount, obtained a good polar alignment, used GPS to input coordinates, put in the date the right way round etc. Did a three star align. To check the accuracy I asked the mount to slew to the pliedes. I could see these just above the trees. The mount slewed in the right direction but was pointed below the horizon. Tried everything I could think of. I read somewhere that it may help to do a one star alignment then park the mount, switch off and start again doing a three star alignment. Any suggestions would be much appreciated Thanks again and stay safe Simon
  14. Thanks, so that would make a significant impact on accuracy. Thanks that helps to know.
  15. Hi People, Quick question. So last night I got out under the stars, beautiful clear night. Anyway, I used starcap to polar align, so far, so good. Next I did a three star alignment, it was here that things started going wrong. I noticed that I was a fair way off each alignment once the mount had pointed to where it thought they should be. Subsequent objets were also some way off target. Once I got home it dawned on me that we are now in DST in the UK. On Synscan I had selected no rather than yes to the DST question. My question is, would this have made much of a difference to the accuracy of the mount finding the target? Sorry if its a silly question. BTW the mount is a Heq5 Pro. Thanks for your help Simon
  16. Hi, Thanks for this, really helpful. I have the same issue. After reading your post, I have ordered a replacement battery and will attempt the fix asap. I had read that once it was dead that was it, so pleased to read that you can replace the battery. Did you find the 9ah has made much of a difference? Cheers Simon
  17. Thanks Steve, Great bit of advice. I just ordered a lead acid battery 9ah with same dimensions and terminals + an intelligent trickle charger to ensure it doesn't overcharge or run down. Thanks again for your help Simon
  18. Hi Steve, Is that an easy thing to do? I thought I read somewhere that it wasn't possible. I've always kept the battery charged in that tank so I'm not sure why it only lasts for 90mins. Thanks Simon
  19. Hi folks, Bank holiday project looming on the horizon. I presently have a celestron 7ah powertank, it tends to last for about 90mins when fully charged powering my HEQ5pro. I was looking for an alternative. I have considered the jump starter units (EG Halfords phase 4) but I've read on here that they are not ideal as they are designed for sudden outputs of power and that the batteries wear quickly) Please feel free to correct me on this. I am considering building a simple power bank as follows and wanted to see if you folks thought it would work. 12v 17ah Lead Acid rechargeable battery, 12v cigarette lighter socket, inline fuse, on/off toggle switch, voltmeter, small plastic toolbox to house it and a trickle charger. I've priced it up and looks like I can get all the components for around £40. I'd welcome your thoughts and suggestions or alternative ideas. Budget £50 Thanks Simon
  20. Oh OK, thanks. So if I slew using the handset, once I stop slewing it should just automatically track whatever it is pointing at??
  21. Hi, Quick question, once I've set up and polar aligned my Heq5 goto mount, if I release the clutches to find an object manually, how do I then make the mount track? or does it automatically do it? ,Sorry if this is a silly question Thanks for your help Simon
  22. Hi, Thanks for your reply. Sorry, I'm not sure I understand what you mean. Could you elaborate a little please? Thanks again
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