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Everything posted by jake_wright

  1. I have a set of celestron skymaster 15x70's mounted to a heavy duty Manfrotto tripod and at the mo I'm using dads Greenkat 12x50's whilst I wait for my Marchwood 10x50's to arrive
  2. might have a 8" parabolic newt on saturday :)

  3. going to the spacegaurd centre tomorrow, cant wait :)

  4. anyone going to Aberdare Park Road Races next weekend?

  5. thank you Newtown Astronomers Society I had a great afternoon learning more about our local star

  6. anyone going to the Newtown Astronomers SUNday event this weekend?

  7. just over 18 hours to go then I'll be on a catameran sailing to the Isle of Man :)

    1. faulksy


      watch out for low flying gixers and blades

  8. still won't let me post in the photography section, am I doing something wrong?

  9. woohoo its actually clear out! shame the moon is far too bright for playing with the camera

  10. am I allowd to start a new thread in the photography section? I have twice now but for some reason its not showing the threads?

    1. Grant


      No reason why you shouldn't be able to and I can find no record of the threads being removed - maybe try again and let us know in the bugs forum if you receive any errors etc...

    2. jake_wright


      OK I'll try again later when I have some time, thank you

  11. oh well I better get an email ready...bought a luggage rack for my motorcycle and the seller has posted it via myhermes, it will either get run over by a fork lift truck or not arrive at all!

  12. just found this video for the isle of man...wander if I can strap a 8" dobs to the back of my bike for when I go over in May http://www.visitisleofman.com/placestovisit/DarkSkySites/darkskies.xml

  13. OK I've decided I'm saving up for a skywatcher explorer 150p eq3 GOTO, then "borrow" my dads nikkon d3200

    1. Show previous comments  4 more
    2. tingting44


      yes make sure your happy before even thinking about clicking the buy button :) as for extras go id get a chesire to check collimation http://www.firstlightoptics.com/other-collimation-tools/premium-cheshire-collimating-eyepiece.html and a polar scope if the EQ3 does not come with one, are you really set on the GOTO? an idea would be to drop the GOTO and put the saving towards the EQ5? i just got rid of my GOTO mount to get a EQ5 with dual motor mounts and im also loving that move :)

    3. jake_wright


      I'm not really set on the GOTO, just sounds easier to hit a button to go where you want it to. I just had a look and if I don't go for the eq-3 GOTO I can get the eq-5 (without motors), 150p-ds, Cheshire, coma corrector and polar scope for the same price. I'll leave the motor drives until another time. Won't be able to get all this for quite a while though

    4. ronin


      As pointed out I don't think the EQ3 somes with a polar scope. If you got the EQ5 it is a better mount but to image you need motors. So an EQ5 and no motors is no good for any imaging. Read the Nikon manual for setting exposures, I suspect you will need a remote timer, sold on Amazon and usually made by Shoot about £25. This will allow you to take long period exposures and will take a series of 10, 20 etc, up to 999 I think. You can set it to take 20 exposures of 40 seconds each with a 30...

  14. daft question...do I stand a chance of seeing M95 with a 3" reflector telescope?

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. jake_wright


      Just had a look at Jupiter with it, I saw what I thought could of been 3 of the moons, 2 to the left and 1 to the right. Could of just been a few stars in the distance though

    3. ronin


      Jupiter is fairly easy, 8x42 binoculars and a clear sky will manage Jupiter and the moons. In the 70mm you should have seen colour differences between each moon - still points but differently coloured points. Depends on what you mean be "seeing M95".

    4. jake_wright


      Aslong as I can see a shape of a galaxy is enough, not expecting to see colour

  15. Is it just me or was there a hot round thing in the sky, surrounded by some blue stuff?

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