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Everything posted by nightster

  1. nightster

    M101 LRGB PS Md

    Thanks, but frankly a weak attempt with not enough data. This was the first CCD data I got and was clamoring to try to process it, look down the line a bit and you'll see what this became.
  2. nightster

    LHaRGB Final

    From the album: CCD Mono Imaging

    L-HaRGB of M101 my 8th image overall. Starting to get the hang of this.
  3. nightster

    M101 final1

    From the album: CCD Mono Imaging

  4. nightster

    M101 final

    From the album: CCD Mono Imaging

    First run through of RGB and L. Still have a stack of Ha that I need to learn to integrate.
  5. From the album: CCD Mono Imaging

    Test stack of 5.5 hours Lum data from M101
  6. From the album: CCD Mono Imaging

    BIN2 RGB no Detail layer at this stage.
  7. nightster

    M101 Abe Abe Nr

    From the album: CCD Mono Imaging

    Added data to previous M101 6x600s 25x300s IDAS LPS P2 460EXm
  8. nightster

    LRGB m101

    From the album: CCD Mono Imaging

  9. nightster

    M101 LRGB PS Md

    From the album: CCD Mono Imaging

    This is my first CCD image. Other firsts: M101, RGB Filters, L and Ha, subs over 300s, first all night image run.

    © Jeffrey Geiss

  10. From the album: CCD Mono Imaging

    Calibration Test 10 Bin2 Darks 600s intergrated resampled then subracted by 10 Bin1 Darks.
  11. From the album: CCD Mono Imaging

    460EX mono Dark Master in PNG lossless format, 600s bin 1x1 created in PI ImageIntegration.
  12. From the album: CCD Mono Imaging

    Only a few subs taken due to weather and getting familiar with the new hardware.
  13. The 460ex....easy to hide the hardware, hard to hide the invoice.

    1. Adamar98


      It'll be well worth the grief.

  14. From the album: Imaging Rig

    SX Filter Wheel
  15. From the album: Imaging Rig

    SX Filter Wheel
  16. From the album: Imaging Rig

    SX Filter Wheel
  17. From the album: Imaging Rig

    SX Filter Wheel
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