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Everything posted by starboy71

  1. Hi everyone i hope you are all well ! Now then,i have been umming and arrrhing about this particular eyepiece for a little while now,yes i have read reviews and yes i have watched youtube videos...and its driven my anticipation of getting said eyepiece up to 90% certain of going for it,however, i`d just like to know can my skywatcher 200p Dob handle it?,in terms of the weight and magnification of a 2x barlow?. i have a small but nice selection of eyepieces that i`m ok with but get frustrated at having to change them over so i`d thought i`d look more into the Baader zoom,and what better place than SGL to ask advice! Thoughts and suggestions very much appreciated,thank you all. Mark
  2. A BIG thank you to all of your suggestions,thanks for helping me out...i have some cable ties so i may just try that to start with. mark
  3. well,i`m back on my thread....gorilla tape attached Rigel finder stuck on...scope stored vertically,been that way for a week or so...came down yesterday morning,glanced at the scope...Rigel finder hanging off,not quite ready for the fall to the floor but oh so close!...pushed it back on to the gorilla tape applied firm pressure for 20 seconds,gave a slight pull with fingers and the tape isn`t as adhesive as i hoped...it peeled of a smidge towards the back of the Rigel..and the front of the Rigel sits overlapping the black metal scope trim..so thats not sitting flush...any suggestions people?..shall i relocate the finders footprint somewhere else on the scope with fresh tape? i thought gorilla tape was rock solid? Mark
  4. hi john, oh i thought at the start of this thread you said you have used the gorilla tape?..i got mine today so in the morn i`m gonna apply it...having a slight issue with the straight through finder moving in its bracket slightly...i may wedge some cardboard under it??..or lay some of this tape in the bracket?? any suggestions?
  5. a big thank you to all your suggestions...gives me plenty of options!
  6. hi john,nice to know it works and that my thought of using said tape wasn`t cockamamie!..i do like the idea of no mess i must admit..just cut it n stick it..cheers for that..oh and for previous advice you gave me about the rigel battery fitting when i first got it...weeeeeeks ago now
  7. well that makes perfect sense,thanks very much for that tip. off to BnQ in the morn for me then! thanks john. Mark
  8. Hi john cheers for the reply, i don`t fancy drilling but i like the sealant idea,but will that deteriorate over time?..i have used this gorilla tape what i mentioned on the boot release catch on the car and so far its holding rock solid...after 6 weeks...including lots of rain on it,seems good stuff!
  9. Hi All,i hope you are safe n well,right then,i need advice on the issue of my rigel quikfinder base not adhering sufficiently( my opinion) to the sticky strips that came with it. I was wondering if that clear double sided gorilla tape would suffice? i would very much welcome your thoughts on this,thanks everyone Mark
  10. Hi Andy,my first scope was the heritage 130p and its a cracking scope,plenty of collimation vids on youtube,thats how i researched it and also 130p scope reviews on there too. i`ve still got the scope but upgraded to a skyliner 200p dob...and i`m seeing a lot more with the new scope but as a grab n go scope you can`t go wrong with the 130p...just remember to put it on a table...or else you`ll be on your hands n knees trying to look through the eyepiece 😄...clear skies .
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