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Status Updates posted by Moon-Watcher

  1. Just love smelling the inside of my new 'scope - 200p. MMMmmmm new.....

    1. orion25


      Nothing like that new scope smell!

  2. While observing a very bright star last night, I fell over and hurt myself. The Doctor said its not Sirius... I'm here all week

    1. Show previous comments  7 more
    2. Moon-Watcher


      So I'm having dinner with a prawn. And I says: Can I have some of your chips, and he said no.

      So I said: Oh, come on. Don't be shellfish...

    3. jabeoo1


      I bought a dog from a blacksmith, I got him back home and he made a bolt for the door.

    4. Moon-Watcher


      Sorry guys. This threadis going to end tomorow.

      If you want more, check out Tim Vine on You Tube

  3. Looks like I picked the wrong week to start drinking.

    1. Ju Piter

      Ju Piter

      i stopped drinking 4 years ago :)

  4. Clear Outside said it would be clear outside. So, I am going ouside, clearly

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. Moon-Watcher


      Didn't go out after all. I have another hobby which is incompatible with observing. Cheers!

    3. ronin


      Didn't Captain Oates say the same ?

    4. Moon-Watcher



      But Captain Oates didn't go back in, to sample what is available at my local Off Licence...

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