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Posts posted by ApophisAstros

  1. Just one question , i see you mention Gain, and wondered what the Unity Gain was for you camera and whether you have used it , obviously needs to be set same for whole session Dark,Flats,Subs.

    I mostly keep to to Unity Gain and don't seem to have problems others have , also heard that monitor screens are not best as they flick on and off.

    I use APT flats tool and may help if you wanted something different.

    Have you ever had acceptable flats



  2. 17 minutes ago, carastro said:

    URGGGGH spiders, have a phobia of them.  I am aware they are in my obsy, but try to ignore the fact.  Occasionally I see one run across the floor in the day time and try to catch one in my spider picker upper and put them outside. 

    It's when i sit at the laptop and one suddenly appears on a thread in front of the screen hanging in front of my face that I panic.  

    I have to say though, that they seem more frightened of me, but I could not cope with one landing on me unless it was really small.  Shudder at the thought. 



    Spider picker up handle .jpg

    Spider picker up open.jpg

    Apparently at night when you are asleep , you swallow on average 2  a night, hence the horrible taste in your mouth in mornings.


    • Haha 1
  3. I was imaging in the back garden once and about midnight i heard a terrible screeching coming from the direction of the fence , so i pointed my red torch in that direction and saw 2 Hedgehogs screaming like a banshee at each other at close quarters , then my torch needed batteries so after going in and replacing them on coming back out they had gone , seen them move before and they relly shift. on the two i had seen ,i thought that they were either mating or fighting,


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