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Joaquim Q

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    Astronomy, Deep Sky.
  • Location
    Barcelona, Spain

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  1. I apologize if my expression is out of place, and if the topic is that if Hyperions are suitable in fast scopes, i agree, no problem at all. Thanx for your comment. Greetings from Barcelona, Spain.
  2. Thanx, i will do that star test, totally agree. Sometimes the emotion of the first light makes to forget that inicial star test... These days, with the crescent moon, my suburban skies does not show too mucho stars (bortle 7)... Sorry for my english. Greetings from Barcelona, Spain.
  3. New ep for my dob!! Last week i received my first Widefield eyepiece: Baader Hyperion 13mm+ 28mm finetuning ring. The eyepiece is really huge, is a beast!! The weight is 400 gr. Yesterday i was used it in the moon... The best moon sight ever!!! The ep is 92.3x in my dobson, and the moon fills all the fov!! Epic image!! Ultra crisp and bright image!!. No turbulences, long time in the fov. With my Celestron Omni Barlow, the ep goes to 184.6x, with incredible definition. The craters and mountain Chains, the shadows and Every thing is breathtaking. Really impressed with the sights. Is curious, but in few astronomy forums some people says that hyperion eyepieces are horrible in f6 scopes... I observed the moon, Júpiter, Saturn, and few more things and the eyepiece works perfect, almost for me... Tonight we have another observation session, to try the 28mm finetuning ring, who modifies the focal distance from 13mm to 9mm...
  4. After few days with funny clouds and some haze in the night sky, i can try at last my new Barlow. I was little worried about the chromatism that sometimes the barlow lens ad to the views, but i don, t see any chromatism at all. I try it on Jupiter, Saturn, Moon and simply scanning some star fields, and everything looks perfect to my eyes. The 1.5x feature, that is achieved simply threading the optical group of the barlow (the black piece) into the filter thread of the eyepiece converts it into 3 possibilities: In the case of 25mm super plossl, i have 48x (eyepiece alone), 72x (optic part threaded), and 96x (full barlow). I don.t see any image degradation. In my 10mm ep, the full barlow gives 240x,nice on Jupiter and Saturn. The only thing is that the eye relief of the ep is too tight. I need another ep in that magnification with better eye relief and big lenses too look thru. The thread of the 10mm don.t accept the optical group, maybe the thread in the ep has something damaged, i don.t use it never before. Now, i just need to add 2 or 3 ep to my set, to have one low power widefield, and maybe an 8mm,and 6mm for high powers. I know that is not a spectacular first light, but is my first one🙂🙂.
  5. Thank you very much, your explanation is really useful, i will try, and see how accurate that system can be. I post my experience in next days. Best regards. Thanx again. 👍🏻🙂
  6. Hi, i just presented myself yesterday in newcomers. I have a skywatcher classic200p dobsonian scope. I have installed on my phone the Skeye app. Skeye has the feature to work in "push to" mode, similar to the Orion Intelliscope system. What is the best system to attach my smartphone to the tube? Phone cover+velcro? I read that the performance can be wrong due to phone magnetic sensors and the metal tube of the scope. Some trick? Thanx in advance to all. Best regards.
  7. Hi, i just presented myself yesterday in newcomers. I have a skywatcher classic200p dobsonian scope. I have installed on my phone the Skeye app. Skeye has the feature to work in "push to" mode, similar to the Orion Intelliscope system. What is the best system to attach my smartphone to the tube? Phone cover+velcro? I read that the performance can be wrong due to phone magnetic sensors and the metal tube of the scope. Some trick? Thanx in advance to all. Best regards.
  8. Thank you, i love the simplicity of the dobsonians, in 2 minutes, take the scope out, put the eyepiece on the focuser, and enjoy. Best regards.
  9. Thanx Rob, you are really kind🙂. Sure, i begin to post my experiences or question in the boards very soon!! Best regards 🖖🏻👍🏻
  10. Hi Steve, i live near Barcelona, 35km away. I worked in Barcelona city for more than 25 years, is like my second home, but never lived on it. I live in a 20000 population village, more relax here🙂🙂, and better skies!!! Thanx for your welcome!!! Best regards🖖🏻
  11. Thank you!! In my opinion, a telescope is one of best things that money can buy🙂🖖🏻. You become a space explorer from your backyard!!
  12. Hi, i..m on Stargazers Lounge for long time ago, but now i have a new scope at last!!! The scope is a Skywatcher classic200p dobsonian, and i received it just one month ago. I.m really happy with it. For now, i.m using the stock eyepieces that come with the scope, a 25mm and 10mm super plossl 52. Yesterday i was received a Celestron Omni barlow, and that expands my magnification range. I posted some pics with my set. Congratulations to Stargazers lounge team, this is one of the best sites to learn about astronomy and equipment. Besf regards to everybody
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