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Everything posted by gorann

  1. Is not the simple answer that more aperture aways wins, you just need to find the money, and get fit enough to handle the bigger scope and the bigger mount to swing it, or build an obsy😁
  2. Walking noise was always a problem with my DSLRs (Canon 60D and 60Da) but I have not noticed it with my two 2600MC, and not even with my older ASI071, and I try to go as deep as possible in many of my images, especially when shooting IFN. Maybe it varies a bit between individual cameras? @AbsolutelyN noticed a very wide banding noise in his ASI2600MC and it was discussed in a thread here. It was very wide so nothing that could be cured by dithering. I sent him a flat from one of my 2600 and he found a similar but weaker noise after stretching and running it through DBE. At the end of the thread @wimvb suggested that it was Newton rings possibly created by the optical window or the glass on the chip, so not of electronic origin.
  3. Seems slightly boring and difficult to plate solve😉 I don't mind smoke and dust as long as I see it from a distance of a few ly.
  4. Thanks a lot Peter, much appreciated! After I had made the image I realized that I have data I could add to the left of this image, making it wider and including one more nebula (LDN1171). Will post it soon.
  5. Thanks! Not offended at all! Very interesting. I assume you know why the rich people live in the western parts of many Northeuropean cities, like London and Oslo, while the working class areas are found east of the ciies. If not, it is because of the prevailing winds up here are from west to east. The rich people only wanted the income and not the smoke from the industries. Probably west is to the right in this painting.
  6. Thanks Olly! I had it in the back of my mind to protect that pink signal, I remember you have mentioned it before, but I must have, at some step in the processing, been too occupied with other parts of the universe in that image.
  7. Here you go @ollypenrice, the pink is recovered and back! Thanks for pointing it out🙂 Cheers, Göran
  8. Thanks a lot Ian, much appreciated as always!
  9. Thanks Olly! Unfortunately the faint pinkies must have got lost in processing (although there is a small trace of them). They were there in much of the RASA data I added, as seen in the image below, from which I added data to the current one. I will post an updated version asap where I have recovered that signal!
  10. Thanks a lot Alan! At least you have nights, they are gone up here at 60° N. Good luck!
  11. Or, from NGC7023 to Sh2-136 for those that like proper designations😉 The loss of astro darkness have made me dig a bit deeper in the data I collected this season and try to be creative by mixing data. I discovered that I had a RASA image from August 2020 of these objects to which I could add more RASA data of the Iris from October 2020 and also 5 hours of refractor data of the Ghost and surrounding creatures from 2018. The refractor data was added to about 50%, mainly as lum. RASA data collected 13-24 August and 21-22 October 2020 using a RASA 8 and ASI2600MC (gain 100). 320 x 2 min. Refractor data collected 15-16 Spetember 2018 using an Esprit 150 and ASI071MC (gain 200). 60 x 5 min. Put together in PI and processed in PS and PI.
  12. One thing, at least with my Mk1 and Sitech run with Cartes du Ciel. To start up the mount each night you need to follow Steve Richards instuctions precicely. Everything has to be done in that exact sequence and missing to press somithing like an "ok" at some point will make the mount unresponsive. But when it is up and running it has never failed me during a night.
  13. Thanks a lot! I am pleased that you see the creatures too. Maybe the name will stick.
  14. Thanks a lot Alan! Fortunately summer aslo has its treats - at least I try to tell myself that😎
  15. Thanks a lot guys, much appreciated!
  16. Great and clean data! Probably the best Iris data I have processed. I did not use any NR on it. And nice to have something to process now when summer astrobrightness have settled on us up here. So thank you IKO people! Processed in PS and PI.
  17. Thanks a lot guys! Over the super-moon acturally😁
  18. Picked up the magazine from my mail box here in rural Sweden this evening and found this. Quite happy with a Picture of the Month Of the SGLers I know I also saw that @Petergoodhew had an excellent image in the gallery.
  19. Thanks and yes: I actually do not mind a break now. 8-9 months out of 12 is quite OK for astrophotography for me, and then I have something to really look forward to (and prepare for) when the summer comes to an end.
  20. Actually, I would be really depressed if loss of astrodarkness coinsided with winter. I love the summer and all that comes with it. So I really do not mind getting a break from astrophotography in the summer. I feel the other way around: astrophotography is what gets me through the winter.
  21. Thanks a lot Peter! The same goes for your image of IFN around Polaris that I was looking at a minute ago. Need to give that area another try with a RASA 8 and short unguided exposures - just need astrodarkness to come back.
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