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Stub Mandrel

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Everything posted by Stub Mandrel

  1. From the album: Saturn

    Gently tweaked
  2. Stub Mandrel

    White Storm

    From the album: Saturn

    Is it my imagination? Just left of centre dead on the equator.
  3. From the album: Jupiter

    Combination of two images at exactly the same scale, two 190 second runs a minute apart at different exposure and brightness. Sadly Eiuropa was occulted by Jupiter...
  4. From the album: Saturn

    Processed with wavelets.
  5. From the album: Saturn

    Processed with deconvolution.
  6. From the album: Lunar

  7. Stub Mandrel

    Not Very Good

    From the album: Jupiter

    Not happy with this
  8. Stub Mandrel


    From the album: Jupiter

    What has gone wrong?
  9. Stub Mandrel

    Bhatinov Mask

    From the album: My Gear

    Nothing original about this - plastic folder, foam and duck tape.
  10. Stub Mandrel

    stack 1

    From the album: Lunar

    About 8:47 in the morning.
  11. Stub Mandrel


    From the album: My Gear

  12. Stub Mandrel


    From the album: My Gear

    Astrostakkert screen shot
  13. From the album: Saturn

    A slightly shorter run stacked using the experimental derotation feature in Astrostakkert
  14. Stub Mandrel

    Saturn 14 May

    From the album: Saturn

    First stab at processing last night's video
  15. I spent a few nights camping a week ago. It was heavily overcast but there was still enough moonlight that I didn't need a torch. I remember one night at a true dark site camping by a lake in snowdonia. The only time I have ever seen the stars reflected in water, and I was able to read teh label of a baked bean can by starlight alone. Didn't need a scope to appreciate the stars that night!
  16. Stub Mandrel


    Pictures of the Sun
  17. Stub Mandrel

    Fake Sun

    From the album: Solar

    A sundog, caught in 2014
  18. From the album: Jupiter

    Worked out how to get moons aligned as well
  19. Stub Mandrel

    Tycho close

    From the album: Lunar

    Pleased to resolve the two peaks so clearly
  20. Stub Mandrel


    From the album: Lunar

    I like the slumping in the walls
  21. Stub Mandrel

    Venus 4

    From the album: Venus

    Gamma reduced in PIPP.
  22. Stub Mandrel

    Tripod Tweak

    From the album: My Gear

    Simple modification to NEQ3 tripod to reduce flex
  23. Stub Mandrel


    From the album: Venus

    Pleased with this, too
  24. From the album: Jupiter

    Pleased with this
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