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Posts posted by wornish

  1. Thanks for the info. 

    As always more data would help, which is always true.

    The stars in your integrated image are not bad so I think its down to the post processing workflow.

    How did you combine the LRGB image in PS?  Its hard to give advice without knowing what process steps you did.


    Also, if you want to share each of the individually stacked and aligned masters on dropbox I am happy to give it a go in APP or PI.






    • Thanks 1
  2. 15 hours ago, Northernlight said:

    Wornish, how did you get the almost 3d effect on the galaxy. When i'm processing it comes out looking very flat, whilst your version looks like it has a bit of depth to it.




    I combined the files in APP and saved the stretched LRGB result as a tif.  Ideally I should have spent some time adjusting the balance between the channels in APP but for speed I treated them as all equal.  Then I loaded the tif file into Lightroom and tweaked the clarity, vibrance and then pushed the reds and blues quite a bit in the Color section.  Then moved to PS and adjusted the brightness/contrast and finally did some noise reduction.   I am certainly no expert and continue to learn a lot from the people on here.

  3. 5 minutes ago, Longinthetooth said:

    Hi - FYI, a word of warning.

    I bought this a while back to discover that it was exactly the same package/activation code as is available from many dubious sources online and that had caught me out before (twice). It's a "portable lite" version 13.0.1 x32. The same activation code can be found online if you look. In practical terms it works fine but the 32 bit version only addresses around 4GB of memory so runs out of memory accessing or processing big files (like astro pics for example). I did ask about the version number and 32/64bit before I bought (from Online Gadget) and they were good enough to fully refund when I explained my dissatisfaction.

    Even old "legal" PS versions go for hundreds of £. Reluctantly I've given up trying to do PS "on a budget" and subscribed to the 2020 version with Adobe. It's around £16 a month and, of course, works flawlessly. The old adage "if it looks too good to be true...." holds here.



    The Adobe Photography package that includes Photoshop and Lightroom and more  is only £9.58 per month.

    https://www.adobe.com/uk/creativecloud/photography.html?gclid=EAIaIQobChMI-6LBqL-P6AIVFuDtCh1mowQsEAAYASAAEgJVMPD_BwE&sdid=88X75SKR&mv=search&ef_id=EAIaIQobChMI-6LBqL-P6AIVFuDtCh1mowQsEAAYASAAEgJVMPD_BwE:G:s&s_kwcid=AL!3085!3!394411579591!b!!g!!%2Badobe %2Bphotography

    • Like 2
    • Thanks 1
  4. 5 minutes ago, Rodd said:

    Is that with the latest PI release.  I think I have to pay for the update now, right?  Its been a couple of years since I got PI. 


    No unfortunately not.  I runs it as a standalone app, or as a PS plugin.

  5. I have the AZ-EQ6-GT. (That's what is says on the side) and the Esprit 100.

    Have used the combination for about 2 years and it works great. Getting the guiding right took a bit of  trial and error but in the end I can't complain at all. Isn't getting the best out of your kit part of the challenge of astrophotography?

    I regularly achieve FWHM of 4 arc secs or even less in a bortle 5 location on 300sec  and longer exposures. 

    The GoTo accuracy is not brilliant but with the use of plate solving it doesn't really matter anyway, it simply takes a couple of moves and the target is bang on.

    I really don't understand someone selling the mount after one 5 hours trial ??





  6. 1 hour ago, vlaiv said:

    Of course I don't mind. Wanted to do something similar myself for quite some time now, but never seem to find spare time to do it. I wanted to make a website / blog kind of thing and do my best to explain and demonstrate things related to astronomy (mostly imaging/processing/theory). Hopefully I'll get it started sometime soon.

    Excellent idea.  You would have lots of readers.

  7. Think you have answered your own question if you want future proofing with the ability to use ccd then APT is your answer.

    Plate Solving makes a huge difference when finding targets.

    Yes it might seem complicated at first but with practice it soon becomes easier to use.

    • Like 2
  8. I would like to do a wide field narrow band shot using my ASI1600MM and ASI EFW.

    For normal photography I use an Olympus Micro Four Thirds DSLR camera and a series of M4/3 lenses. Is it possible to use the Olympus M4/3 40-150mm F2.8 lens with the ASI filter wheel and ASI camera. 

    I am guessing the back focus is too short so it can't possibly work? 

    Anyone tried this and if so how did you make it work?

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