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Posts posted by ApophisAstros

  1. On checking my subs last night i noticed what i thought was a scratch in the optical train showing in that sub, so checked the sub before and after to check but its not on those so it only appeared in one sub.
    Interested to hear anyones take on this.

    Ths sub with the artifact was a Luminance and the others were Red and Green.




    This small Sharpless object sits high in the northern fall sky north of SH2-171 which is a common object imaged and south of Abell 85, a supernova remnant. The object responds to mostly red filters so a red luminance can be easily used on this one to produce a nice RRGB. It also does very well with a hydrogen-alpha filter and exposing the camera for a very long time begins to pick up a fainter area around it. It also responds very nice with the sulfur II and oxygen III filters so this one makes for a great narrowband color image.. There is also some fine structure in the object that a larger telescope can capture and produce an amazing image of this object, which is not a common image out there these days.

    I saw a colleagues image and thought i might give it a try not expecting much given its faintness, and tried with a 450s sub firstly  and did see ghostly image on live view so doubled to 900s and was sufficiently pleased to setup a Ha plan and managed  22 x 900s (Only 16 would stack in Astroart)with the expectation of getting Oiii and LRGB in future but well pleased with this so far.

    Acquisition details on Astrobin



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  3. Hi, i have that camera as well and wondered what the Temp was as its 17oC here at 3.30 am and the camera has been dead on -20c all night.





    i am doing 900s subs

    Worthing, England.

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  4. On 21/08/2019 at 12:34, michaelmorris said:

    I'm booked on 352 on the Red field from the Wednesday through to the Sunday, but I might stay longer if the weather is good.  I'll have a tent this year rather than the motorhome. 

    I'm planning on bringing my ZWO 294MC Pro camera on my trusty 80ED for imaging on my new-to-me AZ EQ6 GT mount.  I probably also bring my Astro-modified Canon 1100D to use on my iOptron Skytracker mount for some wide field targets.

    Hi Michael, i would like any tips for my Canon 1000d modified on either of my scopes.


  5. I started with a DSLR (bought a brand new Canon 750d Modded),about 3 years ago with a SW120 and Eq6-r, and got a good grounding. Then last year i got a ZWO ASI ASI183MM Pro with EFW and LRGB filters and used this since with a dual rigged Altair Astro ED66-R and have been amazed with the results and have since gone NB with Ha and Oiii and jumped up to another level although processing is a hugh learning curve, and still got to crack NB star colour.


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